Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

How much do clean up jobs get paid?

I clean up at a store where I have to throw out the trash all around the store and recycling, I have to sweep the whole store and sometimes clean the bathroom and upstairs.

I usually work 2 hours 6 days a week. How much should I get paid an hour, or what a reasonable and realistic amount?

The Expert answers:

Not enough for all that hard work. Barely enough to live on

William asks…

What happens to the used and recycled motor oil?

Is recycled motor oil used for anything?

The Expert answers:

The Many Uses of Recycled Motor Oil

Recycling used motor oil keeps oil out of landfills and ensures that this oil is available for re-use, reconditioning, reprocessing or re-refining. From a purely environmental point of view, the best thing that the motor oil consumer can do is to buy a longer-lasting oil. In that way, less used oil is generated in the first place. Over 380 million gallons of used oil is recycled each year according to the U.S. EPA, which equates to over 50% of all motor oil purchased annually. Currently, used motor oil can be re-used or recycled one of three ways – reconditioning, reprocessing or re-refining. It is important to note that each process can be important in helping to manage the overall volume of used motor oil in the U.S.

Proper, modern Re-refining with careful feed and product quality control, as well as sophisticated processes can successfully treat used motor oil to remove impurities so that it can be used as base stock for new lubricating oil. In other words, with good design and process management the used oil can be re-refined into “new” oil, giving it a second life so it can be used for vehicle motor oil again.

Currently 14% of used motor oil is re-refined and the consumer demand for this product has not made re-refining economically efficient for oil manufacturers. The result is that in some cases re-refined motor oil may be more expensive than virgin motor oil, When purchasing re-refined motor oil make sure that the oil specifications for the product meet those required by your vehicle manufacturer.

In some industries, oil is filtered through a commercial filtration system or otherwise cleaned. This process helps remove insoluble impurities so the oil potentially can be used again and again. Although the cleaning process does not always bring the oil back to its original quality, such cleaning, when combined with replenishment of key additives, does extend the oil’s life and use.

Re-Use and Reprocessing
Both lubricants, such as motor oil, and fuels, such as heating oil, are petroleum products. When an oil can no longer perform its original lubrication job, it may be perfectly suitable for Re-use and a second life as a fuel petroleum product in, say, a power plant with little or no treatment. If some treatment is needed, reprocessing of used motor oil removes some water and particles so that the oil can be burned and used as fuel to generate heat or electricity for commercial operations. 74% of all oil re-use/recycling in the U.S. Is for burning in turbines, incinerators, power plants, cement kilns and manufacturing facilities (asphalt, steel, etc…). An additional 11% of used motor oil is burned in specifically designed industrial space heaters. This creates a valuable form of energy, which helps our economy by avoiding the need to refine new commercial heating oil from imported crude oil.

Ken asks…

How to write a job application essay that is “I want a career at X because”…?

I have to submit an essay along with a job application that is on the topic of “I want a career at (employer) because…”. I was wondering if anyone had any good advice on what I should include in this essay? In other words, what would make me stand out and what do you think employers are looking for in this type of essay?

The Expert answers:

Always accentuate the positive. Lead with what the company wants and needs and of course interject yourself as the best candidate to give them what they want and need. Research the company and demonstrate by what you state that you know who the company is, who the company’s target market is, what the company’s service or product is and how you can help them achieve their goals and work within.

What is the company’s Mission Statement?

You do not need to throw it back out at them verbatim, but you should know what it is as you communicate with them.

For example, I am enthusiastic about starting my career at XYZ Company because XYZ Company is a leader in providing BLANK to its clients and customers and I want to work with the best. I have the education, skills and experience to become a very valuable asset to the XYZ Company’s team of professionals who are recognized as the preeminent experts in their field. I have distinguished myself as a successful BLANK by doing BLANK and my educational background in BLANK makes me an excellent candidate for XYZ Company…

Something along those lines. Make positive statements that show that you know the company, you think highly of the company and those that work there and describe how you can enhance their core objectives. And PROOFREAD and have someone else look it over before you send it.

I no longer apply for interviews as I am an independent contractor and I have decided to partner with some people in my state to expand upon a company that is making cell phones free anyone who will participate in the cell phone recycling plan they have, ( RECYCLE!) and giving other people who want to work independently an opportinity to work with the company.

BUT– when I was applying for jobs I was often able to get the interview and nail the job with strong oral & written communications skills and by choosing jobs or positions for which I was qualified and well-suited.

Today I have managerial experience and a MA degree that I like to utilize to educate and inspire young people to reach their highest potential in life.

Continued SUCCESS to you with this new position that you are going to GRAB!


Helen asks…

How effective is recycling in the UK and how does this compare to other countries across the world?

What is your personal opinion about recycling?
How effective are the recycling schemes in the UK

The Expert answers:

There are many recycling companies in the UK that are doing a good job. They not only recycle your recyclable items, but also pay you for that. I have been using GreenTech’s services for recycling my empty printer cartridges. They collect your cartridges for free and then even pay you for that according to the worth of your cartridges. Many, schools, charities and individuals have used cartridge recycling to raise funds.

Daniel asks…

What are some jobs someone under 18 can do for good pay?

Jobs that most people would not think of, and they can be employed jobs or unemployed jobs such as yardwork or whatever. Thank you in advance

The Expert answers:

Man when I was in high school I would hustle! My money maker was selling water. A friend in I would buy a few packs of water and some ice. We would get a cooler, a good location and sell them for $1 each on a hot summer day.

You could offer dog walking services

Auto detailing

Position ur self in a train station or busy bus stop and sell candy, say its for ur school. Or go into business non- retail like a dr.s office, car dealership, travel agency, job agency and sell candy, places like that usually buy large amonts at once. If the candy cost u $1 sell it for $2.00

Recycle. If it pays to recycle where u live

Charge someone for running their errands for them

Hope that helped some

Carol asks…

How can I find an accountancy job that benefits the environment?

I am a qualified management accountant with 3 years post qualification experience working in financial services. I am environmentally conscious and an animal lover and feel I am missing an opportunity to do something more beneficial to the world. I live in London and can’t afford to take a huge pay cut as I have a mortgage to pay. Does anyone have any ideas what type of jobs are out there that might match?

The Expert answers:

The link below actually lists organisations that are environmentally conscious. But maybe you should consider how to bring environmental issues into where you are now? I have always raised issues on recycling, sustainable and fair trade procurement policies, energy conservation and cherishing diversity whereever I have worked – sometimes they listen sometimes they don’t.

Mandy asks…

What can be done to get restaurants and large housing projects to start recycling?

I work at a restaurant and hate that most of the trash is recyclable. I also live in a townhome community and would love it if we had several recycling bins next to our dumpsters. How does one become active into getting a fairly large city in on recycling?

The Expert answers:

I worked in a restaurant once, too, and the waste that went on was disgusting. What I did was start small.
Start with your own store, talk to the bosses tell them whats up, maybe have an employee meeting with the rest of the staff. I provided the bins and told them what could and should be thrown in there, and I took them home to recycle, too. Don’t forget the office “trash”. Now, I quit the job before I could take it very far but as it was going well, I was going to take my case to the corporate bosses and see if they were willing to start a recycling program. You will need to really sell the idea to them, if it costs them extra money, they won’t go for it. So make sure you do some research, have a presentation set up, give them an incentive. That’s about all I can suggest to you on that level.
As for your community, go around and see if others are interested in recycling as well, maybe have them sign their names to a petition. Then go to the community leaders or city officials and see what can be done about a recycling program, offer to do the research if it must be done. Go to your local waste management and ask them what might have to be done to get this going.
All in all, talk to as many people as you can, get the word out.
You could go to your local gov’t leaders, but don’t count on them to do anything about it, they haven’t yet, right?
Don’t rely on others to get this done, like Gandhi said “you must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
good luck to you!

Jenny asks…

how could i go about becoming a leader in making my state a recycling state?

i would really like to see my state to really care about recycling so much so that our legislature will build a huge recycling center for towns within the state to send their recyclable goods for disposal and made in new raw materials for new goods (the state i live in is seperated from the U.S. so our transportation is expensive which is why this state needs its own recycling center). i also hope to see people decrease their dependence on new merchandise that may end up dumped in a land fill or the thrift store. i don’t know where to begin and how to go about becoming that leader? i’ll be grateful for any advice and encouragement.

The Expert answers:

Hawai’i or Alaska I’m guessing? If Alaska, lobby for a bottle return bill. I live in Washington where there is a steady line of cans and bottles along the road. A few miles away in Oregon there aren’t half as much trash along the roadsides since they have to pay 5c per can, and get that 5c back when they bring it back to a store. Some states have the system set up so the state makes money off the program, while others cater mostly to big businesses and the program is a hassle to everyone else. Show the state how they can make money off the program and they might be interested. Alaska could make their own low cost fiberglass insulation from the bottles they collect.
Hawai’i already does a half decent job in recycling, so don’t know what else they could do, except add value to the products somehow, and no one wants heavy industry in a tourist trap.

Michael asks…

How do you find jobs for people who prefer to not deal with people?

I don’t like to deal conversationally with people and I would prefer to be by myself. Are there any good jobs for this? How would I find them? I have a GED.

The Expert answers:

Yes you can apply for Night Porter positions at fast food joints. You will work by yourself overnight cleaning the restaurant. Or try a loading position at UPS, minimal contact other than communicating with fellow loaders. Janitor, garbage truck person, recycle truck person, deliver newspapers, basically any job where you don’t have to use a phone or stand behind a cash register.

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