Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

What are some important things to know in life and in the world?

What are some important topics, issues, and facts in life which are crucial to know in life and in the world? It can be anything.

The Expert answers:

Let me start with asking a question.

If I give you onions, garlic, fish, coconut oil, salt, and garnish, will you make a delicious dish?

The answer is – NO, of course. You only hae the ingredient. You need to have the kitchenware. You need to know how to prepare the proportions, when to do what, and so on. Similarly in life.

That is why your question is a very good question. Other people get locked down into a narrow part of life – for example, How do I make lots of money? You are humble and smart enough to ask a broad question so that you would not regret when you come to the end of your life.

We all want to be a winner not a loser in life. This is because in a way, life is an arena where you have to compete for respect, attention, places in schools, jobs, mate, justice, and even survival, You’re going to win some and lose some. So one of the first thing to know is that you have to do some thinking and take massive action if you are going to do well in life. Life is less crowded higher up in the world’s hierarchy.

There are four areas of life I must master and do well in – health, wealth, relationships, and contribution to the world community.

In health, you have to do independent research, to see beyond the propaganda of doctors and drug companies. Preventive medicine and complimentary medicine are the best approach to having great health. For example, instead of paying attention to health insurance and which doctor to see, you should be eating right, exercising, and resting well. Instead of treating your western doctor like a god, you should consider herbal alternative medicine.

In wealth, you need to understand the psychology of risk and master your negative emotions of greed, impatience, and laziness (doing no research). You must save, and invest like a pro so that you become more capital intensive rather than labor intensive. You know how to let your capital do all the donkey work instead of you doing the donkey work.

Enriching relationships come from diligent study and mastery of human nature. Money and luck will not save you from the negative effects of the seven deadly sins – envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth and wrath. So you need to develop the seven virtues – generosity, discipline, simplicity, humility, diligence, and serenity.

Contribution to the world will enhance the meaningfulness of your life. Several things you must do are – saving the environment by recycling products, giving to charity, social activism, and volunteering.

Daniel asks…

You have been asked to meet with all of the administrative staff in your building to explain a new recycling p

You have been asked to meet with all of the administrative staff in your building to explain a new recycling program. You were on the committee that worked on developing this program, but many of your ideas were not used. To be honest, you are not happy about the way the program turned out, yet at the same time you want to perform successfully at the upcoming meeting.
How do you effectively communicate a message you have mixed feelings about? What kinds of nonverbal communication considerations might help or hinder your ability?

The Expert answers:

You have to take your personal feelings out of the situation. Even if you don’t like the way the program turned out, the decision was made by your committee to structure it this way. Unfortunately, most programs devised by committee do not please everyone. While you were on the committee, your job was to present your ideas and try to work with the other members to make the best program you could. Now, your job is to present the program that your committee devised, whether you agree with it or not.
There are a lot of nonverbal AND VERBAL communication considerations that can affect your ability to present the program. Obviously, if you dislike the program it will show up in the words you choose and in the way you make your presentation. These “cues” can range from lack of enthusiasm (obvious) to lack of eye contact (not as obvious), and using phrases like “we think” as opposed to “we believe” can have an effect, too. Unless you present with the best of your ability, those nonverbal and verbal cues will show.
Bottom line: You have to accept the fact that your job now is to make this program work for your company. Do your best at that. Obviously, if the person or people you are presenting to ask your personal opinion, by all means give it. However, do not include your feelings in your presentation UNLESS they ask.

Ruth asks…

How do I clean a tank after all fish dieing from Ick?

My mom’s fish tank is now empty because of ick, she bought a fish from petsmart that was sick I guess and now they all got the spots and died :(…So it is my job to fix her tank

How should I clean it so it is safe for new fish?

The Expert answers:

….Have a Heart, buy a Heater1….heheheh, some one mispelled ‘heater’…..

….yeah, rais ethe tank temp to 82F to 85F…that will spedd up the life cycle of the parasitic spores
….add 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons too
….during the ‘visible stage’ of the 4 stages of “Ich’s” life cycle
the disease can be killed (opps, i mean ‘treated’) and salt will ‘treat it well’… the raised temps will complete the cycling in about a week of steady temp at 82F or so
….during that week, change water 2 or 3 times at 30% to 40%, each time…and add dechlorinated warm tap water, tepid…..that way the water temps always stay above 80F
…..during the water changes it is a god idea to vaccum the gravel well…..thusly removing spores… fact if you just vaccum out the water from the bottom using a 5-gallon bucket, that is the best way to make ‘Ich treatment’ water changes…..just always vaccum good
…..if you do not have a vaccum (syphon) then here is another way to clean it
….since no fish are in it….scoop out the gravel, into a 5-gallon bucket and rinse well, several times with tap water, pouring off the water several times in between and refilling repeating till you feel like the gravelis good and clean
….meanwhile, leave the tank filter running with water at 82F-85F with a heater in the tank to maintain the temp
….the gravel could be dried out on the sidewalk, on top of some cardboard box, laid out flat, or newspaper…in the sun
…..or added back to the tank and prepared to replant the tank after the 6 to 7 day ‘Ich treatment’ cycle of high temps and salt
….either way, the Ich cycle is broken by the temps and cleaned up, by water changes and rinsing the gravel free of the spores
…alll the while the tank filter runs, change the filter media cartridge, as it may have caught the spores too
(….if you opt to use medication to cure ich, remove the filter cartridge that contains the black stuf, activated charcoal, which will interfere by absorbing the medicine)
…the bacteia in the filter can survive the treatment if they stay wet….otherwise the tank will need to recycle for 2 to 3 three weeks
…..prevention of Ich is best, by keeping tropical tanks at 78F
….also, by choosing pet stores where you watch the tank health before making your purchases….you may notice periods of ICH or or types of disease like fungus, or bacterial symptoms….perhgaps even septicemia….to be avoided at all costs
….once the fish is brought home, a good idea is to quarantine the fish for a week, in a seperate container….hmmmm, that requires an extra tank, yes? With a filter….and cycling time to avoid ammonia poisoning…
….best bet always is to choose the pet store carefully
….then keep the water clean by routine water changes 25% to 30% every 7 to 15 days….dpending on tank load
…..also just my personal opinion, living plants are needed to absorb ammonia and nitrAtes….also releasing CO2 that nourishes aerobic bacteia in the filter that eat ammonia and nitrites….
…..anaerobic bacteria colonies that form slower are the ones that eat Nitrates
….but, tank water changes must be done to keep up the removal of ammonia, nitrites and nitrAtes

Betty asks…

How does a small company get involved in going green?

I am the marketing manager in a small multimedia company (under 20 people). We are looking to get involved environmentally, going GREEN. How can we get involved in a local community with little budget? Also, we are self-serving in the fact that we would like to get some recognition out of this.

The Expert answers:

Congrats. Self-serving is ok. Look at McDonald’s.

Look at everything. Paper going out.. Recycle.
Incandescent bulbs? Replace with energy saving bulbs.
Water from sinks? (gray water) can be routed water the lawn or
collected for watering later.
Energy… Well you know about solar etc.

You can also do a hard study on telecommute jobs.
Especially since you are a multimedia company.

What jobs can be done by people at home?

The reason I mention this is on Yahoo! Answers I see a question about every day on what jobs are out there for people who have
to stay at home for one reason or another.

There is a great source of personnel there for you, and I expect
it can save your company $$ too. Less cubes in the office etc.

Good luck, I think you are great for making the effiort.

George asks…

How do I make sure porn is removed from my computer?

Well I have a lap top and I use it for work and well entertainment. Sometimes I need to go to work and use my lap top in public for this like downloading stuff. Aside from deleting resent web history and removing files from recent downloads and the recycling bin. What else to I need to check for?

The Expert answers:

What you’re doing is sufficient to remove traces of adult material.
I recommend downloading a program called “CCleaner” it’s a very basic/advanced tool just for cleaning out crap. It will get the job done in minutes. You just need to sit back and let it do it’s job.

It won’t mess up your computer either. I’ve used it for years. Just make sure you keep the default settings, as ticking more settings could cause more damage than you think!

Also, be careful what you click on, most adult websites contain malware, in fact I’d say at Least 75% of it. You may also run into illegal content by mistake. Not such a good idea. All the data you browse is kept deep on sectors of the hard drive even after deletion, even if you re-format 4 times, it will still be there 😛

Good luck 🙂

Mark asks…

How do I delete a file that causes my computer to crash whenever I try to access it?

I have a large file (5+ gigabytes) and whenever I try to delete the file it causes my computer to crash. I’ve tried dragging it to the recycle bin, delete, and shift delete. All of them cause my computer to freeze and all functions stop. My operating system is Windows XP Media Center.
There is not a virus in the folder I scanned it several times and it said it was clean. (AVG 2012 free edition)

The Expert answers:

Are you sure the problem lies in those files? The pc freezing issue can be caused by many many reasons such as outdated hardware, overload startup programs, corrupt registry issues, too many junks, virus attack, poor security software taking too much system resources, remnants of uninstalled applications etc. The fact is, you should keep some system maintenance job regularly. If you don’t want to do these manually, try the pc health check tool to give a free & full scan of your slow computer to find & fix all possible issues.

Meanwhile, upgrading hardware configuration (add RAM, change a new video card, larger-volume HDD etc) can be a fast yet effective way to improve your pc performance. But that won’t be the most economical way, as you know you can’t always afford to do that.

Note: Treat your computer as a baby and she/he will return for you 🙂

Donald asks…

What do you think the percentage is of viewers who watch Fox News just to get a good laugh?

This question clearly doesn’t need any more explanation… I personally would estimate that a whopping 30% of all viewers are laughing hysterically every time they flip over to Faux News. I find it to be inconceivable that Americans are that dumb as to believe that bs. Apart from their ridiculous pr campaign that 911 wasn’t an inside job and that we really need to be occupying Afghanistan/Iraq, Fox News actually supports evil corporations like Monsanto and Merck.

The Expert answers:

Someone has to cater to the extremely frightened and ignorant. Fox Noise is an infotainment channel driven solely by profit at the whim of Rupert Murdock. They recycle the opinions of their talking gasbags – Beck, Hannity and OReilly, using the statisics these idiots create to support their theories and present this moronic blather as fact on their news programs.

And they provide a substantial amount of material to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. And those shows are funny on purpose!

William asks…

If there was less sensationalism in the media in the US, would the political process be so screwed?

Or if people stopped paying attention to it? Really that seems big problem actual facts don’t interest people so they got to make it sound interesting. It’s saddening to see a political process that cares nothing about truth anymore.
Sophie: I’ll humour this point, but it’s wrong to say all of them are Jews, it’s mix of culture but it’s source of most bullshit you see on here, online. Truth is no longer sacred, truth is just a tired concept flung out and ignored.

The Expert answers:

The people who call themselves ‘journalists’ today are despicable for the most part (I know there are some who do their actual jobs, just not many).

They are supposed to investigate and report on ALL the stories, especially the big stories, no matter which party or issue is involved.

They are supposed to set their bias aside as much as possible and give us the FACTS. They need to actually have facts that they have discovered on their own through this little thing called work (maybe some investigation…) and not recycled information from others often without a real source.

I do not see that much these days.

The media and the reporters for the most part are a joke in my opinion.

I do not get my news from television for sure. I read as many sources as I can (and even that’s questionable…).

Linda asks…

What is the longest you have gone barefoot?

I recently took a vacation road trip to Daytona Beach. Intentionally, I didn’t bring shoes or sandals, & was completely barefoot for 17 days straight.

In answering, indicate where you live, whether you’re a student or what your job is, & whether you were on vacation, etc.

The Expert answers:

I’ve been barefoot almost full time for more than eleven years. Only the first few years I wore shoes a handful of times, the first year for two formal occasions (I long stopped doing that since), and the first few winters I got cold toes a few times so I put on shoes just long enough until I got to where I was going. I still carry footwear in my bag when it is freezing, just in case I get stranded somewhere for a really long time, but I’ve since learned to keep my feet warm by keeping the rest of my body warm & having very good circulation, so the last time I needed to wear it -very briefly- was December 2003, I believe.

Contrary to what many people believe, going barefoot is not dangerous, unhealthy or gross. Feet get very tough very quickly; in all those years, I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year, I have NEVER had a cut. That’s walking everywhere, indoors and outdoors, in nature and cities, and often enough in littered places like the recycling center, near the bottle bank, running at the train station to catch my morning train, etc, etc.

As for germs, our skin is made to keep pathogens out and feet are fully washable. For others, germs will not ‘jump’ off our soles any more than off the soles of a shoe or off the bare skin that is exposed when someone is wearing sandals or flipflops.

There are NO laws against going barefoot in stores or restaurants; unfortunately in the US many stores will set dress codes of their own, but those who claim their policy is based on Health Department laws are misinformed or plainly lying. Nor do insurance companies require or even recommend footwear for customers. In other countries -not just third world countries where health and safety rules are often ignored, but also Canada, Western Europe, Australia- signs and dress codes prohibiting bare feet are rare. I’ve never even seen a ‘no shoes, no shirts, no service’ sign here in the Netherlands, nor on my trips to Belgium and Scotland.

The only real reason for not going barefoot is social; unfortunately many people equate an alternative habit or way of dress with lack of respect. I think our differences make life more interesting and colorful, and as far as bare feet in particular are concerned, I find the gentle, soft step a much *more* respectful way of walking than stomping around in a heavy shoe. It makes us aware of our surroundings and of Mother Earth, even on man-made surfaces.

I live in the Netherlands, am 40 years old, I go barefoot at work and at home and everywhere else. I work at a history theme park, where bare feet are not out of place since we wear period (prehistory, for me) clothing, but I’m also barefoot when we do maintenance in winter, and I’ve also been barefoot at my previous job at an internet helpdesk and at some temp jobs in winter season when there is less work at the theme park. It’s rarely a problem here, of course jobs that require a uniform or safety footwear would require shoes but in other places I rarely get any complaints or even negative comments. Only teens in groups like to call me names or tell me to put shoes on, but they’ll comment on anything out of the ordinary, when I had bright red hair they’d call ‘lighthouse’ and ask if I were on fire, too. Bare feet aren’t seen as something dangerous or gross, in fact many folks know it’s quite a healthy practice, although it’s also not considered very fashionable and few people do it.

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