Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Questions about 9/11 that Popular Mechanics did not answer?

1) How did 19 Muslims (7 of whom are still alive), led by a sick Muslim on dialysis in a cave on the other side of the world, manage to outwit a 500 billion dollar defense system?

2) Why was Osama Bin Laden, on July 4 2001 while undergoing medical treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai, visited buy the CIA? Note that he was on the FBI and CIA MOST WANTED LISTS FOR HIS INVOLVEMENT IN THE USS COLE BOMBING.

3) Why is OBL on the FBI or CIA most wanted list for the USS Cole and other alleged offenses but not for 9/11?

4) Who faked OBL’s “admission” tape?
The Swedish company Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence confirmed that Bin Laden’s video “admission” was a fake.
It looks nothing like Bin Laden. Bin Laden was suffering from terminal organ failure and was on dialysis. He was skinny sickly and pale. The guy in the video is fat healthy dark skinned and has completely different features.

5) Why were at least 5 of the Muslim “fundamentalist” seen in LA and Vegas drinking, hiring hookers and snorting Cocaine?

6) Why did five of the alleged 9/11 hijackers receive training at secure US military bases?

7) Why did the FBI try to cover up the fact that an alleged 9/11 hijacker rented room from an FBI informant?,mondo1,64920,6.html

8) How did ALL the “hijackers” manage to get box cutters onto ALL 4 of the Airplanes when box cutters weren’t allowed pre-9/11 by the airlines industry?

9) Why was steel from the ground zero shipped to China and India to be melted down and recycled before any criminal investigation (into the largest crime on US soil in US history) could be performed?

10) Why did Mayor Rudolph Giuliani ban all video and photography at the WTC ground zero?

11) Why did an FAA manager mangle, cut, and destroy 9/11 tapes?

12) Why did the Bush admin initially oppose any kind of 9/11 investigation and stone wall it for OVER A YEAR? The attacks on Pearl Harbor, the USS Cole, the USS Liberty each took less than 7 days to commence an investigation.

13) Why was the 9/11 Commission given a measly $3 million dollar budget and 16 month time frame compared to the over $40 million spent on the five-year investigation of the Clintons?

14) If the 9/11 Commission was “independent” why were 2 of it own senior officials, Philip Zelikow and Jamie Gorelick, so closely involved in the events under investigation that they had to be interviewed as part of the inquiry?

15) Why did some of the 9/11 commission conclude that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to 9/11 may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public and debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for a criminal investigation?

16) Why did the White House and CIA keep key portions of 9/11 report classified dealing with Saudi Arabia?

17) Why did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, and two other administration staff members meet behind closed doors with the 9/11 Commission, and refuse to testify before the panel or under oath and did not allow a recorder or stenographer to be present?

The Expert answers:

And those RE JUST SOME OF THE QUESTIONS that could be asked.It is beyond me how anyone can accept the official story

Donna asks…

can someone please proof read my essay?

There are 2 parts since it’s kind of long..i had to have 3 pages =/

The Alberta Oil Sands
The Alberta Oil Sands are one of Canada’s fastest growing and largest industries. Along with that, it has also proven to be a spectacular source of income. It has made Canada a leading nation in regards to the World Energy Market. While the world progresses towards using renewable and alternative sources for energy, fossil fuels will still play an important role. This essay will discuss the Alberta oil sands while emphasizing the alleviation they provide for the Canadian economy along with keeping an environmental balance, the benefits of extracting useful and natural resources such as oil, as well as employment and job opportunities in regards to oil sands.
Canadian companies that extract oil have benefited the nation greatly. Companies have provided the well-being of Canadian citizens through offering rewarding employment, paying royalties and corporate, property and taxes, along with various others. Syncrude alone has made payments of more than $10 billion to the government for royalties, payroll, municipal taxes, and other crown charges since 1978. A plentiful amount of the profits made in Alberta are sent over to other provinces, namely Ontario and Quebec. While there is much opposition towards oil sands due to the fact of environmental impact and a lack of investment towards the environment; many stakeholders have disregarded how responsible companies have become. Oil companies have used secure and responsible supplies that ensure there will be as little damage as possible to the environment. For instance, it is required that all mines are reclaimed. In fact, before the land is even disrupted, companies have to show the Alberta government how they intend to reclaim the land afterwards. Syncrude reclaimed one of their original mine pits and have been spending a number of years monitoring it and making sure it’s in equilibrium with the natural Boreal forests. There have also been a variety of monitoring equipment installed which play a significant role in examining the soil, making sure the landscape doesn’t erode, ensuring the ecosystem is established and monitoring air and water quality. The Alberta government requires companies to monitor reclaimed land for a time period of at least 15 years. To reduce accidents involving birds, radar activated bird deterrent systems have been installed that do not harm birds. Another innovation in regards to the environment is the process in which oil is removed. Instead of surface mining, surface drilling is now used. This process decreases the footprint on the surface that is used. The water that is used is repeatedly recycled. To reduce carbon emissions and green house gasses that are produced from removing crude oil, companies have invested large sums of money to create carbon capturing processes. Carbon Capturing captures the carbons molecules, such as CFC’s, that are produced during the refinery process and stores them underground. The Oil sands continue to invest billions of dollars into new technology that reduces environmental impact.
HERE’S PART 2:;_ylt=AkpTao.rvGHPotoRlbNlGQoPzKIX;_ylv=3
if you think it’s all right, tell me what to change please.


The Expert answers:

A couple of points:

The Alberta Oil Sands are one of Canada’s fastest growing and largest industries.
The Oil sands continue to invest billions of dollars into new technology that reduces environmental impact.
Actually, no. The oil sands are a natural feature of the landscape. The industry is something else.

You should include this fact: they are the third-largest proven crude oil reserve in the world.

“while emphasizing the alleviation they provide for the Canadian economy”
You can’t use alleviation like this.
Try: while emphasizing the contribution they make to the Canadian economy

Your link to part 2 doesn’t work.

Chris asks…

If YOUR husband did this, wouldn’t he deserve some voluntary sexual attention?

First off, I’ve been in both roles – I was the provider and now I am the homemaker because I have osteoporosis in my spine and can’t work due to severe pain in my back. Now, I don’t find either of them more difficult than the other because they both are vitally important for a family with children to function and they both are hard work. The homemaker works longer hours (24/7) but the provider has to deal with the public which is a cruel punishment that I had to endure for 8 years.

Anyways, I cook, I clean all 3 bedrooms (kids and ours), I clean the bathroom (disinfect), I clean the kitchen (disinfect), I wash/fold/store all laundry, I do all the lawn care, I do all the waste management (trash, recycle, cat liter, dog poo), I help the kids with their homework (individual time, not just observation), I read to the kids, I rub my wife’s back nightly, I watch the kids while she spends time on Facebook (normally an hour or two), I watch the kids while she goes out to do stuff (book club meetings, outings with the girls, business trips), I listen to her and let her talk out her problems to me (I don’t normally offer advice unless she asks), I take care of her and the children when they’re sick and try to make all the pain go away the best I can (but I know realistically I can’t make it all go away and they need to learn to deal with it), I make/set all appointments for the family (doctor, dentist, etc), I have to be the one to call all the bill collectors to argue the bill, I do all the grocery shopping (despite my back condition) and I put my own groceries away, I randomly buy her gifts to be romantic (flowers, Pez, Baja blast Mt. Dew, chocolate, cards, keepsakes), I vacuum the entire house, I do all the dishes, and I spend absolutely no time to myself when she or the kids are home.

When my wife is home from work (she’s a book keeper and work 40 hours a week maximum) I make her life very easy by having all the chores done before she gets home. Anything that isn’t finished I still do it without her help so she can do whatever socializing that she feels she has to do on Facebook or any of her other social mediums. She spends most of her nights on the computer, stuffing her face with food, helping put the kids to bed, and then asking me to pamper her by rubbing her back, popping her back zits, or anything else she can get out of me to make her feel “important”.

We have sex once every month. She never dresses up to attract me. As a matter of fact, the only time she dresses up to look “hot” is when she’s going to see her girlfriends. She hates giving oral so that’s a birthday gift and holiday present every year. She doesn’t even “play with me” as foreplay. All this coming from a woman that just turned 30 and passes hormone tests as “normal”. I have told her that if she doesn’t appreciate what I do for her then I can stop and she says “You’re an at home parent; this is your job to do everything you do.” Perhaps this is resent talking for the 8 years that I was a provider; but even when I was the provider I gave her what she wanted (which was time to see her friends and NOT sex).

So I don’t know, I think my wife is being pretty neglectful. I mean everything above IS my job except the parts about zits, back rubs, time alone away from the kids, doing ALL the chores and not dividing it, and being her personal assistant/secretary. So since I’m doing EXTRA work beyond my duty as a homemaker, shouldn’t she do EXTRA too to show appreciation for what I do??? She says that she likes sex, but she also says she can’t bring herself to do sexual things if she’s “not in the mood”. She won’t even do it as a “favor” or as a “reward for good behavior”; I’m suspicious it’s because she’s a little bit of a feminist and doesn’t want to be known for her looks/acts but instead for her smarts/intellect… But the fact is, women have been (and will always be) a sexual object for as long as men are required to procreate. We love with our eyes and touch whereas women love with their heart and their mind. In my case, I have satisfied her heart and mind (or so I think I should have with the gifts, pampering, and the emotional support); so it’s her turn to satisfy my eyes and touch.

So you tell me, besides going to find a job and living the rest of my life in pain because of my back injury, do you think I’m doing everything to be deserving of her love? Do you think she just doesn’t know how to take care of a man??? Or do you think she just doesn’t give a s**t because she only cares about herself and since she’s getting what she wanted already she doesn’t have to put the extra effort out to show her appreciation/gratitude/love???

The Expert answers:

Your wife is the typical piece of crap female, thinking herself a princess and deserving of being catered to and put on a pedestal. She has no regard for anyone but herself and her own wants. That plain and simple enough for you.

Now, this might ruin your marriage if you do it, but then again is sounds like you have no marriage anyway. All you have is a contract with a skank who thinks you are supposed to honor your part of the deal and then go even further, all while she drops her end of the bargain miserably.

Maybe you need to tell her to rub her back against a cactus, pop her zits with a fucking hair brush or mirror and needle and that she and her friends can go straight to hell. Then smile and tell her is she thinks you are joking, you can put it in written form so that she can better understand it.

Dude, you are learning what many men have learned the hard way. The creature known as a female human is about the most treacherous, mean, evil, self-serving creature on the planet. They usually mistake a man who is nice, moral, decent, kind and trustworthy for a week and stupid sap.

Put a stop to this crap right now. Do nothing nice for her. Listen to her requests and then ignore them or respond in any fashion you wish, to include just looking at her and then walking off with no reply whatsoever.

Yes, all that sounds hard core. And it is 100% accurate too. Now all the women will whine and snivel and tell you how you should kiss her ass even more of talk nice to her or explain or yada, yada, yada. Dude, she is grown. She knows what she is doing and she does not care if it hurts you, for you are the subject in the eyes of the princess and you should be glad that she even acknowledges you in her view. So turn the tables and treat her that very same way. Show her that she does you no more a favor by being with you than you do her by being with her. Seriously, that is a lot of what is wrong now. Guys have kissed female ass in hopes that it would get them treated well and get them laid. The opposite has usually proven true. Trust me, the more I dogged women, the harder they worked to be with me, the more sex I got and the better they acted toward me.

Paul asks…

How do I undelete or recover a Folder/File?

Today I accidentally deleted a file that contained all of my documents. Later, I even emptied my Recycle bin! Put this down to a ‘senior moment’.

I found a program/programme that helped me locate my deleted file, but there was a “sting in the tail”, because I was asked to pay $60 for a key, that would enable me to recover my deleted file/folder and reinstate it on my desktop.

Living only on an old persons’ pension, I just cannot afford to pay that amount of money.

Is there in fact a free program/programme that you have used successfully, that would do the recovery job for me, free gratis?

Incidentally, I was very surprised to see the large number of file/folders that I had deleted over the past year. Is there someway of really getting rid of these from my computer, or are they there for ever?

Hope you can help me.

Greetings from Scotland

The Expert answers:

Undelete Plus is a free versatile program that will work with all the latest versions of Windows and can handle both FAT and NTFS file systems. It’s equally at home with removable media too so you can recover files from memory cards and flash drives. Tick the box to select a drive and click Start Scan to analyse the drive. This can take quite a while to complete on a large drive.
When it’s completed the scan the right-hand pane shows a list of the files available for recovery. You can sort these into file types by selecting from the pane on the left. Select a location to save the undeleted files at the bottom of the screen. You have the option of retaining the original folder structure if you’re recovering entire folders.
It can be downloaded from:

Another good free one from:


Steven asks…

What type of poems are these?

What type of poems are these?
Can anyone give me the name of what TYPE the poem is? E.G. Blank verse, sonnet, etc, and why is it that?
First good answer gets 5 STARS!!!

Earth is being destroyed

Day by day, our Earth is being destroyed
By litter, pollution and many other human decoys
As the children of Earth it is our job to care
About Mother Earth and treat her fair

All the problems that we, the people have created
Mother Earth has not appreciated
The air is getting warmer, there is litter everywhere
What is going on?
Why doesn’t anyone care?

NOW, is the time to act, NOW is the time to take action
If action is not taken against this crisis, there will be no satisfaction
The consequences will be severe
Mother Earth is being ruined, year by year

Save Our Earth

Have you ever taken the time
To see what was around you?
Taken the opportunity
To gaze at every little detail of your surrondings?
Or have you closed your eyes stubbornly
Because you prefer to be blind?
In the truth
You don’t want to admit that our precious earth
Is falling apart
It’s beautiful skirts of grass
Is dying
It’s garden of stunning plants
Is running out of air
And us,
Us, the ones who made it this way
Will one day perish into a dark hole
In a way,
We are all selfish murderers
Killing the sol we walk upon
With our trash and disgrace, our ungratefullness
Slowly it shall fade
Slowly we shall perish
Save the earth
Save our hearts and souls
Or forever be lost
In a pit of death and regret
Save our home
Save our air
Save our lives

Help The Earth
We all need to help and too recycle what we can,
We all need to do our bit,
The earth is such a pretty place
But, I fear, we are killing it.

We need to stop throwing things away
Acting like we don’t care,
For when tomorrow comes,
It’s our children that need their fair share.

We are draining the earth dry
Making it old before its time.
Taking all the oil, coal
and precious metal is not fine.
It’s the inner of the earth,
It’s the organs it may need.
What are we doing it for?
Oh yes, it’s just for man’s greed.

Let’s find a better way
Let’s help all we can.
Let’s make wind power,
Water and sun power,
the energy of man.

Shall we stop all our wars?
Shall we stop the bombing too?
Shall we give the earth a chance?
We all know what, we should do!!
Pamela lutwyche

Earth is Dying

The land is red and stained with blood
The waters are poisoned with rotting flesh
The air is thick with deadly smog
The trees are dead they’re bleeding life
Our lives are forfit and incomplete
The grass is brown yet animals eat it
The colors have faded to black and brown
As our Mother, Earth is slowly dying
And no one seams to notice.
Will our young Earth die of poison
Like so many people are murdered for fun?
Yet no one seems to care!
The love I once knew is squandered on money
While people suffers from hunger
The greedy hunger for suffering
I use to see life in so many places
But now I just faint at the killing
The wounderful world is now disappearing
Alas! Now we are stuck in this misrable world
And guess what
You and I made it!
What will you do now that you know
There are no second chances?
Try to answer the question
Take as long as you please
All that is happening is the fact that
You and I are slowly dying.

The Expert answers:

None of these poems are written in “form”, in other words none of them follow rules of predefined meter or rhyme scheme. They all therefore fall into the category of “free verse” (also known as vers libre).

I am guessing here but I suspect that you wrote these poems yourself. If you want to write in form, I suggest you buy yourself a good book on poetic forms – there are plenty out there. Or borrow one from the library.

I also suggest – and this won’t make me popular – that the purpose of your poetry is to send a message. Poetry really isn’t the best form of communication to make this happen, a poem never changed anybody’s mind about anything.

Maria asks…

since English is my second language,can anyone edit this essay for me ASAP, this is a very important essay,?

Growing up the people closest to me know me as a shy girl, without any confident in herself. However, deep inside I wanted to make a difference in people life. That is why I had run to be Junior class president. With this position, I am is able to help my class getting money for our Senior trip, with this goal, I was able to get everyone in my classmates help out at the Nut Hut. I was able to accomplish a goal of getting everyone working together for one goal. Second, being class president I has to make all the right decision for this year prom from choosing the theme, to where we going to do it. However, all of this work made me feel happy because when I see a smile on my classmates from all of the hard work I had done, it made me feel good inside.
I was also a HOBY member, where I was selected from my class to participate in this leadership program. This program teach people how to be a good leader, what they could do to improve their community. With this knowledge, I had brought some of the ideas from the program such as, sorting out glasses for recycle to help out my community.

Community Service
Helping out my community is the biggest part of my life. That is why I will do everything in my power to help out my community. At my church, there is a program where they giving food to the needy. Every Wednesday, after school, I help out by being in the kitchen giving food to the people, and help cleaning after. I has been doing this project for the past two years, and still planning to volunteer as long as I’m stilling living in Oakland. Doing this program made me feel good inside because seeing a smile on those people faces and seeing them not going hungry is my greatest accomplish in life.
My dad passed away early because in Vietnam there was not a medicine to treat malaria. That is why every weekends I volunteer at the Drug Store, as a pharmacy technician counting pill, sorting the medicine, and putting the medicine back to its place. This job not only does it help people to get well, but it also made me feel good seeing them get better.

The day I was born, was the day my dad passed away. He passed away because there wasn’t any good medicine to treated malaria. After he passed away, my family was in poverty. My mom had no other choice but to let my brother lived with her mom-in-law, and me live with her mom. From a young age I was not able to be close with my brother. I only get to see him during the summer time. However, seeing him had cost my mom and me a lot of pain. From the day my mom married my dad, her mom-in-law had hated her and doesn’t see her as a daughter-in-law, she treated my mom like a slave, make her worked night and day. Vietnamese tradition is boys are more superior than girls. This is the reason why my grandma doesn’t let me lived with her. However, she does let me visit her and my brother during summer time. During this time, I had to worked just like my mom, from cleaning the whole house, to washing the dishes all by myself. All this works doesn’t please my grandma, she still hated, and nobody was going to defended me because my dad had died, and my mom had no power over my grandma. My mom had once told
Anh Marrs

me, the day I was born, she had never hug me once. From that moment on, I realized no matter what I going to do, even doing what she asked me to do, she never going to love me like her other grandsons and granddaughters. However, I still had my other grandma who love me, in fact, she treated me as a human, despite my grandma love, my school works was began to slipping, she and my mom couldn’t afforded me going to school. I knew my life from that moment on was going to worked at a rice farm, until my mom met Gary, my step-dad, he was willing to bring all of us to the United States. My life was changing when I came to the US, at the age of ten. I has a better life, a better family, and a dad who care for me. Because of the way my grandma had treating me, I had learned to treated people as a human with respect, and not judges people on the outside, and help them out when they are in trouble. My dad death, has made me realized I my future job is to be a pharmacist, helping people with their disease with the medicine available for them, because he died from lacking good medicine. Last, I realized education is the most important thing in my life right now, even though English is my second language, I still getting an “A” for my grade, and drive to go to a medical college. However, children in Vietnam doesn’t have the opportunity that I have right, which is why every year I had send money to Vietnam helping out with their school supplies, because it will help them to continues with their education.

The Expert answers:

Growing up amongst the people closest to me, know me as a shy girl, with lack of confidence. However, deep inside I want to make a difference in people lives. This is why I decided to run to be Junior class president. With this position, I am able to help my class earn money for our Senior trip. With this goal in mine, I was capable of getting my classmates to help out at the Nut Hut. I was able to accomplish a goal of getting everyone working together for one common goal we all had. In addition to, being class president I had to make all the right decisions for this year prom including choosing the theme, and the best place for the prom to take place at. However, all of this work made me feel happy because when I noticed the smiles on my classmates faces from all of the hard work I accomplished. In returned this made me feel good inside.
I was also a HOBY member, where I was selected from my class to participate in this leadership program. This program teaches people how to be a good leader,and how to improve their community. With this knowledge, I had thought of some ideas from the program such as, sorting out glasses for recycle to help out my community.

Community Service
Helping out my community is the biggest part of my life. That is why I will do everything in my power to help out my community. At my church, there is a program where they giving food to the needy. Every Wednesday, after school, I help out by being in the kitchen giving food to people, and help with cleaning. I has been doing this project for the past two years, and still plan to volunteer as long as I’m still living in Oakland. Doing this program made me feel good inside because seeing a smile on those people faces and seeing them not going hungry is my greatest accomplishment in life.
My dad passed away early (this year?) because in Vietnam there was no medicine to treat or cure malaria. That is why every weekend I volunteer at the Drug Store, as a pharmacy technician counting pills, sorting the medicines, and putting the medicines back to their places. This job not only involves helping people to get well, but it also makes me feel good seeing them get better.

The day I was born, was the day my dad passed away. He passed away because there wasn’t any good medicine to treated malaria.( YOU SAID THIS SENTENCE ALREADY YOU DONT HAVE TO NECESSARY WRITE IT AGAIN. INSTEAD WRITE: DUE TO THE FACT MY FATHER PASSED AWAY THE DAY I WAS BORN, I NEVER REALLY GOT A CHANCE TO GET TO KNOW HIM) After he passed away, my family was in poverty. My mom had no other choice but to let my brother lived with her mother-in-law, and I live with her mother. As a result, at a young age I was not able to be close with my brother. I was only able to see him during the summer time. However, seeing him had cost my mom and me a lot of pain. From the day my mom married my dad, her mother-in-law had hated her and doesn’t see her as a daughter-in-law. She often treated my mom like a slave, making her work night and day. Vietnamese tradition is boys are more superior than girls. This is the reason why my grandma doesn’t let me lived with her. However, she does let me visit her and my brother during the summer time. During this time, I had to worked just like my mom, from cleaning the whole house, to washing the dishes all by myself. All this work doesn’t please my grandma, she still hated me, and nobody was going to defended me because my dad had died, and my mom had no power over my grandma. My mom had once told
Anh Marrs

me, the day I was born, she had never hug me once. From that moment on, I realized no matter what I do, even doing what she asked me to do, she never going to love me like her other grandsons and granddaughters. However, I still had my other grandma who love me. In fact, she treated me as a human being. Despite my grandma love, my school work was beginning to slip, she and my mom couldn’t afforded me going to school. I knew my life from that moment on was going to worked at a rice farm, until my mom met Gary, my step-dad. He was willing to bring all of us to the United States. My life was changing before my eyes when I came to the US, at the age of ten. I has a better life, a better family, and a dad who care for me. Because of the way my grandma had treated me. I had learned to treated people as a human being with respect, and not judge people on the outside, and help them out when they are in trouble. My dad’s death, has made me realized my future career goal is to be a pharmacist. Helping people with their diseases with the medicine available for them, because he died from lacking good medicine. Last, I realized education is the most important thing in my life right now, even though English is my second language, I am still receiving an “A” for my grade, and drive to go to a medical college. However, children in Vietnam doesn’t have the opportunity that I have right, which is why every year I had send money to Vietnam helping out with their school supplies, because it will help them to continue with their education.


Robert asks…

How to not go crazy due to the fact that no one cares about the environment?!?

I try so hard to have as little an impact on the environment in my life as possible, and to inform other people, but so often I encounter the unfortunate fact that no one seems to give a flying shit about anything that has to do with the environment.
Billions of tons of plastic waste in the ocean?
People: Oh that’s too bad…
1 trillion plastic bags used around the world each year?
People: But they’re so convenient….
Landfills are overflowing with our non-recyclable single-use plastic waste?
People: But I just really like McDonalds!!
This is just short of an over-generalization; It is pretty safe to say that I’ve barely ever met anyone who comes close to caring about the environment or knows as much about issues as I do. And I have lived in three different countries on three different continents and travelled all over the world. I know that other very passionate people exist; but why the heck are they so sparse and in between???
Honestly, how can I stay happy and not be driven literally crazy but the complete and utter stupidity of my own species?!

The Expert answers:

You have obviously not been to a school that has environmental science students. I think you are being a little extreme since a lot of people do care but its hard for families to be environmentally friendly especially on low incomes since being green does tend to be expensive and labor intensive. Most people who work two jobs to support a family don’t want to do more work when they get home. Maybe if we lowered the cost of being green people would go more towards it. Or even had government programs to make being green easier. I hope you do realize industries will never be as green as they could be and most places that offer recycling for garbage don’t really recycle. As well if your that frustrated with humanity maybe you should just stay in your house for the rest of your life or learn to handle people better.

Charles asks…

What are some really good arts and crafts books I can use for elementary and middle school kids?

I often do arts and crafts at my job and I would like some good arts and crafts books to use. I work with k- 8th so I need books with easy crafts that has a good age range. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Title – “The Best of Children’s Art & Crafts”

This book is an enormous collection of activities for children, all designed to exercise busy fingers and stretch fertile minds.

Step by step instructions are designed to stimulate imagination and confidence assist with coordination, concentration and problem solving and to encourage experimentation. Good instructions with easy recipes and hints on cleaning up, excellent photos of real kids making these projects.

The projects themselves really range from fun, messy and sensory to the more complex creative projects. They involve printing, painting, construction and collage, weaving, and stitching.

This marvelous book will provide endless hours of fun-and none of it will cost a fortune. In fact, many projects can be made with recycled household materials. THE BEST OF CHILDREN’S ART & CRAFTS is an invaluable resource for parents, grandparents, and teachers of young children. You can find a wide variety of art and crafts for children of every age: bubble painting, tennis ball prints, tie-dyeing, wind socks, boats, papier mache animals, wind chimes and much more.

Each project has the age group it is suitable for – a great search tool. But the really good thing is that even the more difficult projects have different levels suitable for younger ones and the easy projects can be taken to higher levels if needed

It is well written, the directions are concise and the pictures are great. Every educator should own this book!

You can buy @

Buy the used book @ $24.95.

Sandy asks…

How will Americans digest the fact when China becomes the largest economy surpassing USA?

China is growing at a high 8-11%
USA is at 0-2%

At this rate, China is expected to surpass USA by 2020.

My question is how Americans will digest the fact?

become humble infront of Asian tigers like China and India?
Crumble and tumble?

What will be the consoling things for the Americans even when they are not the No. 1?

The Expert answers:

OK, China is not going to surpass the US for some time. They are no longer growing at 8-11% annually; NO ECONOMY CAN GROW AT THAT RATE OVER THE LONG RUN. China will be lucky to have even -10% growth this year; I think -20% is more like it. Despite their large pile of cash, the gov’t simply can’t replace even a significant fraction of the export demand.

China’s overheated growth over the last decade or so has been nothing more than a leveraged play on the west and on western consumers. That’s done-zo – western consumers are maxed out – and now China can’t go on recycling their foreign exchange earnings by buying sovereign bonds, which is what kept the Yuan suppressed. Instead, they’re now going to be forced to redirect that consumption inwards; the problem with that is most of the Chinese economy is dependent upon artificially cheap exports. In short, their economy is a sham. At the nadir of the collapse their economy will have shrunk to around half its 2008 size; however, if the social instability we’re already seeing gets really bad, a decline in output of something on the order of 75% is not at all infeasible.

It’s amazing how no one knows anything about economic history; under the same export-oriented industrialization paradigm, Japan saw similarly high growth rates from the 1960’s through 1980’s, but that went bust. However, Japan’s leveraged economy merely stagnated, as the bubble burst during a time of enormous global growth.

Quite the opposite of the “China’s taking over” hysteria, the collapse of the global financial system and the global economy will be a relative boon to the US.

Think of it like this: all of the economies who kept their currencies suppressed by recycling foreign exchange earnings into western debt were basically dealers feeding a junkie – the junkie being western consumers and the junk being debt. But the addict has OD’ed, and is being forced to go to rehab.

Now, the problem with being the pusher who feeds the junkie is this – when the junkie stops using your dope, what do you do? You’ve got all these drugs that have been fronted to you by distributors, and no one to sell them to. However, the junkies can go to rehab and clean up their act, while you’re now stuck with selling off your capital (car, two-way, whatever) at fire-sale prices to the junkie, who’s getting a job and will earn a future income. To make matters worse, you’ve got the people who fronted you on your a$s – i.e., the Chinese citizens angry with surging unemployment and an authoritarian government.

OK, that’s probably not the best example, but the point is this: other things equal, it’s better to be the guy defaulting on his debt than the guy not getting repaid. The guy who defaults (i.e., US consumers) can get his sh*t together; the creditor is just stuck with the unpaid debt. Or, if that still doesn’t do it for you, I’ll put it this way – no economy can grow faster than around 3.5% per worker per annum without leveraging up, and overleveraging is guaranteed to break you over the long run.

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