Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

What happens to unsorted recycling?

When I was growing up, we always had to bring our recycling to the center all cleaned and sorted out, and we put everything in its respective bin, separating green and brown glass, newspapers, magazines, etc…

When I moved for my job, the first time I went to the recycling center with my neatly sorted bags, they just dumped it all into one bin. What happens to this kind of recycling? Does it go to a sorting center, or might my town just be “pretending” to recycle? Just seems odd… and inefficient. Anyone else ever heard of this?

The Expert answers:

They pay YOUR tax and/or private funds money to hire sorters who work on a convater belt. They do it for you basiclly. Sometimes they pay for it,however

Mandy asks…

how do you become a RECYCLING MAN?

my boyfriend is 20 years old and has like 10 college credits.

what should he do to become a recycling man? are there jobs you first do and then move up? what are they?

is there an education you need to go through?

what should he do to get started? what is an example guideline to wats steps to do to become one?

thank you!!!

The Expert answers:

Look on your city’s website or go to the chamber of commerce or look at the logo on the side of your trash can or something. Whatever you do you will manage to figure out the name of the company that picks up your trash. Then get their address (possibly by calling them).

Get your boyfriend to write up a resume where he explains his education and any experience he might have had (e.g. A club he was in in high school). Don’t worry if the resume doesn’t have much on it as being a recycling man is not a job that requires many qualifications. Also make sure the resume has his contact information on it. He can research more about resumes and cover letters if he wants this part to go especially well.

Then tell him to go to the recycling company’s headquarters with his resume (and possibly a cover letter) wearing some clothes that are nice-looking but casual. (For example, a long-sleeve button-up shirt and slacks. Tuxedos are too formal, shorts and a t-shirt are too casual.) Tell him to try and find someone who’s sitting behind a counter who looks kinda like a secretary. Then he can say something like “I’d like to apply to be a recycling truck operator.” as he hands her his resume. He could also say something like “Do you think we could go over my resume together?” or “When will I know whether I’ve got the job?” Either way, you want the person behind the counter to say “We’ll try to get back to you by .” Then when rolls around, if they haven’t gotten back to him (not uncommon), he can go there again (probably with an extra copy of his resume just in case) and ask politely if they’ve read his resume or not.

Eventually if he’s persistent they will probably either give him an interview or tell him they aren’t hiring. At the interview he should just wear the same nice stuff and try to answer the questions he’s asked in a friendly way.

Note that he can apply at multiple recycling companies at once if there happens to be more than one nearby. If more than one offers him a job, it’s OK for him to politely reject one of them. My guess is that being a recycling man pays relatively well because of its low prestige. Good luck. I hope that wasn’t too long.

Michael asks…

I have a couple of recycling questions?

First I know that everything can be tossed into the city dump but is there anything that can not be recycled?

second. (I know this will never happen) If it was required thatevery city dump have a recyling center would it then create more jobs(always a good thing) and also go a long way towards cleaning up this mess on our planet?

The Expert answers:

I know styrofoam CANNOT be recycled and it does not decompose. So avoid it at all costs.

Betty asks…

An argument about recycling ?

So there was a recent debate at my house about recycling. Obviously one side thinks its necessary to save the environment… The other side says that by not recycling we are creating jobs. And in this economy, that’s important.
What are your thoughts? Do you recycle?

The Expert answers:

How does not recycling create jobs? That sounds like utter nonsense.
I suggest not buying bottled and canned beverages and buying a simple ceramic water filter for drinking. It will improve everyone’s health and the longevity of their lives significantly. Soda is full of phosphates that hinder digestion and imbalance your body’s calcium use causing musculoskeletal problems later in life. Other drinks like Gatorade contain food coloring containing toxins like lead, mercury, and arsenic in minute levels that accumulate if you consume a lot regularly.
Water is the key to life. It aids in body function, digestion, and removal of toxins.
That should solve a majority of your recycling problems.
By the way, it takes more (fossil fuel) energy and costs more money to recycle than to produce from scratch. But it’s important to keep petroleum products like plastic and Styrofoam out of our landfills.

Paper and cardboard are different. They are easy to recycle and there is no good reason not to.

James asks…

I have an interview with a recycling company, outside work. Do I need to wear dress clothes or nice jeans?

I have always thought that since the job is a dirty hands on blue collar job that its not necessary to wear dress clothes to the interview but rather a nice pair of jeans and nice shirt? Please help me out.

The Expert answers:

I would always go with a dressy outfit. You want to make a good impression.

Charles asks…

Poll:Should we use robots for dangerous jobs to assist workers in all of heavy labour and industries?

Nothing is impossible anymore. It could reduce costs and workplace injuries and fatalities. Should recycled metals, nuts, bolts and witing be used to build robots and should they be powered by batteries or remote control? Militaries should think about this:the more they use robots for dangerous tasks the less casualties? Should the militaries hire engineers and roboticists (even the retired ones) to build more robots. Technology is evolving.

Think about it.

The Expert answers:

Thier two reasons why this is a bad idea

one, have you heard were in a recession, if you make robots take over human jobs, them people, (the same people that lost their jobs) will go out and steal food, money, just too feed their family. And if that happens a robbery that goes bad and ends in murder increases like crazy

technology is ment for small populations of the world,

second, watch I ROBOT

Mary asks…

How many day’s should I leave it – poll?

I have to wear a Polo Shirt for my recycling job. How many day’s should I leave it befoe wearing/chancing wearing a Long Sleeve Football Shirt under my Polo Shirt. Would you say 2 day’s or 4 r a week or 2 weeks or other? – if you can add thanks.


The Expert answers:

I would just leave it for a while a week maybe, when it is a really cold day just wear one underneath and then pull the sleeves up a bit, you could even wear the long sleeved one in the same colour as the polo shirt.

Daniel asks…

What are jobs associated with concert venues and festivals?

What are some jobs associated with independent concert venues and within entertainment companies that put on events like Bonnaroo and Lollapalooza?

Please share anything you know. Duties of different positions, schooling or degrees required, anything like that. I’m a business student and I’d like to research more into the entertainment industry.

The Expert answers:

I’m not doing your homework, but I will give you some jobs associated with these events. You can do the research on what education is required for each.

Security — entry searches, patrol of grounds, crowd control at stages, VIP safety, liaison with local police officials, K-9 officers
Vendors — selling food and merchandise, wholesale supply of vendor tents
Sanitation — cleanup on continuous basis, maintenance of portable toilets, hand sinks, and showers, general cleanup after event, disposal of garbage and recycling
Construction — build perimeter fencing, grandstands, and stages, installing water lines, installing cell towers, installing electrical systems, restore grounds after event including grading and reseeding
Maintenance — install and maintain cooling equipment, refrigeration equipment, electrical service, water system, golf carts, etc.
General — ticket takers, customer relations, lost and found, PR liaison with media
Medical — preventative health screening for employees, operate first aid tents, operate cooling tents, liaison with nearby hospitals and ambulance services

That is just those who work the venues, then you have everyone who works for the promoter including administrative assistants, public relations, producers, purchasing agents, security experts, logistics experts, and on and on.

At Bonnaroo, some of the vendors are volunteers from area non-profits who work in exchange for a ticket and for a donation to the non-profit agency. Many of the security people are area law enforcement officers who work on their days off. And much of the maintenance (cooling, refrigeration, electrical) is done by local contractors who are on call.

Lizzie asks…

How does recycling helps to save the environment?

Very often, people forget or misuse the word for recycling.
Almost every year about 800000 trash and waste have been thrown away.
Some of it in the waste are recycled materials.
So is people taking into consideration in protecting the environment?
So what is the public view to this matter?

The Expert answers:

Exported waste subject to recycling and materials that can not be recycled for reuse. Collecting used bottles, cans, and newspapers, the organization points of acceptance and collection of such material is only a first step in a series of steps in the chain of export, processing and disposal of garbage. These steps, in turn, generate and provide many financial, environmental and social benefits that can be both local and global.

The benefits of recycling and processing of exported waste.

Disposal and Recycling protects and expands jobs and increasing (due to the introduction of economic laws and regulations) the competitiveness of enterprises.
Disposal and recycling reduces the need for disposal and incineration of waste exported.
Disposal and Recycling prevents pollution caused by the manufacture of products from raw materials (recycling).
Disposal and recycling saves electric energy.
Disposal and recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change.
Disposal & Recycling saves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals.
Disposal and recycling helps protect our environment for future generations.

Steps for recovery and recycling of waste exported.
Recycling involves the collection of secondary raw materials, which otherwise could be seen as unnecessary waste sorting and recycling of waste into raw materials (such as fiber), the production of raw materials for new products and the purchase of refined products.

Collection and processing of secondary raw materials, production of secondary purchase recycled products creates a circle or loop that ensures the overall success in the creation of profit in the disposal of waste exported.

Step 1. Collection, disposal and recycling.

Methods of garbage collection can be “certain” – it all depends on the policy of economic activity in a particular territory, but there are four primary methods: curbside (search), drop-off (intermediate storage) centers, buy-back (return) centers and compensation programs.

Regardless of the method used to collect waste for recycling, the next stage of their supply chain is usually about the same things. Items for recycling are sent for sorting and preparation for further processing. Secondary resources are bought and sold like any other commodity, and prices for these materials vary and depend on the conjuncture of the market.

Step 2. Production.

After cleaning and sorting materials for recycling are ready to go to the second part of the process of utilization. More and more new products today are made from fully or partially recycled secondary raw materials. Simple household items contain recycled materials: paper and paper towels, aluminum products, plastic and glass containers for soft drinks, canned food, etc. Recycled materials used in innovative designs, such as the recovered asphalt roadway, due to recycled glass, or plastic coating such as walkways and benches in the park from recycled plastic.

Step 3. Purchase of products for recycling.

Purchasing recycled products completes the recycling loop exported garbage. “Buy Recycled” at the legislative level for businesses and private consumers, plays an important role in the successful process of recycling.

As consumers demand more environmentally friendly products, manufacturers will continue to increase demand for the production of high-quality refined products!

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