Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

what are some good ideas to propose in my work place for some “Green” ideas besides recycling, light bulbs ect

I am part of a “green team” at my job. We are looking for different ways to make the work place better for the enviroment. the obvious solutions are recycling bins, energy efficient light bulbs ect. has anyone heard of/proposed or know of some great ideas I can bring up?

The Expert answers:

The Green Life’s list of 10 Ways to Go Green at Work:

I think it was very useful.. Good Luck!

Thomas asks…

If there were a massive “green jobs” program, wouldn’t most of the jobs go to red states?

Alcohol production, wind power, solar power and vegetable oil—don’t they all come from red states? The only blue state activity might be aluminum can recycling. So why all the talk about urban “green job communities”?

The Expert answers:

No. Obama spends our money on his supporters…like the United Auto Workers. The ‘green jobs’ will go wherever there are Democrats.

Steven asks…

what kind of small jobs should i do?

im trying to earn money to donate to this project at my church for the poor orphans in india
and i don’t know what kind of small jobs i can do
all i can think of is recycling, babysitting for my aunts, and giving piano lessons to the local kids in my neighborhood…
help plz?

The Expert answers:

Start an errand and odd job service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Michael asks…

Does anyone have any info on recycled spray insulation that was featured on Mike Rowe’s Dirtiest Jobs?

I saw an episode about insulation spray technician and they were spraying some sort of recycled material that really reduces sound and insulates walls within a house. Any info would be great.

The Expert answers:

Did not see that one but there is one out that is no voc that is made of soy bean . It’s a very tight holding foam

Lizzie asks…

Why do people assume that money is wasted on public sector jobs?

Where do you think that money goes? I mean, teachers are paid but they have to live right? They use that money to buy food, homes, cars, energy, etc. It’s not like once you dump money into a public sector job its automatically wasted. Even spending money on things like buildings, the government needs to pay for labour, materials, etc. and it is all recycled through the private sector! I really don’t understand where people are coming from when they say the government “wastes” this money.

The Expert answers:

The government does waste money because of mismanagement. That doesn’t mean all public-sector jobs are “wastes,” just that for every taxpayer dollar that goes in, less than one dollar of value actually comes out.

You can’t convince a reasonable person that government mismanagement and waste produce a net economic gain because the people who hold public-sector jobs spend money in the economy. The people who paid that tax money would have also spent that money in the economy, except there wouldn’t have been waste in a huge bureaucratic system.

Paul asks…

plastics recycling sales job?

I have a friend who started a plastics recycling co a few years ago and seems to be doing well. He’s asking me to join as a salesman.

Is this still a good industry to be involved with?

The Expert answers:

Since he has been in business a few years it sounds like a good opportunity.
The company is established and should have a credible reputation.
The industry as a whole is gaining more of the public’s attention.
People concerned with the environment are opting for rapidly renewable or recycled resources.
Recycled plastic is being sought as a green building material for LEED rated buildings,

Chris asks…

Overseas contractor jobs for unexperienced 18 year olds?

Im 18 with no real experience. i got hurt in basic training and opted out instead of recycling. Uncle Sam is giving me a run around getting back in and being an assistant manager at a food service place is getting me nowhere in life. so i was looking into contractor jobs overseas.
Is there any companies that hire without experience, including jobs in conflict zones. Security and driving jobs are what interest me but im open to alot. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Garbage Collector…………apply………………

George asks…

Questions about recycling?

1.How does recycling save money?
2.How does recycling save our natural resources?
3.How does recycling create jobs?

Thanks guys,

The Expert answers:

1. Because recycling is less energy intensive than mining and refining. For example it takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminium cans instead of mining for them again.
2. Because said natural resources will run out at some point, and recycling just turns junk into useful stuff again.
3. It creates jobs and takes away jobs at the same time. You create jobs at recycling plants, collection centers, etc. But you take away jobs from the mining and refining industry (which is kind of a good thing considering how unsafe mining is).

Charles asks…

need to raise money for recycling business in return I will pay for colleg for 5 each year?

trying to raise money for recycling business I have buyer & access to recycleable material and can profit about $10.000.000 to $15.000.000 a year & about ten new job will oper up. try the bank but no help.

The Expert answers:

So what was the question?

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