Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

why we cant use black garbage bags for recycling?

as seen at my apartment’s recycling garbage room, the management seriously stated the words.

The Expert answers:

The reason is that it makes it clear (no pun intended) as to what is in the bags. Thereby ensuring that trash is not being collected as recyclable materials. It becomes costly if garbage has to be separated from the recyclables and disposed of in the proper way. This would diminish the whole program.

Steven asks…

How do you contribute to recycling garbage and household waste?

This is a science homework. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

How can I help in all sectors

Carol asks…

Is it true they throw away any recycling batch with garbage in it?

now that you don’t have to separate your own recycling what happens if someone accidentally puts garbage like Styrofoam in with their recycling?

The Expert answers:

It all depends where you live and what type of recycling policy and facility there is.

Ruth asks…

How or Where do you buy a garbage can and recycling bin on

My kid is driving me crazy because she needs a recycling bin and garbage can on Millsberry and cannot figure out where to get them. Neither can I.

Please, HELP!!!! 🙂


The Expert answers:

the recycling bin is at the furniture store.
Its on the first page and is only 50 mb!
Hope i helped!

Donald asks…

How much gasoline is used by the fleets of garbage trucks used in recycling programs in the US?

How efficient are the Recycling Transportation Vehicles(mpg)?
How far do they travel? Are all areas serviced(rural areas far from centralization)?
What percentage of people don’t utilize recycling programs, but have trucks visit them anyway?
How many extra garbage trucks are on the road to provide extra capacity for the possibility that people will recycle on an inconsistent basis?

The Expert answers:

I drive a recycling truck in Australia for the city of Casey we have 4 trucks on that run.. I go through roughly $500 a week on diesel servicing about 1500 house give or take 100 on my own a day.. In Australia every municipality has a recycling program built into the rates they pay..

Donna asks…

If it weren’t for homeless people, would there be people digging through our garbage for recycling?

When I’m at college, the townhouses I live in don’t have recycling so I started to collect all our beer cans into garbage bags and leave it on the street for a bum to pick up. Maybe I’m just being brash but I think its a hell of a lot better than tossing it in the dumpster.

What would you do if you don’t have the time to walk bags of cans to a recycling center?

The Expert answers:

Its a great idea. It gets the job done and the homeless need the few extra cents more than you (we) do. Plus, they’d probably go through your garbage anyways looking for cans so you might as well leave it out for them and let them do it for you. It’s cost-effective 😉

Joseph asks…

What are developing countries really doing about recycling and garbage?

One thing i dislike is when some countries are only consumers and not cleaners…
They belong to this planet too…so how aret hey helping it??

The Expert answers:

They are all right. USA is one of the biggest consumers of materials but does not recycle those materials. They just dump it on developing countries in order for those countries to use it. But of course, developing countries are still civilized! They still know how to recycle and dispose garbage properly. Don’t you ever think developing countries are just dumping, they are doing something about it. You are somehow discriminating developing countries.

Ken asks…

How do you think we can become less garbage producing and more recycling conscious?

I have always read and heard that we as Americans are so wasteful. Look at how much garbage we generate! When I visited Brazil, I was amazed at how everything was that was thrown away, such as furniture, used luggage, etc., was rebuilt like new and resold. Some of us recycle newspapers, cans, etc., but I would venture to say that it’s a minority.

The Expert answers:

Americans go through 70 million plastic bottles a day, from water alone. While the bottles are recyclable, 60 million end up in the garbage every day, meaning they help fill in our landfills, and on top of all of that, plastic is made from petroleum products, and energy is used in the manufacture process.

Just drink from the tap; unless you’ve had recent lead or sewage contamination warnings on your municipal water supply, it’s orders of magnitude cheaper, and much less environmentally harmful. If the taste really bothers you, a filter will take care of that. If you need portability, get a big water bottle that you can fill from the tap.

Maria asks…

Recycling and garbage bags in Korea?

Korea uses different colored bags for garbage and recycling.

What is each color of bag used for?
What should go in each bag?
What is the Korean name of each bag?

The Expert answers:

Green bag can be bought at any corner store, they are for non recyclable and non-food waste. Pochang (something like that)
Get a red bucket and monthly stickers for food waste. (umshik sshregi sticka)
You can put plastics and other recyclables in a clear plastic bag

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