Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

Any sites to find out where to sell cans?

I know of a recycling center near my house (Lakewood, CO), but I don’t think they pay for the cans. Can anyone help?

The Expert answers:

1390 Decatur St, Denver, CO
(720) 865-6805

Action Recycling Center
7610 W 42nd Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO
(303) 424-1600

Hope that helps a bit!

David asks…

How can I start a recycling center in my area?

i moved to the middle of no where a while back and now i live about 40 miles from the nearest recycling center and would like to do my part to help the environment, but any good i would do by recycling would be out done by the gas i would use to get my recyclables to the center!

The Expert answers:

Call the nearest recycling company. Colleges usually have a recycling program (or at least a place to dispose of recyclable things).

Betty asks…

How do I get started recycling?

How do I keep a compost bin in my house without stinking up my place and attracting bugs? How can I find a recycling center near my home (Montgomery County, Tx), and can I recycle things like shaving cream cans that have metal and plastic and can not be cleaned on the inside?
I already did an internet search, before I posted this question. All I found were metal recycling centers, and they weren’t near me.
lol, if there was recycling pickup in my neighborhood, I wouldn’t be asking this question, but don’t I wish! 🙂

The Expert answers:

I looked up the site for the county that you live in and I found that each precinct has their own recycling centers with different times. Not sure if this is the site that you checked out. It is the first link I posted. It looks like within your county, these may be the only centers available.

If these are the centers you said were far from your home, you may want to collect the recyclable items in plastic bags and take them once every week, two weeks, etc. By you doing this, you are helping out the environment, as well making others aware that maybe a recycling center should be placed closer to your home. I’m not sure if you have neighborhood associations, but you may want to create awareness by talking with neighbors about it. It will help by bringing it to the attention of higher authorities.

You may also want to check local grocery stores, since sometimes they have mini recycling centers usually by the parking lot areas (not sure how large the city you live in is).

The second link may answer a few more of your questions regarding compost, and the third link provides information about creating your own compost bin (you need to create a password to enter).

Lastly, you can definitely recycle shaving cream cans, even though you may not be able to open them (just maks sure you have taken out/used up all you can). I hope this info helps.

Mark asks…

where is the nearest recycling center from northcentral PA that pays for glass by the lb or ton?

i want to start a small business gathering empty beer bottles from bars in my surounding area and take the glass in for money. but im having trouble finding out how much id make and where to take it.

The Expert answers:

Just check in your phonebook under scrap metal dealers. They almost always do glass or know another one tyhat does. Look for someone really local, otherwise your transportation costs will eat up all your profits.

Daniel asks…

Recycling center in Long Beach and Seal Beach ca.?

I have some cans and plastic bottles to recycle but not sure where to take them too. I know that there are automatic dispensers that I can use but they only take a certain size. Where else might I go to recycle. Is there a center near and or around me?

The Expert answers:

Why don’t you ask your friends living on the streets?

I guess you are now suffering from your low income? I feel sorry for you.

Joseph asks…

I have a bunch of scrap paper- in many colors?

and am trying to find a kid-friendly art project to use them for. I do not have a recycling center near me and hate using paper to begin with so tossing it out is not an option. Serious answers only please- bitter/rude people please skip

The Expert answers:

You can make a colour collage – ripping pcs of paper to make an image (abstract or not)
you can make origami items
i don’t know if you want to get artistic, but you can do this:
make personalized cards for birthdays and holidays
cut and/or bind the book to make a note pad
make snowflakes and other similar decorations

Donald asks…

I have 2 big bags of old used up batteries……………..?

There isn’t any recycling centers near me that take these batteries. How can I dispose of them? Seriously they’re taking up space and it’s getting ridiculous. My hubs wants to know why I’m keeping batteries. (Hoarding haha)
Single use alkaline batteries.

The Expert answers:

Take them to a shop which sells batteries. The law says if they sell them they must dispose of them too.

Linda asks…

Where and how to recycle?

Where and how to recycle?
There are no recycling centers near where I live. I would like to get some money for a local charity recycling aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and paper. Does anyone know any companies that buy aluminum, plastic or paper by mail-in? Where I could get money by just sending in my bottles. Thank you, and any feedback is appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Yes, there is out there in every town and county should have recycling facilities – like recycling facilities by zip code at

For example plastic bottles and soda cans you can recycle at certain Path Mark shopping centers. At

Tire recycling you can take your tires to and recycle them

To recycle batteries or

and much more
Hope it is a help

William asks…

what items can i recycle in Houston Texas?

I live in Houston texas and want to know if anyone knows what items my city takes and what recycling centers are near by? Thank you for your help! Also what can i recycle?

The Expert answers:

I live in Houston and we recycle newspapers, aluminum cans, plastic milk jugs, you can call: 311 and they can transfer you to the right department. This is Houston Area information line. This will tell you what day garbage is collected, leaves in bags and grass clippings are usually put out the same day as garbage , but the bags have to be at least 3 feet from the garbage cans. They can also tell you when your area has heavy tree waste pick up & heavy trash day pick up( this is old furniture, appliances, etc)
I hope this has helped.

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