Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

recycling plastic?

Ive been looking online for which plastics are ok to put in the recycling and which arent, while ive found many pictures of logos and long words i cant find any explanation as to which ones are alright to put in the recycling box. Do i assume that because it has the triangle with the letters in it can be recycled? Can all plastic be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Its pretty much just plastic bottles that can be recycled, even if it is recyclable most counclis will still only accept bottles.

The sybol you have to look out for is a triangle with a number in it. The numbers correspont to specific polymers and the recycling process currently predominantly recycles types 1, 2 and 3. Sometimes you will find letters too which are abreviations for the plastic name.

The 1, 2 and 3 plastics melt in the recycling process whereas numbers 4-7 burn and so ruin the process which is why trays, pots and boxes are often not accepted. Hopefully new techniques will be developed soon to be able to recycle more plastics.

Definately put out plastic bottles and if you can see the numbers 1, 2 or 3 give it a go as well. It might be best to check on your councils website as they will give you more detailed info

Nancy asks…

Recycling plastic?

Do you have to remove the labels from plastic things before you recycle them?

The Expert answers:

Some places you do.
But i dont.
I figure it will get recycled too.

Betty asks…

Recycling Plastic?

I am finding it hard to find a place where i can take all my plastic to. I have only found that my local tip in oldbury, west midlands take plastic bottles only, Can anyone please help

The Expert answers:

Local Tesco and Sainburys usually take a wider range of plastics in their recycling bins

Michael asks…

Is recycling plastic good for the environment?

We are having a debate about recycling plastic, and whether it is good for the environment to recycle or not.
A reason why is would not be good for the environment is that is uses more energy to recycle something than it does to let it decompose naturally. Is this true? Please provide internet sources.

The Expert answers:

Plastic doesn’t decompose.

Ken asks…

What can i do or how can y promote plastic bag recycling in my city? I live outside the United States.?

I´ve been recently concerned about recycling and specially recycling plastic bags (since each bag takes 500 years to dissappear), but don´t know how to create this awareness or exactly what process can be used to recycle plastic. The thing about it is that I live in Colombia, and we´re still way behind these recycling thoughts – any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

I would look in if you have a recycling plant anywhere around you, it take special machinies to seperate and melt and turn plastic into use able matteral
campain fundraisers to raise money and awarness
flyers and speak to important people got them on your side

Maria asks…

How much money do you get by recycling plastic bottles or can or milk carton in PA?

How much money do you get by recycling plastic bottles or can or milk carton in PA?

The Expert answers:

Look on the back and it should say what states you can get money in and the amount should be next to that… Your cute i like you hee hee!!!

Mary asks…

Can you answer a quick question I have about recycling plastic bottles?

Alright, so can anything plastic be recycled? Because my mom has some shampoo bottles and those bottles you buy car oil in outside, and I need to know if I should put them in the recycling bin.

The Expert answers:

There are about a dozen different types of plastic, and each one can be recycled – but only if the area you live in has the facilities.

The large (and a lot of the small) drinks bottles are PETE and have a ‘1’ in the recycling sign somewhere on the bottle – usually near the bottom. In North Devon these are acceptable for recycling. Some other bottles are also PETE, as is some ordinary packaging. They should also have the identification on the plastic somewhere.

Plastic milk bottles and some washing and dishwasher powder bottles are HDPE, and have a ‘2’ in the recycling sign somewhere. HDPE is usually a milky ‘white’, but is sometimes solidly white and occasionally coloured. Again NDCC will take these.

If in doubt go by the sign on the packaging ONLY.

Sharon asks…

What are some things i can make with recycling paper or plastic bags?

I need to make a model recycling something. i decided to recycle plastic bags or paper but i don’t know what to make. Can anybody help?

The Expert answers:

You can use plastic bags to make plarn(plastic yarn) and use it to crochet great items,such as handbags.

Thomas asks…

How much do you get for recycling plastic?

By the pound, I’m from Middle, TN. Near Nashville. I’m going to be recycling plastic and I’m curious how much it pays.

The Expert answers:

Depends on what type of plastic , for example:

PET Recycling Prices
HDPE Recycling Prices
Vinyl Recycling Prices
LDPE Recycling Prices
PP Polypropylene Recycling Prices

you can get pricingon these materials at

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