Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

What is the importance of recycling waste water?

The Expert answers:

Recycling waste water is important because:
*It reduces water demand for purposes other than drinking
*It prevents pollution of water bodies
*It reduces the cost of production of drinking water
*It reduces consumption of electrical energy for treatment, transportation and distribution of water to the community
*It paves way for safe ground water recharging
*It helps to sustain healthy living conditions
*It reduces degradation of environmental conditions

Carol asks…

Best means of marketing a waste water recycling product.?

The product has been tested over years with great success.Manufacturing the product is no problem.Our interest is taking this product to next level using minunim amount of investment.The product can be marketed to commercial & industrial customers that have enviorimental concerns.

The Expert answers:

Well….since marketing your product is the only way your going to get customers…and getting customers is the most important thing that you need to accomplish, my thought is that putting a “minimal” investment into your marketing is not so smart.

The best methods of marketing cost some money…”Free” marketing …well you get what you pay for.

WHat you need then is “Efficient” use of your marketing budget….so, spending that money on methods that get your message out just just anyone and everyone, is not efficient. You need to get in front of the specific people who are going to buy your product.

The only way to do that is through Direct Mail.

When your target market is highly specific, and your offer is jaw dropping…then Direct Mail becomes superior to every other advertising mechanism out there.

Good Luck in your ventures!

Donald asks…

When talking about small scale waste water recycling, I have heard that you cannot use black water…?

…to irrigate crops. Sometimes, they even say you can’t use greywater to water your crops either. I was wondering why this is the case. Is it that whatever is in the water gets on the plants when you are watering them using traditional methods, or is it that the plants somehow apsorb the crud that’s in the waste water and then it’s inside of the plants.

The Expert answers:

If it was straight onto the food production it can transmit diseases or parasites etc.and contaminates the produce

But not if it was filtered ,
in the Permaculture designer Manual you will find detailed drawings on how to build sewage (black water filters ,

From another tank

the water goes in a pipe coming in from the bottom of a small dam or large container pushing its way up through ,stones ,then gravel followed by sand ,
aquatic plants on the top complete the filter (to remove metals).

Black water irrigation

How ever black water straight contains to many organisms to be ever safe
like they do around Mexico city
I once stayed in a village which got their vegetables from this agriculture .
The people washed their potatoes in detergent ,ridiculous (potatoes are absorbent )
and more than half of the village was sick with stomach complaints ,(according to the doctors)

So that is not a recommendation ,
In China they use what is called night soil ,
human excrement straight on top of the lands
the place stinks and many people get sick.

Excrement has to be filtered and go through a composting process before it is safe to grow food .

In our garden the sewage goes into a double tank ,separated by a wall with a connecting opening at the bottom,the poop floats and remains in the first tank where it decomposes that over flows into a french drain (covered ditch filled with stones)which acts like an absorbent filter ,one can safely plant fruit trees on top .

What is even enough for the sewage is a long french drain with some parts that have no rocks ,
but with islands of bricks (for the worms to escape the water )and the worms will take care of the poop
again fruit trees can be planted on top

Grey water from a normal house hold should be separated from the sewage waters (to make that less)
And can go straight out of the wall into the garden
I have grown beautiful healthy tomatoes on my laundry water
and that had detergent
the shower water and the hand basins is much less harm full.
This will make the plumbing simpler and cheaper

For the kitchen use a grease trap
a little cement box with a filter and an over flow ,
because it is ugly and can start to smell if a lot goes out

check Permaculture;_ylt=AijSFyvYcEMzbvWiMNiFTdXsy6IX?qid=20070621234541AAcarVJ

Joseph asks…

Can we recycle our waste water?

Here in US West coast, every year water is getting more expensive. How realistic is it to recyle our own waste water (from shower for example)? Is there any home made water recycling kit?

The Expert answers:

It is very realistic. Many people are already doing it. Search the internet for graywater systems. If you want to recycle your water, make sure not to use toxic chemicals such as bleach, petroleum based solvents, and phosphate detergents for cleaning. Actually, no one should be using these things, since they come back to us in the form of pollution.

Ultimately, the earth is a closed system where water is concerned, so all water gets recycled. We get to decide whether it comes back clean and usable or polluted and unusable.

Thomas asks…

Would you use recycled waste water to water your lawn flower beds and gardens if…?

…your state or country’s health agency and water resource agency were to certify the water safe and if there was no odor to the water?

Most people in the United states don’t realize just how little “new water” is actually available. Also they do not realize the cost of the water. If we had to pay what the water really cost to produce many people would not be able to afford it.

The Expert answers:

YES absolutely!
We had non-potable water on our farm and it was great to know we weren’t wasting the well water.

Helen asks…

Can You Please Tell Me How To Make A Working Model On Waste Water Treatment & Recycling?

I Want To Submit The Model On 13July Please Help

The Expert answers:


Mark asks…

Does anyone think about how much water they waste recycling?

Rinsing out your trash… Nothing wasteful about that…?

The Expert answers:

You bet there is a lot of waste doing that. Some people actually use soap to clean off bottles that get crushed. That is just plain stupid.

John asks…

how can you recycle waste water from household shower and lavatory?

The Expert answers:

If you live within the confines of a city in the US…
Any city.
They will have a thing called a wastewater treatment plant….. They are payed (And trained) to do this……….

Linda asks…

How do petrochemical industries recycle their waste water?

Do they use industrial boiler systems? If so, what happens to the waste water after it is heated?

The Expert answers:

Oil field trash is correct – it depends on a lot of things.

Here’s my take – one big consideration for whether the wastewater can be recycled back into the plant is whether or not the wastewater is considered “hazardous waste” – at least in the US. You might aware that that hazardous waste is a subset of solid waste – and that “solid waste” can include aqueous wastes – the term “solid” has nothing at all to do with the phase of a substance – “solid wastes” can be solids, liquids, or even gases.

Now, non-hazardous wastewater, or efluent from hazardous wastewater treamtent that is not hazardous anymore, may be used for potentially any number of things – e.g., cooling water for various industrial processes, feed water, and I even heard of one company proposing to re-use their wastewater for fire control systems – in that last case, we were quite concerned as to whether or not the wastewater was hazardous or not. If they used hazardous wastewater for fire control – they could get in trouble for disposal of hazardous waste without a permit – big time fines.
Anyway, anywhere water would be needed is a potential application, depending on the quality of water needed.

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