Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

What do I need to do and know to open a waste vegetable oil recycling business in Florida?

I am currently making biodiesel and would like to expand to include grease removal as a business. I know I need some pumps, tanks, and the proper vehicle such as a flatbed truck. What else would I need and more importantly, what do I need to know about oil recycling. Additionally, where can I find the information neccessary to be legal in Florida?

The Expert answers:

Grease is already a big business. Maybe get a job with someone local and you can learn the business while getting paid…….NOW THAT’S GREEN THINKING!

Sandra asks…

how do people make money from recycling wasted oil?

what do they do after they have collected the wasted oil? how do they recycling the wasted oil?

The Expert answers:

It is n ot so much they make money off of it, they most often use it for heat. There are furnaces built for burning motor oil. Those facilities that collect a lot of oil often sell it to cement factories for producing cement. Lesser amounts often are collected by heating a garage, barn or workspace.

In a perfect world they would have it analyzed for metals content, to meet EPA standards but more often than not it is used as an excuse to track and quantify amounts burned for purposes fo future carbon taxation.

Waste vegetable oil is a different matter entirely. In summer, many diesels can run on straight unprocessed WVO as long as it has been filtered. In winter it has to be processed, or mixed with regular diesel to be able to work in cold weather. There are some other modifications for cold weather use as well. Various agencies still want their fingers in the operations of such people who collect it for purposes of taxation and other matters.

So they are really not making much if any money off of reselling the oil, they are saving money by making use of a product that if rerefined, would not be as good as the virgin crude products, plus an unpredictable waste slurry that may or may not be suitable for asphalt.

Helen asks…

how recaliming or recycling waste lube oil(previosly black crankcase-oil) without using high temperature?

waste oil means. textile oils,soluble oil,transmission oil,mototr oil,industrial oil….they ingredients iron,lead,zinc,oil,sulphonates,epm,rubbers…

The Expert answers:

All you need do is filter it to reclaim used motor oil without using high temperature.

Daniel asks…

What happens to waste engine oil?

I do a lot of work on cars & trucks & being a responsible person(!) i take my waste engine oil to the council recycling centre & pour it into one of their waste oil containers – What happens to it after that? We hear all about paper, packaging & electrical equipment being recycled but even one of the council workers couldn’t tell me what happened to waste oil.

The Expert answers:

It is re-fined for re use.

Maria asks…

what do i need to establish simple waste oil recycle plant?

The Expert answers:

You need informations.

Donna asks…

How can i recycle the waste engine oil?

The Expert answers:

Most auto gas stations have a recycling centre where used engine oil can be deposited for later recycling back into oil for engine lubricants. Check with these stations or any auto spare parts store. Otherwise check for oil recyclers in your yellow pages telephone book.

Nancy asks…

Is making high-quality “Biodiesel” from Expired and/or Recycled Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) a potentially …..?

… viable business proposition for developing nations?

Assuming you:

1- can get the Expired or WVO at no or very low cost (i.e. transportation / recycle collection expenses)

2- have access to an affordable labor force

3- mean to produce it on a reasonably large scale to sustain a relatively large size business and NOT just for personal use

4- mean to produce a high-quality Biodiesel and hope to sell the glycerin byproduct to the industry as well

5- can market the Biodiesel directly to the target customers (e.g. trucks, buses, heating market, etc.)

Would the upfront cost of a reasonably large Conversion / Reactor Facility plus the other ongoing costs of production / operation / distribution (fix and variable) make this a potentially viable business opportunity for “the developing country markets”?

And do you know of similar type operations (on large scale) anywhere in the world that you can direct my attention to?

Would greatly appreciate serious comments.

The Expert answers:

Mr. L the mega corprations don’t like this. This is funny you should ask this one right up my alley…So check these out and if you want to talk further you know how to reach me,,,,

Other Useful web sites:

Steven asks…

what’s the difference between diesal oil and the home heating oil?

could we use biodiesal oil to run the household heating system? could we recycling any wasted oil, like vegtable oil, to be home heating fuel?

The Expert answers:

2 diesal fuel is what trucks & cars
#1 deisal Fuel is mixed for cold weather driving again for trucks & cars
#2 deisal fuel or Home heating fuel can be used for homes but is not as clean as #1 home heating oil and also if your tank is installed outside and the temp goes down in the teens, your fuel might congill causing your fuel line to plug up due to the parifin wax in the fuel.
Thats why many people use #1 heating fuel which is much cleaner and does not congill.

David asks…

Waste oil/tire recycle machine question?

I use waste oil to run my small foundry but want to make a larger foundry using tires as fuel. This helps keep land fills from filling up too fast. Does anyone have a web site that explains a large tire burning furnace that I could build at home?

The Expert answers:

Tire burning releases EXTREMELY toxic gases. PLEASE do not get into burning tires. It makes more sense to fill landfills with them or better yet, shred them for other uses that do not pollute our valueable atmosphere. Thanks-nick in giles county (one of the most polluted counties in the country due to coal burning and other industry pollution)

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