Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

recycling cans?

can you really make some money recycling aluminum cans
like is it worth the time

The Expert answers:

If you live in states that have a 5 cent deposit on your cans, they do add up quickly. If you don’t then you you still get some money, depending on how much you have. It is worth your time no matter how they are recycled, the earth is worth it. And so are your children and future grandchildren, they need an earth to call home in the future. If you fill the land with waste there will much less for them to enjoy. Do the right thing and recycle what you can! If you don’t want to do it, give them to someone who will.

Sandy asks…

Recycling Cans???????

when you are recycling cans (like bean cans) do you have to take of the labels?

The Expert answers:

No. When the cans are melted, the paper will burn off (along with the glue) and the residue will be drawn off with the rest of the dross.

Helen asks…

Recycling cans…?

Do you have to pull the labels off to put in the recycle pile for the truck?

The Expert answers:

We recycle everything together it gets sorted at the recycling depot, similar to LA or San F. Don’t remember which. All plastics up to 7 all paper, all metal except for beverage cans which go back to the store. Glass has to be taken to the depot separately. Everything has to be clean

William asks…

How much money do you make for recycling aluminum cans in Alaska?

A few friends of mine were considering recycling cans to make a few extra bucks (we’re going to regardless) and we wondered how much is paid out for aluminum in the the Anchorage, AK area. We searched the web for a while and couldn’t get any answers. Any help wold be greatly appreciated!

The Expert answers:

At the military base in Anchorage, AK, right off base you get 41 cents a lbs today.

Sandra asks…

how can i start a bottles and cans recycling business?

i love to start businesses and i was wondering if you guys can help me with this one. i want to open a recycling center for bottles and cans. but what do i need? permits? do i need to contact a agent to locate a location for me. i was told that city hall will do this for me because they need to space these locations out! some one please help. thank you!

The Expert answers:

Hire an agent he will guide you for the further procedure,good luck

Steven asks…

How much can people make for aluminum cans for recycling?

I see a lot of Asians and some Latinos going through people’s trash for soda and beer cans for recycling. They have to get a ton of them just to make a nice piece of change don’t that? It’s not like aluminum cans are gold or copper. Do the buyers charge by the pound or what?

The Expert answers:

Yes you cash them in and they pay you by the pound, the last time I saw the price at the re-cycling center it was $1.80 a pound. Not bad.

Sharon asks…

What are the proper rules/steps for recycling plastic bottles and cans?

Is it true that when you recycle bottles the caps should be left out of the recycling bin as well as the cans need to be washed out first? If so why, aren’t they just getting melted down to be reused anyways?

The Expert answers:

Personally, I put anything in the recycling which has a triangle symbol that the municipality says they pick up. So here, they accept 1,2,4,5 and I think milk jugs have 1 on the jug and 4 on the cap, so I toss the caps in separately.

Donna asks…

How much can you get for recycling aluminum cans per pound in New Mexico?

How much can you get for recycling aluminum cans per pound in New Mexico? In Texas you get about 75 cents per pound.

The Expert answers:

Check out some of the links to find the answer to your question:

But the best thing to do is to contact your local recycling center!

Hope I have helped.

Thomas asks…

how much can I get for recycling my aluminum cans in Minnesota?

I want to recycle my aluminum cans, I live in Slayton MN and we have our own recycling center in town. What can I get for them if I take them to the recycling center personally?

The Expert answers:

Since there is not yet a deposit on beverage containers in Minnesota, you would just get the rate for scrap aluminum. Go to the Earth 911 website; enter what you are recycling, and your zip code. This will get you a list of recyclers in your area. You may want to check with a few to see how much they are offering.

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