Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

Maria asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

Helen asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

Michael asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

Paul asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

Nancy asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

Lizzie asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Betty asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

Ruth asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

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