Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How do I find a Recycling Center near Grand Rapids that will pay for Office Paper?

The Expert answers:


Steven asks…

Does anyone know of a good recycling center near avon, indiana?

I’m looking for a drop off place for glass, plastic, aluminum, and paper. Please help.

The Expert answers:

Go to they can locate a local recycle center by zipcode.

Mark asks…

Recycling center near Nashville?!?!?

I live in ashland city and would like to start recycling…the only problem is that i can not find a recycling center near where i live….if you could help me i would much appreciate it….

The Expert answers:

Go to to find a local recycle center

Chris asks…

How can I recycle empty cd cases?

I have no recycling centers near me.

The Expert answers:

Donate them to the Goodwill, Salvation Army, or your local school district.

Robert asks…

recycling center in/near toledo ohio?

i have a huge amount of cans,beer/pop,that i want to take in to recycle.I have no idea where to take them,i’ve checked in yellow pages and on internet but i keep getting recycling centers such as garbage places.I know there is one that pays for aluminum in the toledo area.

The Expert answers:

Yes there is you can take them on ominsourse or if you are closed to bowling green there is the bg recycling center on mercer road. I know that ominsouse is on detroit by telegraph but don’t know the exact address.

Mandy asks…

I need to find a recycling center, etc., near Parkersburg, West Virginia that will accept paper to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Here is a link to recycle centers in your area, with maps and driving directions, and phone numbers so that you can call and ask them what the are accepting.


Betty asks…

Where can I get cash for aluminum cans in trumbull county, ohio?

There is an un-manned recycling center near me but my 8 year old is collecting cans for cash and I don’t know where to cash them in, rather than just turning them in.

The Expert answers:

Cash ?For Cans
(724) 962-1894
135 ?Youngstown Hubbard Road
Hubbard, OH 44425

Paul asks…

need to find a recycle center near me?

near stow ohio 44224

The Expert answers:

Google recycling center in stow ohio

Nancy asks…

What’s the best way to dispose of used batteries (not car batteries)?

there’s no recycling center near me that takes more than paper and aluminum.

The Expert answers:

Alkaline batteries are landfill safe. All chemicals in them are non-hazardous (steel, zinc, carbon, potassium, and pH).

NiMH or NiCd batteries contain nickel and cadmium, hazardous materials. A university or government building will have on site recycling, and with polite asking the right people, may accept your small quantity of exhausted consumer batteries.

Lithium batteries are landfill safe, but are more fun to drive a screwdriver through and watch some sparks and smoke.

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