Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Could this idea start a mass recycling movement?

I think that everyone is waking up to the fact that we’re killing the planet around us. Just look at the millions spent in advertising “go green” themes in ads, t-shirts, magazines, etc…

Why not bass a bill for mandatory recycling in all public schools across America?

I went to a small 3-A high school in Texas, and that school alone went through over 800,000 Styrofoam trays at its cafeteria year. Not to mention what the total amount of paper and plastic wastes it must have totaled.

Imagine if a number up to ten times that size could be recycled in paper, plastics, and other recyclable resources. This would also provide jobs to help stimulate the economy and would have a tremendous effect on the way Americans think about recycling and the wasteful lifestyle we live. Granted the government probably wouldn’t be able to think about that kind of spending for some years to come, it may be able to help just in time.

Do you think it could work?

The Expert answers:

I like it. Consider a twist. Consider a bill that requires each school to have a student project that looks at “greening the school”. Instead of requiring recycling, teach reclying. You might be surprised at where kids take this idea. It might not only recycle, but it might lead to reducing total energy consumption at that school. Call this a “Quality Enhancement Component of Education” a hands on learning experience. Again, I like your idea!!

Carol asks…

Recycling a bit useless?

Well first of all I’m all for Global Warming, recycling and such. So please don’t get any Ideas…

Now whats the main point of recycling? To not have to make more from scratch, reduce usage of materals (as in the creation of them. Like the resources need to make them, power, gases and soforth.)
Then, there’s the fact that the same thing when they use, say a plastic bottle and make it into something else, (plastic bag, wrapping, etc…) They use mostly the same resouces to make ’em in the first place. So why invest in so many commercial adds, programs, and companies to do the same as the ones are all ready there? Then there’s use of EVEN more resources when they create new buildings for that very reason. Same with paper, wood, etc. They will continue to chop down trees regardless of recycling. They can’t just stop all that, as it will remove lots of jobs.

Again, I’m just trying to create a disscusion, not an arguement. I’m all for the Earth’s health, while at the same time I’m no tree hugger.

BTW I’m 12. 🙂

The Expert answers:

I like the environment. Many things can be made from recycling. Pencils from tires and CDs. Your question confused me a bit, but i get what your saying. When one door closes another one opens. People are always trying new ways of making electricity and recycling. I came up with an idea of rubbing socks against a trampoline and connected to a wire that would go in to a machine to collect it. Then i scraped the idea because it wouldn’t make too much energy.

Ruth asks…

who wants to hearsome facts about men?

1. men like to barbecue men will cook if danger is involved
2. men who have pierced ears are better prepard for marriage. theyve expereinced pain and bought jewelry
3. marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. in a world where there is more women than men, it pays to recycle
4. men are very confident people. sually they are so confident that when they watch sports on tv, they think that if they concentrate they can help their team
5. men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. not being the first is upsetting to their psyches
6. the way a man looks at himself in a mirror will tell you if he can ever care about anyone else
7. a good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. these men usually have jobs and bathe
8. men love watches with multiple functions, preferably ones that have a combination addrese book, telescope, and piano
9. men are sensitive in strange ways if a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn he will take it personally

The Expert answers:

Thanks – those were good “juan s”… (ones…) get it????

Thomas asks…

The job market is really sad in my area can anyone tell me where there is a good place to move to?

I know I am going to hear the same old line, go back to school. The fact is on my current wage and hours it is not possible. Plus age is a factor. I have a good work record which might be spread out in too many different directions. I have worked residential and commercial construction and I have 20 years union experience in manufacturing where I was in a leadership role for most of the years. Instead of making more money I am working for what I made in 1991, the bottom line is I have to survive. Everytime I apply for a job they say my resume looks good and that I am skilled but in the precise field they desire. Am I over the hill and should I be considered for the death sentence? I am sick of being downsized and recycled.

The Expert answers:

Here is something you can do from anywhere in the United States or Canada:

I have an online/offline retail business. We sell hundreds of products and also have many well-know partner stores including Barnes and Noble, Sony Music, Office Max, Eddie Bauer and more. The nice thing about being online is that it doesn’t have the huge start-up costs of traditional business.

My website is:

Check it out and if you are interested in a franchise we can discuss it further. There is a link on the top of the page you can use to contact me or you may send me an email if you prefer.

Mary asks…

who knows more facts about men?

men like to barbecue. men will cook if danger is involved

men who have pierced eras are better prepared for marriage. they’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry

marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. in a world where there are more women then men, it pays to recycle

men are very confident people. usually they are so confident that when they watch sports on television, they think that if they concentrate they can help their team

men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. not being the first is upsetting to their psyches

the way a man looks at himself in a mirror will tell you if he can ever care about anyone else

a good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. these men usually have jobs and bathe

men love watches with multiple functions, preferably ones that have a combination address book, telescope and piano

men are sensitive in strange ways. if a man built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally

men are brave enough to go to war, but they are not brave enough to get a bikini wax

men have an easier time buying bathing suits

women have two types of bathing suit available to them: depressing and more depressing. Men have two types: nerdy and not nerdy

women take clothing much ore seriously than men. Men never walk into a party and say ‘oh, my god, I’m so embarrassed…get me out of here. There’s another man wearing a black tuxedo.’

Most men hate to shop. That’s why the men’s department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door

If a man prepares dinner for you and the salad contains three or more types of lettuce, he is serious

The cocoon to butterfly theory only works on cocoons and butterflies

When four or more men get together, they talk about sports

When four or more women get together, they talk about men

Not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly

Men who can eat anything they want and not gain weight should do it out of sight of women

Getting rid of a man without hurting his masculinity is a problem

‘get out’ and ‘I never want to see you again’ might sound like a challenge. However, one of the most effective calls is, ‘I love you. I want to marry you. I want to have your children.’

Only men who have worn a ski suit understand how complicated it is for a woman to go to the bathroom when she’s wearing a jumpsuit

Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with superheroes

Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie

When a woman tries on clothing from her closet that feels tight, she will assume she has gained weight. When a man tries something form his closet that feels tight, he will assume the clothing has shrunk

Male menopause is a lot more fun than female menopause. with female menopause you gain weight and get hot flushes. With male menopause you get to date young girls and drive motorcycles

Men forget everything; women remember everything. That’s why men need instant replays I sports. They’ve already forgotten what happened

Men would like monogamy better if it sounded less like monotony

The Expert answers:

More man facts……..

Top 10 Things Men Know About Women

Adam was created first to give him a chance to say something.

Men are like dog turds; the older they get, the easier they are to pick up.

Definition of a man with manners — he gets out of the bath to pee.

Why do men whistle when they’re sitting on the toilet?
Because it helps them remember which end they need to wipe.

Men are like lava lamps.
Fun to look at, but not all that bright.

Why do men buy electric lawn mowers?
So they can find their way back to the house.

Men do too get PMS:
Penis Malfunction Syndrome.
Pre-Middle aged Syndrome.
Post Macho Syndrome.

William asks…

Are These Facts True About Men???

Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved.

Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry
Be careful of men who are bald and rich; the arrogance of “rich” usually cancels out the nice of “bald.”

Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. In a world where there are more women than men, it pays to recycle.

Men are very confident people. My husband is so confident that when he watches sports on television, he thinks that if he concentrates he can help his team. If the team is in trouble, he coaches the players from our living room, and if they’re really in trouble, I have to get off the phone incase they call him.

If it’s attention you want, don’t get involved with a man during play-off season.

Men like phones with lots of buttons. It makes them feel important.

Men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. Not being the first is upsetting to their psyches.

All men look nerdy in black socks and sandals.

The way a man looks at himself in a mirror will tell you if he can ever care about anyone else.

Don’t try to teach men how to do anything in public. They can learn in private; in public they have to know.

Men who are going bald often wear baseball caps.

All men are afraid of eyelash curlers. I sleep with one under my pillow, instead of a gun.

A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe.

Men love watches with multiple functions. My husband has one that is a combination address book, telescope and piano.

All men hate to hear “We need to talk about our relationship.” These seven words strike fear in the heart of even General Schwarzkopf.

Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally.

The Expert answers:

Ok, first off, as a grown up tomboy, i’ve been the “go between” for years for all my guy friends. I’ve always told them the truth so now i’ll share my answers with ya 🙂

Yes, all men will risk life and limb to BBQ, and I will gladly eat most anything off a grill, lol.
No, guys with ear rings are usually trying to be stylish so in my experience they’re higher maintenance than me and I can’t handle that.
I know plenty of nice rich bald guys and snooty poor bald guys too, hair has nothing to do with nice, but money can make ANYONE an @$$hole.
Um…i’ve done it but never thought of it that way. I just saw it as a “he came pre-trained” situation, lol. Even though it did require a LOT of retraining, his ex is a BI@TCH!
YUP! They think they are responsible for the wins/losses of every team of every sport and they act like complete morons to “influence” the outcome. Enjoy the show, it’s great free entertainment 🙂
Cleaning house in lingerie always trumps sports, especially if the smell of something baking is filling the air. You REALLY want to get some attention, wear team colored lingerie or dress up like a cheer leader 🙂
ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE amazes them. The more flashes, buttons, sounds, etc. THE BETTER!
…no man I know reads anything but the sports or comics, and that’s only if they get the paper.
I’m gonna go with yes and trump that with it shouldn’t happen EVER!
….um no? Most guys I know are looking at their flaws and trying to fix them or make them less noticable. Does that mean they’re lookin out for us?
Don’t try to teach them period. They already think they know how and even if they don’t, they’re gonna say they do and keep doing it their way til they learn better on their own – personal experiece here hun.
Yup, that’s a given. Like a hat doesn’t attract attention to them more…. *sigh*.
I just use it in front of them to make them cringe, lol, and I never really wear makeup. But to see em squirm…. You bet I will >:) *evil laughter*
You run the risk of dating a “secretary” that way, who says that they are picking up their own laundry and not that of their boss?!
Again, the more bells and whistles, the longer it keeps their attention, which is good for us, it means we can leave them in one place and find them still there when we are done with our own projects/shopping/chores.
They like them better than “i’m leaving you” “i hate you” or “it’s not you it’s me”
Yes, strangeness is a man trait in itself. It’s adorable and puzzling at the same time. But again, it’s a cheap source of entertainment for the rest of us.

Hope this helps.

Jenny asks…

Have you read through the offcail accounts of 911?

I don’t assign blame to anyone, nor to I claim to know how or exactly why. What I know for a FACT is that the 911 commission was a half baked farce. The fema report was inconclusive and the NIST report lol lol referred to how great a job the fema report did on subjects like building 7 which the 911 commission completely left out, and the fema report admitted there needed to be further investigation. Of course that is not impossible, because most of the evidence was destroyed. I am not talking about from the collapse either. It was recycled. Hauled away by a company called “Controlled Demolition”
O MY GOD did someone really say that the NIST report did a good job explaining how the plains brought down the buildings? You my friend have a lot of research to do. Starting with building #7 not hit by a plane. And please don’t give me this horse shit that the towers fell on it, I have researched it. Look at the building in between #6 it was burring and a totally wreck, did it fall? No

The Expert answers:

Yep, there are inconsistancies that will NEVER be resovled.

If America and the world knew the truth about what happend that day, our imagine in the international community would be obliterated.

That’s why we’ll NEVER know what really happend that day.

Maria asks…

When did you find out 911 was an inside job?

Sheeple People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are just plain ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron…LOOK AT THE PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Case closed! Some idiots will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt. Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do?
He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
If any of you people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” Why don’t all you wonderful wise little kids tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you also know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions?
Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Do you Morons even know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” It’s sheeple people who make it easy for the government to do whatever they want. Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to google and type in Terror Attacks of 911…have look

The Expert answers:

Hey torrey……..your explanation is pretty elementary. What about the 47 steel columns in the middle of WTC 1 and 2. And by your estimates, you are saying that the steel was weakened at ever beam at the very same time because the video clearly shows the building coming down in an asymmetrical fasion.

By the way, to the poster who said that experts told him the plane knocked the building down. Sorry, but even NIST and FEMA said that the planes didn’t do nearly enough damage to the structure fo the building……you should do more research. Seriously.

To anwer the question….2 years ago i found out 9/11 was an inside job. I had kept hearing about it and decided to finally look at the facts……my conclusion (as many others now have) is that the official story is false. The science doesn’t add up. The facts dont add up. The timelines dont add up.

After WTC was hit….why were there no jets scrabbled until after the pentagon was hit? WHY?

Michael asks…

Would you continue to hire this person to help you clean your place?

OK, the facts are: She was using a knife the other day to do a dirty job (really dirty) and she put the knife back in with the clean cutlery (luckily I grabbed it before it would be missed). She dumped some papers of mine into the recycling that were semi-important and had my name/address on it – something I never do because you never know who could use that info.

The previous job she did cleaning a family member’s apartment – and I had to redo some of it because it was not up to the landlord’s expectations (which were pretty high but not impossible).

She’s a friend and we get along with each other. I don’t have any other family or friends able to help me clean. The alternative is to hire somebody I don’t know for cleaning jobs – but not sure I like to trust strangers. Most of the time I can do it myself – but some jobs are too big to comfortably handle alone.

I have spoken to her about these things, but the fact is her style is “just get it done” and she’s not detail-oriented, if you know what I mean.

The Expert answers:

If you want to keep the friendship, just tell her that you’re going to have to lay off of having a helper for a while. Then after some time passes, hire someone new (you can do a background check on them and get references prior to hiring), and then if she finds out and questions it, just tell her you hated to ask because she seemed really busy.

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