Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

recycling jobs?

Hi there i have 15 years experience in recycling in uk. how do i find a job in australia? I have indepth knowledge of pallets, paper, cardboard, polythene, pet bottles, metals to name a few. but, cant find any jobs here. can you help please.

The Expert answers:

You can start by checking job ads in Aussie!

Nancy asks…

what are some recycling jobs in Indianapolis a 19 year old could apply for?

Please provide company names and links if they have it.

The Expert answers:

You could disassemble cars at an auto salvage yard.

Helen asks…

How about creating more Jobs through recycling and water systems?

England, has a law that says all scrap vehicles have to be recycled. Don’t you think that if the U.S. had this law we could put a lot of people back to work and create a lot of jobs plus recycle old steel and clean up cities?
Also, every year we see mass flooding in this country. Why can we create a water system that will funnel ravaged ares hit by floods to areas that are in great need of water thus making it possible for dry states to receive more water for farm lands?

The Expert answers:

Our scrapping system does work well and it’s a crying shame that the same doesn’t exist in the US. Recycling metal is very efficient, particularly aluminium – it takes 7 times less energy to recycle a can than make a new one from bauxite.
Water is a difficult problem, we too have flooding in UK and frequently the storm water is allowed to flow out to the sea when we too have areas subject to extreme drought, usually from water abstraction of nearby smaller rivers in the drier areas of UK. To transport water around is a real challenge, it would need the setting up of a national grid of water courses and this we simply do not have the resources to achieve. Whilst we have larger rivers not all run in the same direction, nor do they connect, not even by canal systems.
At present the greatest impact would be to simply use less water: the car doesn’t need to be washed each week; don’t run the tap when brushing your teeth; don’t think that a power shower uses less water than a bath – it can use just as much and is not an economy; save rainwater for watering the garden and don’t ever use sprinklers; wash dishes by hand; never run the washing machine for only one garment. Simple really.

Charles asks…

How does recycling add jobs to the economy?

Or, briefly explain advantages to recycling or composting.

The Expert answers:

The biggest advantage is extending the life of a landfill. We are running out of places to bury our garbage. On the east coast many cities have to burn it or pay to ship it out of state. The more we recycle the longer a landfill will last. The cheaper your waste removal bill will be.

Chris asks…

What are some jobs in the recycling field?

And what degree(s) should one pursue in order to gain one?

The Expert answers:

No degree required. Great jobs at the scrap metal center. Crane operator, Scale operator.
How about trash collector. You will need to have a special drivers license.

Jenny asks…

List of Recycling Jobs?

I need a list of recycling jobs for a term paper. I don’t need companies just a list of jobs that involve recycling. If someone could give me a web site page that would be very helpful

The Expert answers:


Just google recycling jobs

Sandy asks…

How do i get a job abroad 360/shovel loader operator.I work in recycling,boss is about to cut jobs and rec me?

The Expert answers:

Try this site mate Dubai Employment Tips(dubaiemployment, lots of jobs available at excellent pay.!!!
Good luck.!!

Robert asks…

How can i find a job abroad operating shovel loader/360digger.Iwork in recycling,boss is cutting jobs?

The Expert answers:

Try going to the place where you want to work and checking it out first hand. I would like to point out that there is no place like home…

Ruth asks…

Where should I look/how should I get a job recycling materials?

I’m not actually sure what I want to do, but it has something to do with recycling. Any ideas? I’ve look in our local paper, on monster, and craiglist for jobs, but haven’t found any. Do you have any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Go to your local recycling centre and drop off your resume.

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