Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

What country (or metro area) has put this law into effect?

My professor talked of a country that wanted to promote recycling, so they made green (physically colored green) garbage bags expensive and made it so the garbage men would only pick up the residents trash if it was in that green bag. It may have been Toronto? My classmate says Tokyo? Any ideas? I can’t find anything online.

The Expert answers:

Switzerland did it but I don’t know if they were green or not. They are special bags that are the only ones the garbage men will collect. They are smaller and cost more than the average bag in the US.

Sandra asks…

recycling water bottles?

so i have like 50 garbage bags full of water bottles..

but i dont kno where to go to take them to get recycled

also do they pay you for this?


thanks in advance

The Expert answers:

This website may be able to help you to locate a center if you live in the USA.
Some places compensate for the recycling, but it is better to call ahead and check first.
I hope that this helps.

Donna asks…

Will you ever personally wear an outfit/dress made of this?


I’m wondering if you will ever personally wear an outfit/dress made out of unused/unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags. If yes, when on a regular basis or not, how. If not how come not try it once to confirm your negative statements.


The Expert answers:

If you can make it look good like project runway yes for an occasion that matches the outfit it would have to be something made for stylish looks with creativity but id’s party in it if it had movement

Sandy asks…

Can any female celebrities personally answer this question?


I’m wondering if you’ve personally worn or will wear an unused plastic or unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bag as a dress?


The Expert answers:

I have

Ruth asks…

Recycling help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

My family is wondering how to recycle we just got our green bins so i am in charge of finding out ways to cut our 5bags of garbage bags a week into the black and green been

The Expert answers:

Did you also know that the Styrofoam that comes in boxes when you purchase new furniture stereo etc. Is also recyclable
. I didn’t know this either until I called the village and asked how to dispose of it.

Mary asks…

How can I dump a bunch of Adult DVD’s to the garbage without being suspicious?

I’m a bit scared to get caught by relatives or other people.

I have a bunch of adult dvd’s i don’ twant anymore. One time i took a load of them and what i did is break them all in little pieces, and put them in bags.. and then since i live with my parents, and my mom likes to always snoop in the RECYCLing big or trash bin., it’s a tough thing to just put them in my house’s trash cans. What i do is go to another part of town and put them there.. but i have a bunch and i dont’ want to look suspicious.. how else to do it?

The Expert answers:

Sell them to your mates

Lisa asks…

Paper or Plastic grocery bags and if you recycle what do u use them for?

me: paper- use for a garbage bag by my sofa. Garbage for car. Use to cover packages for sending. Also use to put cookies that are to be cooled.
Plastic: donate to a charity. Resale shop, childcare facility.

The Expert answers:

I use plastic and then when i get home i use them to wrap up poopy diapers to keep the smell gone, and i use them in my bathroom in the small trash can.

Paul asks…

i recieve summon fail property recycling it says mixed with unsoiled paper in clear bag what they mean by that?

i recieved summons 50.00dollars for fail property recycling they say orange juice mixed with unsoiled paper in clear bag.. i thought juice carton also carton like cereal. and maybe they like to give summons for no reason please help they hire me to take out garbage.

The Expert answers:

Orange Juice cartons are made with paper on the outside and a thin plastic layer inside of them to keep the paper from getting wet. They are working on ways to recycle these cartons by putting them through a process called “hydropulping” but at the moment some recycling facilities have not adopted the new technology. Thus, those Orange Juice cartons are not recyclable in some areas.

Orange Juice cartons look like all paper cereal boxes but they are not and until these new techniques are adopted in your area they are not recyclable. Call your local recycling facility and ask them why they do not recycle them and inform them about the new techniques available.

Maria asks…

Recycling question?

I recently switched to a garbage pickup company that does recycling, I am confused about 1 type of garbage, the silver bags that chips and cookies come in, what catagory would they go in?
Thank you.

The Expert answers:

When I recycle I usually put cardboard, cans, and plastic in the container. I would toss the silver bag in the regular garbage.

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