Friday, February 28, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How do I remove the recycle bin from my desktop?

I have a funny Pinkie Pie icon (yes, I’m a brony) that replaces the Recycle Bin icon. But when I go to change the icon, it won’t let me. So I create a shortcut and edit that. Now, I need to move the Recycle Bin into a folder or something, so it’s not on the desktop, leaving the shortcut there instead. But every time I move it, it only creates a shortcut in that location. What do I do?

Also, I am using a PC, and Windows 7.

The Expert answers:

Right click on your Desktop and select Personalize > on the left click Change Desktop Icons > uncheck the Recycle Bin box and click OK.

Nancy asks…

recycle bin?

i deleted my recycle bin by accident, how do i get it back to my desktop?

The Expert answers:

Easiest way

Right-click an empty area of your desktop
Desktop tab
Restore Default
Exit & restart

Jenny asks…

Recycle bin…?

Okay my parents live 300+ miles away and are very computer illiterate. One of them has deleted the recycle bin from their desktop. They are running Windows ME. Can anyone help me to guide them on where it can be found on their computer and how to restore it to the desktop. I just can’t remember much about that os.

The Expert answers:

Ok. I have Vista I am not sure if this works the same but it should be some what similar.Go to your desk top. Right click. Click on Personalize (at the bottom). Then when the page opens up there is a list to the very left and top of the page that has an option that says Change desk top icons.Click on that and a box will open up that has recycle bin and click on the recycle bin box. That should make another icon. If this does not work then look for some thing that is “Dest top icon settings” I hope this is some help.

Michael asks…

Recycle Bin?

How do I get the contents of my recycle bin into chronological order ?

The Expert answers:

In the recycle bin, Click View, Arrange Icons By ….

Linda asks…

Recycle bin?

I’m running Windows Vista and following an automatic update, my recycle bin has disappeared from my desktop….anyone know how to get it back?

The Expert answers:

You’v accidently just deleted it rather than emptyed it, easily done in vista, I do it all the time, but like PurpleBerry said, do that and you’l get it back 🙂

Carol asks…

recycle bin???

is deleting files to the recycle bin and emptying it ultimately the final step in removing unwanted files from your computer…or can you still retrieve the “deleted” files?

If you can still retrieve them…how? And how do you completely erase them from existance?

…I have an HP Pavillion(not sure of model #) with XP Home Edition

The Expert answers:

Of course, they will stay for sometime, i ve heard and used a long ago, i dont remember. Try searching the net. Norton protected recycle bin will backup all files deleted from recycle bin / shift+del / CMD_PROMPT – del command

Thomas asks…

Recycle bin…..?

How can i see the word documents i have deleted in my recycle bin? All that is in there when i check are deleted photos or music?

The Expert answers:

You shouldn’t have deleted it in the first place but if you did you might want to check out those programs those guys were talking about and why are you ducking jc and i haha. Well good luck with that hopefully it wasn’t anything important.

Mark asks…

recycle bin?

i was deleting some pictures and i accidently deleted the recycle bin how do i get that back
i am using vista

The Expert answers:

Restoring The Main Windows XP Icons Back To Your Desktop

Go into your Control Panel by first clicking on the Start Button.

Then click on the Control Panel icon located in the right column of the Start Menu.

If your Start Menu is set to the Classic View, then begin by clicking on the Start Button.

Then click on Settings, then click on the Control Panel icon to open up the Control Panel.

Now double click on the Display icon to open up the Display Properties window.

Then click on the Desktop tab located at the top of the Display Properties window.

Now click on the Customize Desktop button located at the bottom of the screen.

Under the Desktop icons section, place check marks next to the four main Windows XP Desktop Icons.

Then click on the OK button to have Windows XP apply and save your changes.

And then click on the OK button to close the Display Properties window.

The My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places and Internet Explorer Icons will be on the Desktop.

Note: If the Desktop Icons are still not present, then right click directly on the Desktop.

Then glide your mouse over the Arrange Icons By option and then click on Show Desktop Icons.

Susan asks…

Recycle bin?

I have a Dell xps mi530 laptop. With windows vista. The comoputer is nearly brand new. I accidently deleted my recycle bin the other day. Where does it go? Can I get it back?

The Expert answers:


Start.. Control panel.. Appearance and personalization.. Click on personalization at the top.. Over in the blue green area it says “change desktop icons”

..make sure the recycle bin box is checked.. It should look like this:

then hit apply to see if it comes up.. And ok to finish.

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