Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

Why is Santilli’s method of recycling nuclear waste getting so much opposition?

The Expert answers:

Probably for the same reason that most of his other ideas get opposition.
I’m afraid I can’t elaborate since he seems to sue people who say he is a crackpot. (not that I’m saying he is a crackpot)

Richard asks…

How do i start a small waste recycling plant for paper and plastics?

I want to start a small paper and plastic waste recycling plant worth 600 US dollars.

The Expert answers:

Try to start advertising your services online.

Betty asks…

l want my class to present an item about the importance of recycling waste. Any ideas?

Poems on recycled materials
It is a grade four class. We have already made some items from waste materials and we need a poem at least which is in-line with the subject.

The Expert answers:

There once was a man from nantucket

Linda asks…

Are there any laws governing dumping, storage and recycling of e-waste?

I need to answer questions on e-waste and one is asking wether there are any laws governing the storage, dumping and recycling of e-waste? But I cant find any information on this so I would be very glad if you could help:) Thanks xx

The Expert answers:

No, but some people think there should be. You see, there is still a few building supporting this. Still the governors are probably thinking of supporting. You could just wait and see.

Summary: You could try going to the library…

Michael asks…

Is it really worth while recycling my waste?

I use the household recycling collection scheme provided by the local council. but I heard most waste is shipped over seas and sorted by people on minimum wage and risk of death. is it worth recycling? We try to recycle as much waste as possible and be good to the environment.


The Expert answers:

I think it’s worse if you don’t recycle.

Daniel asks…

Where in Los Angeles can I sell 20,000 batteries for e-waste recycling?

The batteries are in varying quality, some might still operable but most are dead, and some are already leaking.

The Expert answers:

Try a free classified ad site search on the internet and make an ad for them. You might want to add how many of a type you have or if they are all alkaline.

Susan asks…

How can E-waste be reduced with the help of mobile phone recycling?

Is mobile phone recycling be helpful in reducing E-waste.

The Expert answers:

As a strong supporter of reuse, reduce, recycle let me say that the mobile cell phone is like the old Gillette Razor blade made of stainless steel. The whining alarmist back then predicted all those used blade would ruin every thing, and said we should continue to use the straight razor, which would last forever. So as far as helping yes but not enough to be noticeable.

William asks…

Could recycling waste actually be doing more damage to environment as power is required to transform waste?

The Expert answers:

If you take the need to find new resources out of the equation on balance most recycling is neutral.

The energy in most products goes into finding and refining the ore,oil,timber etc than goes into the manufacture of the final product. With recycling you have problems with perceived in some cases real dangers eg pesticide being stored or mixed in a plastic milk bottle it then being thrown into the recycling. With aluminum and steel you have very high heats which will destroy almost any contaminant. The amount of heat needed in recycled metals is less than that required to extract and purify from raw ore.

If we are talking about household waste streams then recycling is definitely better for the environment if you are able to get the waste stream separated at the source. I.e. The householder having four or five bins. One for glass waste, one for plastics, one for paper and another for organic waste you may also need another bin for the non-recyclables. My city has a plant which can separate glass, metals and plastics.We have only one recycling bin. We put out paper rubbish separately. We will soon have a bin for organic waste.

In industrial situations many time the problem is not separating the waste but finding someone to use the waste or able to use it safely. Eg treated timber off cuts.

Many demolition people now have very good recycling systems set up as it is cheaper for them to do this than send the material to the land fill.

Mary asks…

what is the cost of setting up waste paper recycling macineries inIndia ?

How much space is required for the above plants ?

The Expert answers:

Depends, how much paper do you want to recycle

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