Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Can beer bottles and cans that have cigarette butts in them go into the recycling?

You know how it is at parties, no matter how many ashtrays you have out, butts will always find their way into bottles and cans…but can these then go into the recycling bin or are they considered general waste?


The Expert answers:

Yeah of course you can~no pun intended btw,,,,,,

Linda asks…

Where is good good place to find plastic bottles and aluminum cans for recycling?

I am 14 year old boy and i made a bet with one of my best friends that i could find more aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles. I know where to find them at like gas station trash cans and concerts and big events but it looks like i am a dumpster diver when i look through the bins. Could you tell me a place where bottles and cans are plentiful?

The Expert answers:

Well, make sure to get bottles at school, you could get permission from your school and recycle after the lunch finishes. I’m telling you it works, I am in the AP Environmental Science class and we get around $250 each week for just recycling on school. It’s fun!

Chris asks…

where do i go to return in cans for recycling and earning some money back as well?

I live about 10 miles south of Indianapolis and was wondering where I may return my cans for money. Names of places would be wonderful! Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Check your yellow pages for salvage or scrap yards

Charles asks…

Can those aluminum and steel aerosol cans be put in with the recycling?

Like the air freshener ones.
The city lets us recycle steel, aluminum, glass, and #1 & #2 plastics. Can I throw those aerosol cans in with the stuff?

The Expert answers:

Yes you can, you just need to make sure they are completely empty. Then remove the cap, sprayer nozzle etc (and recycle the cap with the plastics)

Most of those cans will say “steel” with the 3 recyle arrows circling it, or will have a message thats says “Steel, please recycle”

So the answer is, yes, they can (and should) be recycled.

Steven asks…

How much can i get for recycling aluminium cans in PA?

We go through ALOT of beer cans in my appartment here at Penn State, so i was just wondering if it would be worth saving the cans to make a few extra $? also do they pay you by weight or number of cans, and about how manny (or how much) would you have to recycle to make say $100 here?

The Expert answers:

I believe they pay you per can and it’s 10 cents per can. If you any brass, etc. They pay you by weight. But it’s per can. You would need roughly 1000 cans.

Susan asks…

If you sell aluminum cans to recycling plants, do you have to pull the tabs off?

I was thinking of selling cans because we have a lot in our house but I’m not sure if I have to pull the tab off or not.

The Expert answers:

Leave them on, they are aluminum too.

Robert asks…

I am looking for a place that has machines for recycling empty pop cans near Silverdale Washington?

I am looking for some place that has a machine that I put empty pop cans into and get paid like I have seen in some supermarkets. I have lots of pop cans but do not want to deal with the rude and crude people at the recycle centers around here. Anyone know of such a thing? Otherwise I will just dumpster them because its not worth the trouble to me.

The Expert answers:

Check the machine you see in a supermarket. There should be a decal on the machine with a phone number. It there is none ask the store manager if they have a contact number. Check your Yellow pages for businesses that buy recycle able material. Check local scout troops many collect, and will come to your home regularly to pick them up. They don’t pay but they are worth so little that just yours are not worth the trouble. Working for a reclaiming center is a lousy job for people that can’t find a decent job. Have some compassion for the unfortunates they are humans, and you could find your self in their place.

Helen asks…

Where can I get a free bin for recycling cans.?

I need a can recycling bin, or cardboard box, for my sports club. We sell loads of cans of coke etc and want to start to recycle them. Where can I get hold of a free bin ?

The Expert answers:

Hi David

If based in England you should be able to contact your local council and register for recycling credits.

Regular collections are weighed and over the year your sports club could earn enough to pay heating bills etc.
You should be able to get paper, metal and glass bring banks.

George asks…

Is it important to RINSE CANS and other things when RECYCLING?

I rinse my soda cans and soup cans and milk gallons and everything but just wanted to know if that is needed or not. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

They do it themselves but i would see why it would be preferred so things dont make a stinky/sticky mess

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