Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Illegal to take someone’s recycling in most states?

it is a crime and punishable by either a ticket or jail time in most cities to take recycling garbage from anyone’s garbage no matter where the bin is sitting. it is considered stealing. so no, it is NOT ok to dumpster dive in anyone’s garbage no matter where it sits. if you think it is ok to dumpster dive it is like invasion of someone’s privacy and if you take anything out of the garbage it is stealing.

The Expert answers:

Yes, it should be illegal in all 50 states. People still throw credit card applications etc. In the trash. This method is one of the biggest forms of identity theft. My advice, invest in a shredder.

Mark asks…

Illegal to take someone’s recycling in most states?

it is a crime and punishable by either a ticket or jail time in most cities to take recycling garbage from anyone’s garbage no matter where the bin is sitting. it is considered stealing. so no, it is NOT ok to dumpster dive in anyone’s garbage no matter where it sits. if you think it is ok to dumpster dive it is like invasion of someone’s privacy and if you take anything out of the garbage it is stealing.

The Expert answers:

Actually, in most states, once the trash or recycling is set to the street, it is considered abandoned…therefore you can help yourself.

I do not see the reasoning for making it illegal.

James asks…

what happens to plastic milk bottles that we garbage/recycle?

do they like santize the same bottle and fill it w/ milk or what?

The Expert answers:

The system in the UK is similar to the US in that the plastic milk bottles are sorted according to their polymer type by Infra-Red Technology. Different polymers reflect light in different ways, but HDPE bottles always reflect light one way, whereas PET bottles always reflect light another. The only exception is black containers – but that’s because they absorb way too much light, so its too difficult to detect what is what.

Once the bottles are sorted they get washed, grinded and then flaked, before being extruded into rHDPE pellets.

There are a couple of problems yet to be sorted with rHDPE.
The first is that if you start adding more than say 30% of rHDPE you start to notice a green tinge to the bottle. That’s because rHDPE cleaned pellets are green (I have a small handfull on my desk and they remind me a bit like Kryptonite!). Obviously this doesn’t make the milk look too good either. (See pages 24-28 of the full report in the link below).

The other problem is that sometimes people use milk bottles to hold detergents or other strong scented products as a secondary use before putting into the recycling stream.

Despite going through super-clean processes and passing food-safety tests, the polymer can still have a faint odour smell. Organoleptic tests have been conducted on this and all have concluded that it didn’t affect the taste profile of milk, yet it remained. This is why batches of Post Consumer Waste milk bottles are checked religously to ensure this does not occur.


If it goes to landfill, then it sits there for a long long long time.
Alternatively it can be burnt to produce energy, but this produces by-products which need to be dealt with. All in all, recycling is the way to go.

Hope this helps!

Ken asks…

What are the ways to inform people of the importance of recycling?

I’m doing a project and I have to to a creation so I can inform people how not to throw garbage and the importance of recycling so I was really confused to find a way. I thought of a banner and brochure but my supervisor refused so I can you people help me find another thing?

The Expert answers:

Look up the steady decline in ozone and increase in pollution, overflows in landfills and the affects of all three, such as increase in breathing problems due to pollution from overflowing and huge landfills, and heath problems due to those things as well, animals suffer more and more every year that we are dumping in their homes, would you like to live in a place full of garbage?? People need to start thinking as if they were in other people soes and animals places, but a lot of people are selfish and do not care about the futures of out children and animals…it is quite sad and pathetic how destructive and messy we are… 🙁 anyways i hope that this may help you in some way to inspire other people…

Michael asks…

How much would the amount of garbage be reduced if everyone recycled?

By how much would the amount of garbage be reduced in the U.S. anually if everyone recycled?

The Expert answers:

Studies show that 60% to 75% of garbage in landfills can be recycled. That means that if everybody recycled, we’d have 60% to 75% less garbage in our landfills. Recycling is important, so don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. It is important because many resources are running out, so recycling keeps them going so that we don’t run out.


Charles asks…

Do they have a recycling program in the USA?

I asked a question about water bottles and people were answering as though there was no recycling program. In Canada we have a garbage program and a recycling program that both collect on the same day.

The Expert answers:

We have recycling centers in Oklahoma and Texas so I am sure these aren’t the only two states. Pasadena, Texas also picks up the recyclables at the curb. Even though we do not have this service, we take our recycled items to a center.

Linda asks…

when recycling becomes mandatory, do you expect to be paid for your garbage?

i mean, all that metal, glass, and paper has to be worth something

The Expert answers:

I never expect.

Helen asks…

If you came to a come and try day and found the stuff for the sculpture was recycled garbage ?

what would you think.

I am assisting organizing a come and try day for a disability arts group.
With 10 different one available. Some where they can come and go

I also have decided 15 art forms for people to vote on for future work shops

The Expert answers:

I wish you good luck with your come and try day for a disability arts group.

Maria asks…

Is it possible to sort out the garbage in a landfill?

Well, this may be a stupid question, but I genuinely wonder.
I know most people just throw everything away without recycling stuff. So, in landfills, there must be tons of objects that can be recycled. Is it possible for people to go into landfills and pick through the garbage and find items to be recycled? Or, would it not work because the recyclable items have been damaged somehow by the landfill? Or is it just not economical for some reason? I don’t understand why people don’t go to the landfills and find items to recycle. Wouldn’t it make the landfills smaller over time? Is this illogical?

The Expert answers:

Yes it is possible and some garbage handling companies do just that and sort out all the materials that can be recycled or disposed of more properly and then dump all the bona fide refuse into a landfill or incinerator.

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