Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

How do I organize things in my recycle bins?

My family is gone, and the day they come back is the day after recycling is collected. I’ve never put out recycling before.

Do I put cardboard and paper in one bin, and plastic and glass in another?

The Expert answers:

It really depends upon who is collecting the recycling. My recycler wants EVERYTHING seperated. Newspaper, magazines, chipboard, cardboard, tin cans, aluminum cans, coloured glass, clear glass, and plastics by number.

How many bins does your family usually use? Then divide the items into like categories. The bottom line is the recyclers make money picking up your recycling so they will sort it into smaller categories if they have to.
When your family gets home find out more about how your household runs, you’ll be amazed at the things you learn.

Ken asks…

How To Get A Grant For Recycle Bins For My School ?

Allright I Am Looking For A grant To Supply About 120 recycle bins for my middle school and i cant find one my mom was trying and couldn’t find one so if you have a place that does this sort of thing please let me know

The Expert answers:

Check with your state Conservation Board or google ‘recycling grants’ and your state and see what pops up. Good luck and bless you!

Donald asks…

Should people go though our recycle bins?

We have a city wide recycle program. This curbside pick up is done weekly with our regular garbage collection. Some individuals go through these bins the night before. Should they be allowed to glean the rewards for our recycling effort? Our city of 1800 residents receives the revenue, and it helps offset some of our costs.

The Expert answers:

First its a dumb retarted anwser and people should not go through or receclying bins

Mark asks…

Is there any website that i can go to to get recycle bins for every classroom for my school?

I was wondering if anyone knew a company or website that can provide my school with FREE or CHEAP recycle bins to put in every classroom to enforce recycling and living a green life, thanks (:

The Expert answers:

Cheap would be ebay…. ;D

Maria asks…

Where can a buy recycle bins?

what local stores will sell recycle bins in the store, and not only online?

The Expert answers:

Ahhhh, if u live in england or those citys where recycling truks come and pick up recycling bins, u mean that no? U should get them by a request to the local recycling center. When u see the truck, ask them about it. They should tell u were to get one free of charge

James asks…

Where can I buy the large metal recycle bins with separators?

I want to place a recycle dumpster in my community and Im looking for one that is for more than one item. I think usually they have 5 compartment. Its an all in one kind of deal.
What im looking for holds maybe 5 ton…like the big dumpsters that companies use for trash but its for recycling and has seperators.

The Expert answers:

Modern recycling services are called Single Stream Recycling because it turns out that consumer sorting is too variable to be of use and they have to resort anyways just because someone is bound to missort. Therefore it’s more cost effective to have just one bin and save money by having just one collection stream since they have to sort at the plant anyways. Sorting at the plants is now heavily mechanized.

George asks…

Why have the trash bins on computers become recycle bins?

Way back when when I was 8, my computer had a “trash bin.” Now, on my new laptop, it’s a “recycle bin.”
Is Microsoft trying to cozy up to environmentalists?

The Expert answers:

Maybe they are encouraging everyone to recycle everything possible. Even Movies,games etc lol ^_^

Lisa asks…

What can you put in your recycle bins?

What kind of materials can you put in you green lid recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

That depends upon where you live and what is accepted by your local recyclers. As to how you are required to sort materials is also dictated by your local recyclers. I would suggest you call your local “city hall” for the correct information.

I can and do recycle aluminum, tin cans, plastics soda bottles as well as most plastic containers, paper of all types and cardboard.

Not all recycling programs are created equal.

Mandy asks…

Are there any pc recycle bins around Fort Worth texas that allow you to pick parts.?

I am gathering pieces for a summer project and need an lcd and/or parts recycle bin where I could gather lcd parts to repair broken lcds.

The Expert answers:

Yea, its called peoples trash cans

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