Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

how does the carbon cycle recycle matter?

you know can you please explain it to me in at leat a paragraph enough for me to knoe cause 1 oe 2 sentences isnt enough for me i need at least 5 or 6 but 4 is also fine.

The Expert answers:

The carbon cycle is pretty complex and so it will be hard to describe it in only 5 or 6 sentences but I will give it a try.

The carbon cycle is the process by which carbon is cycled between living things and other parts of the Earth. Starting in the atmosphere, there is lots of carbon in the form of a gas called carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and break it down to use the carbon for making plant tissues and as part of that process they release oxygen back into the atmosphere so we can breath. That carbon then passes into the soil when the plant dies. The plant may be eaten by an animal and the animal will breath out carbon dioxide into the air again. Or rains may move some of that carbon into the oceans. Also some of the carbon dioxide from the air into the oceans. Also some of the carbon dioxide in the air will dissolve into the ocean waters. In the oceans, plants use carbon to make tissues and animals use carbon to make their shells. Shells can become rock and later weather and dissolve back into the ocean. Ocean animals breath out carbon dioxide too.

I think that is more than six sentences. Sorry. I told you it is pretty complicated.

Susan asks…

Which if the following is NOT true about the matter in the biosphere?

a. matter is recycled in the biosphere?
b. Biogeochemical cycles tansform and reuse molecules
c. biological systems use up matter as they change it
d. water and nutrients passs between organisms and the enviorment

please help 🙂

The Expert answers:

I think its A?

Donald asks…

Baby Name Predictions – What will be popular 20 years from now?

Names seem to go in cycles. 20 years ago, Emma, Hannah and Ava were considered stuffy old lady names. They’d been popular when our great-grandmothers were having kids. Now they’ve been recycled and sound new and fresh again. But in 80 years, they’ll be back in the nursing home.

So what will OUR kids by naming their sons and daughters 20-30 years from now?

The Expert answers:

Since the “old lady names” are coming back for our time (Lillian, Cora, Emily, etc) I think the names that were popular in the 60s will be back in 20 years. I think Nancy, Carol, Karen, Pamela, Cynthia, etc. Will be names of our grandkids and our grandkids friends.

Lizzie asks…

i accidentally put my computer cycling bin in the recycling bin, now i cant get it back?

vista computer, instead of clicking on empty recycling bin on the icon of my desktop, i clicked send to recycling bin. now i dont have a recycling bin XD. i searched for it, but cant find it. i typed “recycling” into the search field, and got no results. what the hell do i do now lol.

The Expert answers:

Wow! That’s the first time I’ve heard of that one!
Try right-clicking desktop and “undo delete”?
Open File Explorer (should be able to just type “explorer” into your start menu search box) and go up to desktop (if you can’t find buttons for it, just hit backspace a few times).
Still can’t find it? Check your User FilesUserName and see if there is a recycle bin there. It might be hidden, so you may not see it…
Also, there should be an option under your desktop options to show/hide recycle bin…

I hope this helps!

Mark asks…

How long to take a filter to cycle?

Now I have a 5-15 gal in my 20 gal tall.

My buddy fixed the 20-40 gal filter. Both are in the tank. The 5-15 gal is cycled, while the other is starting to recycle.

The whole tank is cycled, thanks to the 5-15 gal filter. but how long before I can take it out and just use the 20-40 gallon filter?

There are 6 corydoras in the tank and that’s all the fish and I don’t know how many plants.

The Expert answers:

Leave them to run alongside each other for about 2-3 weeks and it should then be safe enough to remove the smaller filter. You can remove some of the filter media spong from the smaller filter and smoosh it in with the filter media in the bigger filter to help it along too!

Carol asks…

if everything in this universe will be recycled by nature? how can our soul are not be recycled ?

even the stars and the universe will be destroyed and recreated in a cycle…
even water and air and all thing on earth used over and over again by various creature…

how can we assume that our soul will not be recycled ?
sure show me…

The Expert answers:

That is human ego, just knock their head, and let them forget their self

George asks…

Biogeochemical cycles depend mostly on _____ and _____ for decomposition and the recycling of elements.?


The Expert answers:

When do you have to get your homework in by and why wont anybody else do it for you?

Richard asks…

Can anyone give me a good website to find any up-cycling/recycling stallholders?

I’ve already checked and I found some good ones but I need a good few more and can’t find anything! Thank you! 🙂

The Expert answers:

Ok, so I clicked on “answer question” in large part out of curiosity over the term “stallholder”. takes one to a UK site that promises to inform the user of fairs, bazaars, and other events at which folks can open a stall to sell their wares. This particular site also connects folks who want to sell things with product to sell. Of course, they provide a conduit for those with product that they want others to sell.

Paul asks…

can re-cycled rubber ie playground surfaces be re-recycled? or indeed disposed off?

all these rubber surfaces being put down,What happens after there useful life

The Expert answers:

Most park recreational management facilitys will try to save the older playground equipment and recycle it into newer updated equipment but if its not salvageable then they recycle it down at the plant{ at least this is what it is on the east coast not sure anywhere else}

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