Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

How can I not be qualified to work in a recycling plant?

Also little jobs that require on the job training, like Waste Management, Security. You don’t even need a high school diploma.

The Expert answers:

You ever think that you werent ment to do that job? Maybe there is another purpose for your life….think about it. You might be here for another reason. Not to be a waste management security.


Mary asks…

Land Lord pays for garbage, but doesn’t leave enough room to dispose of waste.?

I live in Washington state. In our lease agreement the land lord pays for water, sewer and garbage. We live in a small tri-plex. Our land lord provides one small trash bin and one small recycling bin for all three apartments. This is not enough for 3 households.
To top it off, every time I see the land lord he is always complaining about the garbage bill and how we need to make sure there isn’t too much trash in the bin so he doesn’t get over charged by waste management. I recycle, compost and do my best to reduce the amount of trash my family of 5 puts out. However, every week there is not enough room in the trash can to dispose of our garbage.
It is in our lease that he is paying for garbage, shouldn’t he provide extra bins or even a dumpster for all of his units so that we have adequate trash removal, or at least stop harassing his tenants about the garbage bill?

The Expert answers:

Around here, every household is required to have a bin.
If you were to call the city, or the garbage company, and point out that there’s 1 bin for 3 households, i suspect (A) it would get fixed, and (B) you landlord would be looking to find out who complained. Just deny it was you. “Huh? What? I didn’t know that was a problem. It is true that there really wasn’t enough space, but i thought that’s just the way it was.”

Linda asks…

Ok, I am a recycling virgin, what do I need to know?

I’m trying to get my family together to start recycling, but i don’t know the “rules”, We have Waste Management (don’t know if they all have different regulations or what?)
Do we need to seperate plastics and glass, etc?
Do they need to be rinsed out?
Can anything with the recycle triangle be recycled?

I had other questions, but cannot remember them now (gofigure!) Any other advice or guidelines to follow will help. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Recycling services can vary greatly, so check out Waste Management’s and/or your city’s website for the recycling services that are provided to you. Sometimes utility bills will come with inserts that explain the “rules.”

You probably do not need to separate most materials, but that will be explained once you find your city-specific “rules.”

You should rinse the containers out to remove any food product.

Regarding your triangle question…. Pretty much anything can be recycled, but the question is how cost-effective is it? Some cities only provide recycling for certain numbers, so check the “rules.”

If you are really intent on recycling an item that WM and your city will not take, then remember that there are always places that you can bring materials; it will just require more effort on your part. Also, this will allow you to collect the money, rather than WM and your city.

In addition to recycling, be aware of hazardous materials that you may be throwing away, such as electronic equipment (phones, computer equipment, radios, TVs, etc.), batteries, fluorescent lights, etc. Be sure to find your local hazardous materials drop-off location. On occasion, community organizations will schedule free drop-offs that you can bring your items to.

Keep up the effort! It all becomes really easy once you establish the new behavior.

Steven asks…

cost of paper recycling machine’s cost?

I have worked on environment education to school children last 5 years back in association of Bharathi Welfare Society. Now I would like to setup a plant of waste paper recycling plant in rural Karnataka. I have worked with the elected women representatives at three districts of Karnataka intensively and extensively in 21 districts of Karnataka I strongly believe that today waste management is a big crises & at rural places apart from paper recycling others will not be feasible.

The Expert answers:

It may be a little costy but well worth it in the long run economically and to the environment. Check out this website.

John asks…

solid waste management survey questions?

as homeowners, what qs would u like to respond/to be asked if a survey/questionnaire was conducted in ur residence?
eg – What method do you use to dispose off garbage currently? Who do you think should clean the streets, garbage drums and drains in your area? Would u be willing to participate in a recycle/buy back program? something like those..

The Expert answers:

Whenever you are going to conduct survey or managment plan for solid waste, u need to know what kind of waste the particular community is generating and in how much amount.

Questions asked could be
1. What is the estimated amount of waste produced by your home daily.
I. 5-10 Kg
ii. 10-15 Kg
iii. 15-20 kg
iv Moe than 20 Kg

2. Waste generated by your home consists of
i. Papers 100% 75% 50% 25% less than 25%
ii. Disposables 100% 75% 50% 25% :ess than 25%
iii. Food Items 100% 75% 50% 255 less than 25%
iv, Garden waste 100% 75% 50% 25% less than 25%

3. Is there any waste collection mechanism provided by the Govt. Or Private business holders.

4. Do they have provided any waste segregating bins to homes or all the waste is collected in one bin.

4. Do you have nay facility to compost waste like kitchen items and garden waste in your home.

5. In your opinion what is the best method to dispose of waste.

6. Will you be ready to pay some extra money to purchase recycleable products.


Ruth asks…

What about lids for recycling?

My family recently started recycling and as we go along, I find myself with more and more questions. (I am still waiting for a response from Waste Management about their guidelins, specifications, etc.)

For soup cans, plastic milk bottles and juice jugs, do i need to remove the labels from these items? And also what about the lids? Do pop cans need to be crushed?

Any info is helpful, thank you!

The Expert answers:

In my township, there is no need to remove labels or crush cans. The lids and caps should be removed because the material is picked up in garbage trucks and a sealed bottle makes a big bang when compressed. Further, the lids and caps may not be made of a recyclable material. Small plastic items need not be marked with the recycling triangle.

Susan asks…

How can I recycle E-Waste in domestic level ?

I want the information on E-wast management .Please guys help me as fast as possible.I am making project on E-Waste.

The Expert answers:

Electronic waste, e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) describes loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, broken, electrical or electronic devices. The processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems because electronic equipment contains some very serious contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium and brominated flame retardants. Even in developed countries recycling and disposal of e-waste involves significant risk for examples to workers and communities and great care must be taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations and leaching of materials such as heavy metals from landfills and incinerator ashes

James asks…

Can the King of Trees, Aal Maras, the Aswatha Vrikshas absorb harmful radiations from nuclear waste to give O3?

Can the King of Trees, Aal Maras, the Arayals, the Bodhi Vrikshas or the Aswatha Vrikshas as depicted in Sanathan Dharma, absorb harmful radiations from nuclear waste and recycle that into Ozone, the shield to protect the colourfulness of Earth. Is this the reason the Temples maintain Arayaals and Aaltharas ? When an Arayal falls it is given high respect in funerals as per Hindu Traditions. Can the old malayalam proverb “Arayil oru Aal Kilirthhal…. ” has got some connections with radiation waste management thru Green Peace Way ?

Can Arayals planted around the nuclear waste septic tanks can reduce the risk of harmful radiation leakages or rather recycling of radiation leakages for a better cause of producing ozone more in Nature. What are your thoughts ?

The Expert answers:

We can plant one such tree in a nuclear plant site and observe
This tree may become grey

Chris asks…

Where to get old computers to refurbish?

I’m looking to get a hold of up to 20 computer towers per month to refurbish, any ideas where in the uk i can get them free?

The council’s waste management department recycles the computers chucked into their skips as far as i know, so me taking some off of their hands can only save them money, how would i go about suggesting this to them?
I have all the software needed to do the standard 7 times random overwrite for any hard disks i would aquire.

The Expert answers:

I hate to be obvious, but ring up the Council’s waste management department and suggest it to them.

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