Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

Please help me proofread the following paragraph ..thanks ..Part II?

For environment concern, this is designed to separate the waste oil and chips fluid. Once the waste oil and chips fluid are separated, the odd smelling will disappear shortly and then the fluid can be recycled and used for machining operation.

The Expert answers:


For environmental concern, this is designed to separate waste oil and chips fluid. Once the waste oil and chips fluid are separated, the odd smell will disappear shortly and then the fluid can be recycled and used for machine operation.

Robert asks…

Can you please translate this text into French(human translations only).?

Reduce, reuse, recycle is the motto of those who wish to reduce the rate at which we are using up our vital resources. Some resources are renewable meaning that we can replace them easily. For example trees produce wood that can be used for buildings, furniture, paper and fuel. Trees can be replaced when we plant new trees. On the other hand, most buildings are constructed using non-renewable resources such as concrete, steel and glass. These are examples of large scale use of resources but significant savings are made if lots of people take care of the little things in their everyday lives. We can reduce the use of fuel by walking to school, by putting on a jumper instead of using central heating and taking a shower which uses less hot water than a bath. We can reduce the use of packaging by buying items sold without wrapping and by re-using carrier bags or investing in shopping baskets. We can reduce the amount of waste that we put into the environment by never buying more than we need and by recycling not just metals, plastic and glass but clothes and shoes, fabrics, oil, batteries and electrical equipment.

The Expert answers:

Réduire, réutiliser, réutiliser est la devise de ceux qui souhaitent réduire le taux auquel nous épuisons nos ressources essentielles. Quelques ressources sont signification renouvelable que nous pouvons les remplacer facilement. Par exemple les arbres produisent le bois qui peut être employé pour des bâtiments, des meubles, le papier et le carburant. Des arbres peuvent être remplacés quand nous plantons de nouveaux arbres. D’une part, la plupart des bâtiments sont construits using les ressources non-renouvelables telles que concret, l’acier et le verre. Ce sont des exemples de l’utilisation de large échelle des ressources mais l’épargne significative est faite si un bon nombre de gens prennent soin des petites choses dans leurs vies quotidiennes. Nous pouvons ramener l’utilisation du carburant par la marche à l’école, par la mise sur un pullover au lieu d’employer le chauffage central et de prendre une douche qui emploie moins d’eau chaude qu’un bain. Nous pouvons réduire l’utilisation de l’empaquetage en achetant des articles vendus sans s’envelopper et en réutilisant des sacs de porteur ou l’investissement dans des paniers à provisions. Nous pouvons réduire la quantité de perte que nous mettons dans l’environnement en n’achetant jamais plus que nous avons besoin et en réutilisant pas simplement les métaux, le plastique et le verre mais les vêtements et des chaussures, les tissus, le pétrole, les batteries et l’appareillage électrique.

Betty asks…

If I, as A Native American ran for President and this would be my platform, would you vote for me?

To greatly pursue Oil, only until Alternative Sources of Energy were implimented in a full useful manner.
To put all the smartest minds at NASA on the road to finding those alternative energy sources. – They can’t play with their toys on Mars until they succeed.
To stop Outsourceing American Jobs.
To look into the Validity of Taxation.
To Feed Americans from our Farm Lands First. Only sell what’s left.
Free Health Care. Cap Medical Costs.
Clean up The Environment … so people stop getting sick.
Reduction in chemical use.
Protect Wildlife.
Reduce Material Waste.
Recycling would be manditory.
Stop the import of stupid stuff we don’t need.
Truth in Advertising.
Truth in Government.
Improve Education.
Secure our Boarders.
Global Diplomacy.
Freedom of Religion and Non-belief, to believe what you want but not to harass others with your beliefs.
To take all threats to America Seriously. To respond
Mato: “If it doesn’t serve Everyone’s best interest, it will serve no one.”

The Expert answers:

Those are lofty goals indeed.
One of the problem with your platform, as with most presidential platforms, is that the president has limited/no powers in many of these areas.
Just one example – the president has little or no power when it comes to outsourcing jobs. That is a decision, rightly or wrongly, that is in the hands of the industries that do the outsourcing.
Many of your ideas sound quite lofty, but cannot really be defined. And how about enforcement?
What is “stupid stuff we don’t need?” Isn’t that a personal decision?
“not to harrass others with your beliefs.” Define harassment. I can guarantee you it’s not someone else’s definition.
The president is not the King. The platform you propose is not a presidential platform, but rather the platform of a dictator.
It’s a good try, however, and I urge you to keep thinking and to get involved int his year’s races, in whatever way you can make yourself useful. You have a good mind.
Be well.

Mark asks…

Health class help!!!!?

When buying recycled products look for:
the package made of plastic only
the highest recycled content
the most attractive package
the largest package
5 points
Question 2

Nontoxic means a product is:
good for the earth
good for landfills
will not stain your clothes
not poisonous to humans
5 points
Question 3

Downcycling is defined as:
recycling Downy containers
lower grade of recycling
lower grade of plastic due to recycling
recycle education in the lower elementary grades
5 points
Question 4

Precycling means making environmentally sound decisions
in your home
after using an item
at the store before taking the product home
for your whole family
5 points
Question 5

Products that eat away at other materials are known as:
5 points
Question 6

Aluminum is:
not recyclable
seldom recycled
expensive to recycle
100% recyclable
5 points
Question 7

The three R’s of Recycling stand for:
reading, riting and rithmetic
recycle, remit and reuse
recycle, reduce and reclaim
reduce, reuse and recycle
5 points
Question 8

Glass is:
not recyclable
recyclable only if it is clear
not recyclable if broken
100% recyclable
5 points
Question 9

The best method of disposing of household hazardous waste is:
burning it in a wood stove
putting it down the drain or in your garbage can
taking it to your local Household Hazardous waste station
putting it in your recycle bin, but not till recycle day
5 points
Question 10

Reducing, which is the first step in recycling, is considered:
5 points
Question 11

Toxic chemicals are found:
only in manufacturing plants
in many household products
only in chemical plants
only in cities
5 points
Question 12

Products that create deadly vapors are known as:
5 points
Question 13

The Government Agency that was created to protect our natural resources is:
Bureau of Land Management
Central Intelligence Agency
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Protection Agency
5 points
Question 14

White vinegar is an alternative cleaning product that helps:
soften water
cut grease
remove stains from carpets
attack rust
5 points
Question 15

Recycling paper does all but the following:
saves 380 gallons of oil
saves 17 trees
reduces water pollution
saves fluid for printing on paper
5 points
Question 16

The most efficient way to eliminate waste in our world is to:
5 points
Question 17

Which of the following is not considered hazardous waste?
motor oil
mixed paper
5 points
Question 18

Which is not one of the three R’s?
5 points
Question 19

Paper that cannot be recycled includes:
waxed milk/juice cartons, plastic laminated packages
foil, fax paper
choice 1 and choice 2 only
newspaper, cardboard
5 points
Question 20

There are four statements below. Complete TWO of the four statements. For full credit, write a minimum of two sentences for each statement selected. Please use the wording below to start your answer.

1. The best thing about recycling is…

2. Sometimes recycling is hard because…

3. I promise not to litter because…

4. Besides recycling, I do the following to help my environment..

The Expert answers:

14 is EPA

Donna asks…

Crushing on a jerk who is perfect and feels the same way… what to do…?

There’s this girl I have a huge crush on and most likely has a huge crush on me (lots of evidence, including what some of her friends have told me and the hobbies that she’s recently picked up)…

Our personalities mix about as well as oil and water. Although she is breathtakingly beautiful, witty, articulate and intelligent she is also very dominating and manipulative… she is freakishly high-strung, emotional and passionate about certain things (she’s been known to go off on her roommates hardcore — to the point of yelling and humiliating — about recycling, wasting energy, homosexual rights [she’s had girlfriends before], liberal politics, etc). I’m quiet, and fairly passive, but I’m also very politically opinionated — I’m a libertarian — and she doesn’t like being disagreed with.

In short she’d be the perfect woman if she wasn’t such a total jackass.

Should I get in a relationship with this otherwise divine ****** if we are both at least a little bit already in love?.

The Expert answers:

If you want to change who you are and put a lot of effort into the relationship go for it, but know that you are the one who is going to be doing all of the work.

Maria asks…

Are there any first edition Toyota Prius’ still running?

My car was built in 1972 and is still running fine, therefore it’s only environmental impact for the last 40 years has been a few sets of brakes, tyres and fuel of course. The steel components have all been recycled, as has waste oil.
Compared to the modern Prius – how long do they last – and is the constant manufacturing of a vehicle every 10 years more wasteful than one car lasting 40 years?

The prius first came out in 1997 – so are any still running 15 years on without major overhaul of replacing half the weight and cost of the car?

The Expert answers:

You’re going to have to ask someone in Japan that because the original Prius was only sold in Japan. However, the Prius is not an expensive car to maintain. My 2001 Prius is over ten years old and still runs like new. I did have to replace the tires. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Michael asks…

Who has more power to change the world? The consumer or the worker? And why?

So often we hear “Dont shop at Walmart”, “Dont drive SUV’s” “Be vegan or vegetarian” “Dont waste plastic, recycle”. There are people that think that through individual lifestyle choices, the world will change. If you become a vegan, youre not adding on to environmental degredation or animal cruelty, right? Or so it seems. If you dont drive a gas guzzling SUV, then youre not supporting the oil companies right?
I happen to believe that a fundamental change in the way society works these days doesnt come from the consumer, but from the worker. For through the toil of the worker, profit is accumulated. The drive for profit is what causes environmental degredation, animal cruelty, and much worse things like imperialist wars, genocide, and so on. Telling the consumer to change their lifestyle just glosses over the top purveyor of world destabilization, which is the ruling class.
Add your own imput please.

The Expert answers:

You’re genuinely talking about the same person.

Joseph asks…

When what you do for living comprises your morality what do you do?

What do you when what you do for a living compromises your morality?
I’m an office manager at a recycling center. I joined the industry a year ago.
Like many others in the sagging economy, I was down and out and had just about given up on hope. In many ways recycling saved me.

It’s taken me a year to learn that the word recycling, is synonymous with legal dumping for profit. Granted allot of materials (e.g aluminum cans, steel) sold/delivered to recycling centers are disposed of properly, a great deal (electronic waste, sealed units) are not.

The majority of the profit made by electronic waste recyclers is the the profit made off dumping hazardous materials on China. Every time we ship a load of sealed units (e.g.enclosed refrigerator compressors w/ oil) to China I want to throw. What are the Chinese doing with that oil on the other end?

Electronic waste is by far the most hazardous threat to the environment. The precious metals used to create cell phones, circuit boards, microprocessors, are gold mines for recyclers. However, the the equipment, manpower, and specialized high priced labor is expensive.

Better to sell the materials to China so we don’t get our hands dirty. Chinese entrepeneurs throw ridicoulsy high numbers out to win the material because the cost to “process” the waste is low and the return is high.

The real problem is most of the materials are properly processed at all. American businesses may spend ($5,000-$10,000) an hour when operating high technological equipment to recycle circuit boards.

it only cost the Chinese businessman 2-5 bucks an hour to have some poverty stricken elderly women to recover preicoius metal. No need for the proper equipment. In she sits there is some God forsaken poverty stricken village, and “Burns” the plastic off of the circuit boards to haphazardly recover the gold.

Then rest of the lead and cadium filled hazardous material is thrown on top of the villages open trash heap. The real irony is e-waste delivered to recycling centers probably does more harm to the environment.Whats does more damage? Hazardous waste dumped in American landfills that are regulated by laws, or the open uncontrolled burning chlorinated of plastics?

Its disgusting to think that kids in these areas have high levels lead in their blood and pregnancies are 7 times more likely to end in miscarriages. What are we really doing? I’m torn I don’t know what to do, but I feel like I should try to do something.

The Expert answers:

First of, there are ‘easy’ answers to your predicament, but none of them are wholly satisfying, and none will fully address the scale of the problem presented. For instance, you can quit a job that you see as harmful— but as you well know, someone else will just take your place. Being in a position of some authority, it’s not impossible that you might be able to make a few changes; but this could even endanger your position in the company, if it doesn’t reveal itself to be profitable; and I’d guess that it would be less profitable than the current operation. So, even though the idea of ‘working for change from within the system’ is a romantic notion, it often just results in losing that position.

Your dilemma is two-fold. There’s the grief you suffer personally; that can probably be dealt with to some degree. But the other component (which you’d probably agree is a bigger deal) is the problem with China’s policies towards waste products. That’s a big issue, one which in all likelihood your actions alone will not be able to remedy. You can ‘spread the word’ and try to ‘educate the masses’ in some hope they’ll be effected enough to raise some sort of action which could change things; but given how profitable these admittedly horrible policies are for the poor and needy in China, it’s bound to be met with resistance and may do harm in it’s own way. If you could somehow successfully stop the Chinese from these practices, then you;d probably have reason to feel guilty for whatever misery the out of work Chinese felt, and whatever questionable practice would (in all likelihood) replace the current industry.

So the only solution which I see as least harmful to all involved is to find some sort of alternative practice that really is environmentally safe, and make it economically beneficial. As for what that is, I can only speculate. You’re certainly more qualified to say what would help. I’d recommend perhaps writing a letter to Congress, since your worries will probably be heard by more people, and addressed more effectively than anyone on a message board can hope for. This could ultimately even be good for a business which ‘takes responsibility’— something sorely lacking nowadays— and recognizes the global, and political implications of the situation.

While I don’t think ‘spreading the word’ is nearly the panacea that others might, I don’t see how it really hurts. Writing out your thoughts, backing it up with data, and sensing it to people who can actually effect change is the only way I see of resolving it, even a bit.

On a last note, thank you for being concerned. It gives me just a bit more hope about the clearly dire situation of our environment knowing that there are people who see the whole picture and do really want to make a difference in business practices, rather than simply profit. I wish you the best.

Lisa asks…

please please help with these questions?

1) Americans throw out 2 million bottled waters per day. Only 20% of those bottles get recycled. How many bottles of water would end up in a landfill in a year?
2) If 50% of all bottled water was to be reused by using tap water then how much landfill space will be saved per year if the volume of a bottled water is 400 cm3 but when compacted at the landfill it reduces the volume of the water by 50%?
3) It takes 1.5 million barrels of oil to make water bottles per year. If only 20% of all bottled water is recycled. A barrel of oil costs $100. How much money is wasted by not recycling per year?

The Expert answers:

1.8 million

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