Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

In Lodi CA I saw that everyone had small garbage containers and large recycle ones. It took me awhile to?

figure it out. If you wanted a large garbage container it would cost you an arm and a leg. Smart..everyone recycles. What do you think of that and what would you think if your community started doing that? Oh I am asking it here because I posed this question in the right section at the same time I posted my other question in R & S. I got absolutely no response to the question posted in the other section and right away got many ansers in R & S to my former question. Keep it up you guys…appreciated. Mmm

The Expert answers:

That’s a good tactic.

I wish, though, we could put more pressure on the product manufacturers, who decide on the packaging they use. THEY need to help make recycling more available to everybody.

Lizzie asks…

Does sorting our garbage really matter?

I visited the local recycling center and the local garbage processing center. Two separate businesses. One picks up the recycled garbage can contents and the other company picks up the regular trash cans on garbage day. We have two trash cans.

The local recycling center collects all of the recycled trash that home owners sort out and put into recycling containers. We get a bill for these services. The recycling company then sells the goods and makes money.

During a tour the garbage processing center said that they liked it when people did not sort the garbage because they have machines that sort it out for them. I saw the machines that separated the recycled goods from the trash. They then sell the recycled goods for a profit.

Why should we separate our garbage for the recycling center and get charged for it when the garbage processing center does the same thing? Is it like this everywhere? Does anyone in the garbage business know?

The Expert answers:

The organic material people leave in the trash is responsible for 70% of landfill contamination ,and this in the end pollutes ground water flows

Whilst organic material is the easiest to take care of ,if one makes a compost heap;_ylt=AipYXT_2Inncd.19oS8vfyjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20070908054731AAgi49O

Sandy asks…

How do I get rid of fruit flies?

I returned home 4 weeks ago from vacation – tons of fruit flies in my kitchen. I had emptied and washed out garbage and recycling containers before I left – they weren’t hanging around there. I have cleaned out cupboards, washed down counters, doors, washed floors, etc., put out cider vinegar (which works, but the following day there are as many fruit flies again) Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Omg i had the same problem, they were EVERYWHERE!! We put out the vinegar and covered it with tiny holes in the plastic wrap in a cup so they can get in, but not out. We put a couple of those around the house along with a cup with a banana in it with vinegar. Leave it out for atleast a week and some should die. If that doesnt work just keep killing them!
Good luck =)

Paul asks…

can i get ‘in trouble’ for not recycling a yogurt container but throwing it in the garbage?

i was taking out the trash when i noticed a yogurt container in the garbage bag. obviously i don’t really want to take it out as it is at the bottom of the bag and covered in really nasty stuff. someone in my family must have thrown it into the garbage by accident.

will there be problems if i just throw it out with the rest of the garbage, or would it be wiser to fish it out of all the guck, rinse it off, and throw it into the recycling?
oh and i live in canada. i have 0 clue whether the garbage and recycling regulations are different here than in the US so i thought i’d just add that.

The Expert answers:

No way. Recycling is 100% voluntary.

Robert asks…

My neighbors have garbage everywhere, what can I do?

Okay, so I live in a nice quiet little neighborhood. Everyone’s lawns are well taken care of, the town in general is very clean. I pick up all the garbage around my house once a week, and of course if I see something laying around on my way in or out, I’ll pick it up then and there. Well, my neighbors never put the lids on their garbage and recycling containers, so their garbage blows around and onto my property. I’m so tired of cleaning it up. I tried to talk to them about it, but they don’t speak English, nor do I speak Spanish. I thought they understood when I took the wife by the hand and physically showed her the garbage on my lawn, but yet, it continues. What can I do to stop this? Its ridiculous already and I’m tired of it!
Can I really call the health department? Its not like heaps of garbage, just milk jugs and cans, like from vegetables that blow into my yard. It really is a nuisance though, as I’ve got to pick them all up.
If I call the city, will they accept an anonymous tip? These are my neighbors, and I really don’t want to start trouble with them. They seem to be nice people, they just need to be taught some cleanliness.

The Expert answers:

If you want to be nice, find someone who speaks Spanish and take them over to your neighbors and have them translate for you. Or have them write out what you want to say in Spanish and and take it over to the neighbors, maybe with a home made cake or plate of cookies.

Nancy asks…

I live in Toronto, ON. I live in an apartment building. I wanted to know; If and where can i recycle paper?

I have tons of paper (from school, from advertisements, useless mail etc), Instead of garbaging the paper, i would recycle it all. But living in an apartment building, they don’t have any recycling programs, only garbage containers. Please let me know if you know a place where i can take this stuff for recycling. Thanks and appreciate it.

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with someone here and let them know you want to be able to participate in the cities recycling program:

For collection inquiries and general information about your garbage, green bin, yard waste and recycling, or to book a white goods (large appliances) pick-up:

Customer Service: 416-338-2010
TTY: 416-397-0831

David asks…

Do we have a service for recycling grease from private homes?

I think we should have containers from the garbage service that allows us to put grease in biodegradable cups and then into a recycle barrel, maybe even a Company devoted to this service.Couldn’t they then sell to a recycle entity and solve a huge problem?

The Expert answers:

Every now and then, the city will have a campaign where they distribute lined paper bags for people to put their kitchen grease such as used cooking oil into so that they get tossed into the trash instead of poured down the drain. This is because grease is the main reason why drains get blocked so encouraging people to throw the grease out instead of pouring it out saves the city millions in sewer work.

In theory, a refinery could take such grease in, mix it with their crude and refine useful products from it but I’ve only seen really small mom and pop refineries do this, not many of these around, the only one I knew of was in Calgary and after it burned down, it was never rebuilt but it had been operating since the turn of the century and was taking in kitchen grease. There is a company that developed a technique to synthesize fuel but since they couldn’t find anyone willing to pay to build the full scale facilities, they use their demonstration facilities to process used cooking oil to get some revenue, I believe the company is Dallas based Syntroleum.

Mandy asks…

Is Nancy Pelosi’s big private jet hurting the Environment?

I wash my garbage to recycle containers like gooey peanut butter jars and greasy chili cans. I drive a compact car that sits so low to the ground I feel like I’m crawling out of it. I combine errands into one trip per day so I can conserve fuel. My thermostat is at 67 in winter and 79 in summer. I added insulation to my attic, caulked inside and outside of windows and doors, installed compact flourescent light bulbs, use energy saving windowshades instead of pretty window treatments, and a host of other things. I’m not whining–I WANT to do my part.
Then I see our leaders and other celebrities in the news saying somebody ought to do something about pollution. Somebody else! They say there ought to be more laws to force me to do more. When the interview is over, they hop on a private jet to their next stop. Then they ride in one of their gas-hog vehicles to one of their three huge houses that must be heated and cooled. Shouldn’t THEY be setting the EXAMPLE in their personal choices?

The Expert answers:

Yes. As is her huge ego.

John Edwards talks of ‘two Americas…one for the rich and one for the poor’ while he lives on a 4 million dollar estate with indoor raquetball and basketball courts.

Politicians are hypocrites. Democrats, Republicans, Americans, Iranians, it doesn’t matter.

It’s human nature.

Lisa asks…

A community has enacted a law that requires residents to separate their garbage into recyclables?

and non-recyclables. The recyclable items are placed in plastic containers marked “Property of the City of Ecology.” The city collects the contents of the containers and sells it to a recycling facility, boosting the city budget by several hundred thousand dollars per year. Joe, a homeless man, makes the rounds on garbage day and selects metal cans from the recycling bins, which he crushes and sells to a recycling facility. He is arrested and charged with theft of city property. What is Joe’s best defense to the theft charges?

The Expert answers:

I hope he showers before he tries to defend his illegal actions!

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