Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

I’ve downloaded an album on itunes but the orange circle symbol has froze beside each song, what should i do?

The orange circle symbol, which looks like a recycling symbol has frozen beside each song, and i cant play them either. I dont think they have downloaded at all. What should i do?

The Expert answers:

Try restarting the computer. Also, you could try Apple:

Mandy asks…

What do recycling symbols mean?

What does a recycling symbol with a 4 under it mean?

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure what you mean by this, but lets take plastics as an example. Most plastic items have their basic make-up indicated on the packaging eithe embossed, or printed.

For instance, Coke bottles are made from PETE (Poly-ethyl-tetra-ethylene) which is recycled and made into fleece material (yes, really) and this plastic compound comes in various forms and hardnesses, depending on the amount of plasticizing agents used, but essentially, most plastics are recyclable.

Supermarkets are making an effort to reduce the amount of plastic bags they use (up to 5 billion a year) to reduce landfill. Recent developments in plastics have led to some bags being made from degradeable plastic. I have purchased a couple of heavy-duty plastic bags so that I minimise the number of bags I ‘collect’ whenever I do my weekly shop. These bags have thus far saved me having to recycle up to 4 of the thinner bags a week, and even the ones I have are used over and over until they can’t be used again.
Check out the links for more.

George asks…

Does the recycle symbol mean anything can be recycled?

I have all sorts of plastic, butter tubs, cups, milk jugs… They all have the little recycle symbol on them somewhere, does that mean they can all be recycled no matter what shape, size or color it is or does it all have to be clear???

The Expert answers:

It does and it doesn’t.

Technically, these plastics can be recycled, but it doesn’t mean that they will be accepted by your local recycling company.

Back when this symbol first started being used, a lot of plastics manufacturers put this symbol on their products to give people the impression that they were recyclable and therefore good for the environment.

As it turns out, however, not all of these different plastics can be recycled as easily as others. For that reason, a lot of recycling plants will tell you specifically what they will take (for example, plastic drink bottles) and what they will not.

It is good to recycle, but you should pay attention to what the recyclers in your area are asking for and put ONLY THOSE ITEMS in the recycling bin. If they ask for plastic drink bottles only, do not throw plastic yogurt cups and other plastics in with the mix. They will only end up in the landfill anyway, and at the recyclers’ expense.

Donna asks…

Why do most recycling services not accept disposable, recyclable plastic cups?

Clear disposable cups, such as those used for iced drinks at starbucks, are labeled with a recycling symbol with the number one inside it. Unless I am mistaken, why are these cups not accepted for recycling the same way plastic bottles and aluminum cans are?

The Expert answers:

Same reason few people recycle electronics – profitability. If you can make it profitable you win.

Joseph asks…

how many sides does a recycling symbol have???

if u forgot how it looks like… thanks everyone soo much i love u alll
is it 27??? or 3??? or 6??? or 12???

The Expert answers:

27 if you count the insides, outsides and parts of the arrows. I may be stretching this just a bit though………

William asks…

What does the number inside of a recycle symbol mean?

I’ve noticed that different plastic bottles have different numbers? Some say it’s the level or quality or thickness of the material… So what does it really mean?

The Expert answers:

It is an indication of the type of plastic polymer that is used. High density poly ethylene, low density poly ethylene, poly urethane, poly propylene and the like.

Ken asks…

actually there is a symbol of recycle on the plastic, but i don seems to under the numbers in the middle it?

there is always this question in my mind, the recycle symbol on those plastic bottle and some other more item with a number in the middle what does it means?can plastic actually be be recycled?i heard that if plastic is burn, they will release a poisonous gas and it will effect the ozon layer or so?is this true?can u tell me more detail bout it?how can we prevent it?

The Expert answers:

The numeric codes that you see on many plastic items are used to help sort post-consumer plastics for recycling purposes. Different types of plastics are sometimes referred to as “resins” and the numeric symbols are known as “Resin ID Codes.” Each number (1 through 6) signifies a specific type of plastic and usually appears inside a small triangle (often formed by three adjoining arrows) imprinted on the bottom of a plastic item. The number “7” is used to represent a group of other plastics or combinations of plastics. Resin ID codes are not intended to provide guidance on the safe or appropriate use of any plastic item and should not be used for this purpose.

As far as burning plastic, it can and should be recycled. If you burn plastic expect a nasty fume and release of chemicals, but under no terms should you be burning plastic. If you have curb side recycling they local waste company should take it all.

Ruth asks…

what are the numbers in the recycle symbol for?

I have heard that some of the types of recycled plastic are toxic.

The Expert answers:

The number of times the container (or part of it) was used in recycling.

Helen asks…

If there is no recycle symbol on a package it’s not recyclable?

We got a toy for our daughter and the cardboard box it came in doesn’t have that symbol on the bottom. SHould we still put it with our recyclable stuff?

The Expert answers:

If it’s cardboard it won’t have a recycling symbol, dear. The symbols are just for plastics. Some cardboard boxes may have a ‘recycle diagram’ on it. All cardboard goes into the paper bin, unless it’s the wax-covered type like TV dinner boxes and ice cream cartons. Those can’t be recycled since they’re sealed paper.

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