Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

Am I being forced to do too much chores?

I live in a house with 3 boys, and 3 adults. The kids are ages 9, 14 (me), and 15. We recently divided all the household chores, and I feel I do much more work than my brothers, yet I get paid the same as them ($25/month). We must do our chores everyday, right when we get home from school, before we can do anything else. The division of chores is as follows:

Me (14 yr old)
Dishes (6 people = two or more loads a day)
Clean Laundry Room (Sweep+Mop)
Clean dog poop in backyard (5 dogs = lots of poo lol)
Clean Living Room
Clean Bathroom (Sink+Mirror)

9 yr old
Empty recycle bin
Clean toilet (he put an automatic cleaner in, and was done for a week. Dx )
Mop upstairs (hall, living room, bedrooms)
Give dogs food + water

15 yr old
Take out trash
Collect dishes around house (very few)
Sweep kitchen
Move trashcans to end of driveway on Wednesday for garbage truck

I think this is too unfair for me to have to get time-consuming chores while they get very quick and easy ones. Do you agree?

I tried telling my parents, but they don’t listen to me. Do you have any suggestions on how I should tell my parents that this isn’t fair?
I am a boy too. Not a girl.

The Expert answers:

Reiterate that you think that your chore list requires more time and effort as compared to your brothers. Then suggest that the chores lists remain the same, but are rotated on a weekly basis, so everyone has the same level of work over time. I’d also count yourself as lucky, if you were mine, you wouldn’t be getting anything since to me it’s part of your obligation as a member of your family to contribute to keeping your house running. None the less try the pragmatic approach to working the situation out with your parents, your brothers may despise you for awhile, but it seems more fair to rotate chores weekly.

Donald asks…

How do things get recycled now days?

Years ago I remember my parents getting a specific rubber trash can that was only to be used for recycling and a seperate truck would pick that up. That no longer happens. There is only trash day, no day for recycling and people use those old rubber recycling cans for their regular trash. How are bottles and cans being recycled now days? Does the trash company open the garbage bags and sort through them? There must be a new way that it is getting done because I see absolutely no one doing it and apt complexes no longer have specific recycling bins next to the trash bins, so what’s the deal?

The Expert answers:

What happens is all the garbage goes to a plant. Then at the plant they literally sort out all of the materials into piles – wood, glass, metal, paper etc. They send all the sorted materials to a place that will re-use the materials for new products.

Other items such as non-hazardous, non-recyclable waste like lead paint coated items and food products are sent to the landfill. With landfill restrictions, you can only send these materials to be buried.

Construction waste makes up 40% of the waste flow into garbage facilities. I am working on a green project which requires that 95% of waste is to be recycled. We separate everything onsite into different dumpsters to be sent to different facilities. Co-mingled waste is then sent to the facilities I mentioned above to be sorted.

We are then provided a worksheet broken down into individual items (metal, wood, concrete, glass, mixed) which gives us the tonnage and percentage of recycling. Fines, or regrind (small particles that cannot be physically recycled into anything) are sent to compost piles for fertilizer. They are also accounted for.

Nancy asks…

analogies homework?

dont tell me i should do it on my own :I
its eleven o’ freaking clock in this place!

concert:hear::drama: (a. eyes, b. view, c. play, d. spectator)

repress:revolution::foster: (a. patriotism, b. encourage, c. fossil, d.tarnish)

meet:deadline::forego: (abstain, b. meeting, c.forewarn, d. temptation)

pencil:sharpen::garbage: (a. stinky, b. recycle, c. trash, d. truck)

throw:ceramics::weave: (a. mosaics, b. twine, c. tapestry, d. loom)

salute:flag::pedal: (a. flutter, b. bicycle, c. wares, d. brake)

fold:origami::slice: (a. knife, b. pare, c. thinly, d. cheese)

study:exam::pack: (a. test, b. unpack, c. vacation, d. package)

thank you very much if you help :]
now good night!

The Expert answers:

Drama: view
foster: tarnish
garbage: recycle
weave: tapestry
pedal: bicycle
slice: pare
pack: vacation

Linda asks…

Is my two year old the only kid obsessed with the mail man?

It seems to be the highlight of his day. I do all these cool things with him and he’d rather watch the mail man or point out “man mail truck.” The mail man was sitting in his truck, organizing letters for the next stop and my son is throwing his hand up in the air, saying “Close it door, man mail! What he’s doin’ mommy? Close it door!”

Same thing with the garbage man or recycling guy. Who needs Spiderman when you have real life heroes, huh?
LOL lillilou… I didn’t even catch that. That was so sexist of me.

The Expert answers:

Yeah I know what you mean. The school janitor is far cooler than dad who just sits at a desk all day doing nothing.

Mark asks…

How can the “blue-bag” recycling program possibly work?

The blue bags with recyclables is thrown in the same truck as the regular garbage, and then it all gets crushed together. I’ve watched the garbage truck do this, and I know that the bags split open and burst when they are crushed inside the garbage truck. I’ve heard the bags popping and the sound of glass being crushed, and I asked our garbageman about it and he said that when they dump their load, everything is just a big stinky, slimy mess, and it’s impossible to separate anything. Plus who in their right mind would want that job?

The Expert answers:

If you ask the company doing it you’ll probably be told that the blue bags goes with the other trash right now while they are developing the system and that it will work much better in the future. We don’t have blue bags, but we have a similar system and they have been telling us for years now that it will work better in the future. All lies I think, I mean how many years do they need to develop it all?

Joseph asks…

a question about prison.?

i started thinking about something the other night when i was watching spngebob. it was a new episode. spongebob got on the wrong ship, it was a ship that transports prisoners. and when the got there the dude in charge said: it is my duty to deal with the trash that society has thrown away.” and spngebob said “i always prefer to recycle.” and that got me thinking. are prisons meant to change people for the better whn they get out like when you recycle or is it supposed to be like a place that garbage trucks bring all the trash, land fills is what i think they are called. so is prison meant for recycling the criminals or throwing them away for good? if you know what i mean.

The Expert answers:

Just as there are different types of inmates, prison has different missions to deal with them.

In Georgia, our Commissioner says there are two kinds of inmates: those we are mad at, and those we are afraid of.

When someone steals a car to pay for his drug habit, we’re mad at him. We need to temporarily remove him from society so he won’t cause any more harm. While we have him, we try to deal with his addiction, as solving the addiction will reduce (or remove) the need for him to steal. We also use proven techniques to help him learn to think responsibly. The goal is to allow him to return to society as a responsible citizen, rather than as a drug user who needs to steal for money to buy drugs.

When someone breaks into a home and kills everyone there so they won’t be able to testify against him for stealing the tv, we’re scared of him. We remove him from society for a LONG time, perhaps even forever. We try the same techniques on him to get him to think responsibly. However, our main objective with this type of inmate is to keep him away from society.

We also have programs for the mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. There are programs to teach inmates job skills, and anger management skills, and more.

It is impossible to rehabilitate people against their will, but we can offer the choice. If the inmate chooses to help himself, we do what we cal to help them succeed, and get them back into society as soon as we can, giving due consideration to public safety. If the inmate chooses to keep his criminal lifestyle, we keep him incarcerated as long as legally possible, and we also “leave the light on for him.”

Carol asks…

What level of government is this?(Federal, provincial, municipal) (Canada)?

Read the following newspaper headlines. Indicate with level of government is most closely associated.

1. New recreation centre planned West end.
2. New stamps Honor War Heroes
3. Immigration to be reduced by 10%
4. Local Restaurant gets liquor license
5. GST may be repealed
6. Stray Animals becoming a problem
7. More snow removal trucks on the road this winter.
8. New two dollar coin to be introduced.
9. Garbage collection reduced to once weekly
10. Maintenance lagging on hydro reactors.
11. seniors dread cuts to social programs
12. Three new public libraries to be built this spring.
13. Air Canada decreases flights.
14. Drinking age may be raised to 21.
15. Sales tax stays at 8%
16. Potholes on side streets dangerous.
17. O.P.P. Double patrol on Q.E.W.
18. 30 credits to graduate from high school.
19. Conservative Party Leader Mike Harris elected premier.
20. Mel Lastman Voted first mega mayor.
21. Say no to drug legalization.
22. Mounties break smuggling rings.
23. Most Canadians want a return to capital punishment.
24. Recycling program expanded.
25. Health inspectors close restaurant.

The Expert answers:

It is federal.

Daniel asks…

Why does my husband blame me for everything?

Seriously I am beginning to wonder what planet he lives on. Last night we ran out of oil at 10pm which was, obviously, MY fault. ( Itake care of EVERYTHING around the house including the 2 kids. I manage the garbage (go to the dump, handle recycling), the cars, I rake the yard, mow the lawn and shovel the snow. I put an 8 FOOT christmas tree up with a 1 year old on my back while he sat in the room and stared at the TV! He does NOTHING NOT A THING NOT A FINGER does he lift around the house…is it too much to expect he can manage the FUEL since its in the BASEMENT where I do not often go with my 2 BABIES>??? NOT TO mention it is winter here in good ole New England so the next obvious attack was we are out of fuel because I use too much of it. (Seriously we have made 2 purchases this year for a one story ranch heats at 67 NOT OUTRAGEOUS! …He purchased a used truck last year that had transmission problems and linkage problems. I drove it 2 times. One of those times the shifter (steel) snapped. This is, too, MY FAULT because I am strong enough to snap steel I guess. Everything. If he takes a job he doesn’t like its MY fault if he stays at a job he doesn’t want it was MY fault. We have two kids and had some money set aside for this month. I purchased christmas gifts for the kids, his fam and made some cards. He bought a new phone and went out and went out and went out…but now its MY fault because the funds are low, I am draining him. (Seriously here I bought myself a pack of socks and 3 cups of coffee no white lying.) I can’t take it anymore. He acts like a pouting child. He is totally unappreciative of what I do and keepos piling on more and more for me in a day. I’m tired and aggravted. Any thoughts?
Just for the record it is not that I SPOIL or have SPOILED him…its that when the snow is piled up outside the door and he is clearly not making it home to get it done (bar) someone has to. I would say PICKED up his SLACK in place of SPOIL

The Expert answers:

To say “leave him” would of course be easier said than done but I seriously don’t think this situation with him is going to get better.
He doesn’t sound like a very nice man let alone a loving and caring husband/father.
Somehow, someway you probably need to get out of this situation because it’s not going to get better. In the meantime maybe the best that you could do would be to try talking to this “man” and explain your concerns to him.
Good luck, you’re going to need it.

James asks…

To all environmentalist, what do you think of this suggestion?

It is very common nowadays the usage of 3 R’s, reduce, reuse, recycle. However, I honestly believe that not too many people really have put their hearts into doing them, except I guess for people who have really no options other than to really do them. For instance, where my mother-in-law lives, they have separate barrels for all recyclable things, such as plastics, cans, newspapers and so on….; but, where I live, it’s so sad to say that we don’t do those things. We just throw all our garbage in this big dumpster and there’ll be a truck that comes over once a week. I actually, called the place before and asked them if they have a program such as recycling, but then the lady said that they don’t; and when I asked where do these garbage goes, of course, as what I had expected, in the landfills.

I guess my point here really, is that no matter how much we advertise the 3 R’s, or even proclaim that going green is the new chic, a lot of people really won’t pay attention to them or say, won’t even care.

Now, what if, we make it like an incentive thing. We make it like a raffle, wherein, whoever has a 30 dollar bill or less of electricity (or water.. and so on..), can submit their bills to be entered in a raffle contest, in which, there’ll be 20 or even 50 winners who will be given free trips. So, what do you think of this suggestion?
alex – i know what you mean, but really think of it this way, what if, the trips will be around here in the US, the most beautiful places of course, and plus, if say for instance in a very small town, there’s 100 family who regularly would have a bill of 150 or 300 (out of just leaving the pc’s all night and so on…) and would like to participate in this drawing, really think of it, 100×150, that’s 15000 a month and they cut down on their bill to 30 by really making right conservation, that’s 3000. and this is only a 100 household in a very small town; how much more if it’s statewide, or better yet nationwide?
Ishtiaq – yah, we do that here too, but really, not too many people are interested on that. I am just suggesting an additional incentive program for the 3 R’s.

The Expert answers:

I think a (large) deposit on most everything would help people recycle. If you had to pay a $1 deposit for each bottle of milk you bought (like they used to), I bet many people would recycle that bottle. Since it’s nothing now, why would most people go to the effort?

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