Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

How to restore deleted files, folders from recycle bin?

How to restore files even deleted from recycle bin?
I had important pictures in the folder that was in the recycle bin and I call that folder “original folder”
and I accidently delete that folder that was in the recycle bin.
I tried the restore system but still nothing in the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

This is telling how to restore deleted files, folders after you have emptied the recycle bin.

Download the software and follow the guide to recover your deleted files.

Sandy asks…

How can I recover recently deleted files from my Recycle Bin?

So I accidentally deleted some pictures that i want from the Recycle Bin this morning and i need them back, is there a way?
and whats a good recovery program?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin) by using recovery software.

Check out the software from link blow.

Good luck!

Robert asks…

small recycle bins????

where can I get a small recycle bin for my house for free or low price please

The Expert answers:

Try home depot

George asks…

can you delete the recycle bin on your computer?

I have found a way of deleting the whole application of the recycle bin, but if i do, i save 6 GB of space but will it damage my computer at all?

I know i won’t be able to recycle things i’ll have to delete them permanently.
I can delete it. I’ve found a way. I’d print screen it to show you, but that’s impossible on here. I’m on an IT course atm about to get my national diploma.. So i do kinda know what i’m talking about.

The Expert answers:

It won’t damage your computer, however, when you delete something, you won’t have the opportunity to restore it, that the recycle bin gives you, once you delete it, that’s it, it’s gonnnnnnnnne with the wind!

Richard asks…

My recycle bin wont store it only deletes is there a fix ?

I want to store stuff there like it used to but it only permanently deletes everything and the dialog box for the bin wont let me change the settings …. Can I get a new recycle bin ?

The Expert answers:

1. Right click on the recycle bin.
2. Go to properties
3. Under general you have ticked “Don’t move files to the recycle bin……………..
4. Untick that by pressing ” Custom size.
5. Then type in how much space you want and apply
6. Enjoy

Michael asks…

How do I restore items that were in my recycle bin, that I have emptied?

Like a total idiot I emptied my recycle bin, where I had several documents that I now need. Is there anyway to do a restore. I just did it recently, so they shouldn’t be written over just yet.


The Expert answers:

Use Recuva

Charles asks…

Why is my recycle bin filled with iPod apps?

I opened my recycle bin to find it was filled with like 40 apps from iTunes. None of them are the latest version, but I don’t want to delete them for fear it will remove them. Are these just the old versions and safe to delete? Or did some freak accident happen and delete all my apps? They are still in iTunes, but I’m just not sure.
Thank you “Me.” That’s all the help I’ll need!

The Expert answers:

Hey, mine do this too they are fine to delete, they are, like you said just the old version of an app that you’ve updated, so yes nothing will happen if you delete them (: hope I helped 😀

Daniel asks…

How do I get my “Recycle Bin” back on my desktop?

For some reason my recycle bin is not on my desktop anymore, it’s just gone, like it’s been deleted from there.

How can I get it back to my desktop again?

The Expert answers:

Try these.

For Vista.

To restore it you can go Start->Control Panel->Appearance and Personalization->Personalization and then click “change desktop icons” from the left-hand column. From there just check Recycle Bin and click OK.

Restore Recycle Bin icon in Windows XP :

1.Right-click an empty area of your desktop
2.Select Properties
3.Click the Desktop tab
4.Click the Customize button
5.Click Restore Default
6.Exit all windows and restart your computer

Susan asks…

If you wanted to get a recycling bin. Do you have to pay the city for the recycle bin?

I want to save the earth. So the best way to do that is recycle. I was wondering, if i want a little blue bin would i have to pay for it monthly with the city?

The Expert answers:

I guess it depends on the city.

My city gives them out for free.

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