Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

What empty containers does MAC accept for their recycling program?

I know they accept things like the eyeshadow pots, foundation compacts, mascara tubes, etc. I have a question regarding their skin care products. Do they accept containers for their moisturizer and lip balm products? So far, I have a Mineralize Skin Finish Compact, one eyeshadow pot, and two mascara tubes but I have one empty moisturizer container and one empty lip balm container. Does anyone know if they are accepted as well? Any advice or help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


The Expert answers:

I heard they take everything back except for the brush cleaner containers.

Robert asks…

Why are you supposed to rinse glass containers before putting them in a mixed recycling bin? ?

Is that actually GREEN? Doesn’t that waste water? Don’t they rinse and separate all the different materials at the recycling facility?

The Expert answers:

To avoid attracting pests and vermin, and also to avoid contamination. Recyclables, after all, can end up being sorted by human beings. My husband and I run our city’s Recycling Center and I can tell you it is very unpleasant sorting through malodorous, moldy, mildewed, maggot-infested recyclables that some of our customers bring us. Bacteria and other pathogens can end up growing on food residue, and it can be a health hazard.

I suggest to all my recyclers that they simply put their empty jars, cans, etc. In their dishwasher with their dirty dishes. If they don’t have a dishwasher, a quick cold-water rinse will usually remove most food residue.

Jenny asks…

Is it illegal to look through the recycling containers at the post office for coupons?

I know that going through private dumpsters is illegal, but I would love to supplement my coupon inserts in this way. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Actually you need the Post Master’s permission since it is Federal Property.

Mary asks…

recycling containers….papers!!!?

what is the color of the containers used for paper recycling?? it it blue or green?

thanks in advance!
i live in the middle east, and where i live there are 3 main colors: green, blue and red!

The Expert answers:

Where I live in Nebraska the recycling containers in offices are all blue.

Nancy asks…

Why is there little retail site recycling for plastic, glass and paper containers?

I see places like Starbucks throwing away bags and bags of recyclable materials. Why can they not use a small portion of their profits to work at recycling many of these items?
I see places like Starbucks throwing away bags and bags of recyclable materials. Why can they not use a small portion of their profits to work at recycling many of these items?
In speaking with these larger companies, they do not have a definitive answer for me either.

The Expert answers:

I have been in a few eating places that have seperate containers for their paper, plastic, etc. And I have used them. I have found that if given a choice, people will usually choose to recycle, it just has to be easy for them to do so. I do agree with the above person about eating places maybe not having room to store the bags until someone can come and get them.

Maria asks…

where can you buy home pick-up containers for recycling?

the kind you put out on the street and have the city or recycling company pick up each week? we need at least 100.

The Expert answers:

Go to your city hall or police dept–if not there, they will tell you where.

John asks…

We want to make a recycling station inside our pantry. Any good ideas?

We have a big pantry with dual fold sliding doors. There is tons of shelving but it’s not big enough to put recycling containers in. We thought we could take out the lower shelf on one side which would leave about 3.5 feet of upward space and 4 feet width to put in some containers for recycling. Any good ideas for containers and or better ideas all together about how to go about this project?

The Expert answers:

Hey, great idea that you have. Because I have it too. I had about almost four feet to work with. So I bought 4 medium (a little bigger than the height of a paper grocery bag) kitchen trash cans (plastic). One for bottles, one for plastic, one for Aluminum and one for everything that I take out to put on the curb. The rest gets taken in for cash. I bought blue kitchen trash cans. And just took the lids of. There kind of rectangler and fit snuggly next to each other. See through blue liners (matching of course..he-he!) are great because not only to the match the colors in my pantry, Contact paper, etc. The see through lining of it makes it nice to later see what’s inside of it once you collect them and take them to the recycling center.

Enjoy your new recycling station in your pantry…I really love mine!

SmileyCat : )

Lizzie asks…

I need to collect 60 x 5litre containers with lids for a recycling project, can anyone help?

It is for a project in the Glasgow area making eco-stools with children in 3 weeks time. I am looking for ideas on where to get a stack of these from trade, and I can collect. All suggestions appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Try chefs/catering managers of hotels, restaurants etc because a lot of the stuff they use comes in that size of cans. I’ve got 4 or 5 that held Ecover washing up liquid; if you’re ever going to Dumfries you could email me thru Y!A with your phone no. And I’d ring you and tell you where I am. (between Glasgow & Dumfries)

Good luck with the project!

Paul asks…

How come New York City does not recycle yogurt containers?

The only plastic we are instructed to put in the recycling bin is plastic bottles and jugs, yogurt containers and a list of other plastics are on the “throw it in the trash” list. In a city of over 8 million, that’s a lot of plastic that goes unrecycled.

The Expert answers:

I can’t think of any good reason. The waste management company has to see it as a profitable endeavor to clean and process that particular type of plastic and market that material to other companies.

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