Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

Lysosomes can be compared to the recycling and garbage centers of a city. How can this comparison be justified?

A.They repair worn out organelles.
B.B. They break down and siget whole cells?

The Expert answers:

Lysosomes are like recycling and garbage centers of a city because they essentially take out the trash. They’re a cell’s waste disposal system. They don’t really do any repairing, but they do contain enzymes that breakdown debris and waste.

Maria asks…

Each month,an american household generates an average of 28 pounds of newspaper fo garbage or recycling.?

assume the s6andard deviation is 2 pounds. if a household is selected at random, find the probability of generating:
a) between 27 and 31 pounds per month
b) more than 30.2 pounds per month.
assume the variable is approximately normally distributes.

The Expert answers:

Wrong few read the newspaper anynore

Susan asks…

looking for stats on how much garbage and recycling is generated in one months time?

The Expert answers:

That is going to vary wildly with location. There is a huge difference in the composition of municipal solid wastes when you compare developed and developing countries. Your best bet is to contact your municipality’s Dept. Of Of Public Works to see if they have any figures on the amounts collected and the number of households or individuals served. Barring that, you might get those figures from the nearest large city.

James asks…

What actually happens to recycled garbage?

I once heard a report that in some cities (New York comes to mind) all the carefully sorted “recyclable” garbage except for aluminium got lumped together again and shoved into a landfill.

Can anyone provide information that verifies or disproves that rumour?

The Expert answers:

Recyclables are just like any other commodity. Sometimes the market is good, sometimes the market is bad. Unfortunately, you can’t just stop collecting recyclables when demand is low, like you could do with a mining or a logging operation. The recyclables keep flooding in, and when there’s nobody to sell your materials to (as happens from time to time), the recyclables just end up in the landfill with the other garbage. The only exception is aluminum, because recycled aluminum is so much cheaper than newly mined/smelted aluminum—it would take a huge shock to the aluminum markets to make recycling aluminum a bad idea.

Because sorting recyclables can also be troublesome, batches contaminated beyond a certain level have to be disposed of as garbage, too. It wouldn’t be profitable to sort out the non-recyclables from the recyclables.

And finally, in some places, they don’t have a recycling program yet. But to get people used to the idea of recycling and the collection process, they get the infrastructure in place so that when they can enact a program it can get to work right away. This means recyclables may be collected but they will go straight to the landfill.

So, in a few different cases, it’s very much possible for recyclables to end up in the same landfill all your other garbage goes to. Besides aluminum recycling, recycling really isn’t as good an idea as the environmental movement portrays it to be, neither for the economy nor for the environment. But not *all* your recyclables are treated like garbage, usually they do get recycled.

Ruth asks…

Does mcdonalds and hardees make their food from recycled garbage?

I am beginning to think so.

The Expert answers:

I doubt this would go well with the mandatory food inspectors and health administration…
But it is assumable they use a great deal of fillers to refrain from spending money on expensive natural products.

Carol asks…

What can i make out of garbage or recycled items?

For a project I need to make something somewhat practical out of garbage or recycled items that is somewhat useful. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:


Mandy asks…

Lysosomes can be compared to the recycling and garbage centers of a city. How can this comparison be justified?

A. They break down their own membrane and digest themselves
B. They repair their own organelles
C. They Break down and digest whole cells

The Expert answers:

Lysosomes are commonly referred to as the cell’s recycling center because it processes unwanted material into substances that the cell can utilize.

So it wouldn’t be B. Because repairing their own organelles wouldn’t be recycling. So that leave A. And C.
I don’t think it would be A. Either because they don’t breakdown themselves but other things. It wouldn’t make much sense to break itself down. Now one lysosome could break down a different ‘dead’ lysosome I think.
So that would leave you with C. They break down and digest whole cells. Out of the choices this one makes the most sense because they are recycling the things they break down.

So for any other multiple choices like this just cross out the ones it can’t be and go with the best choice that is left. Hope this helped

Donna asks…

When will modern science create a dolphin that can recycle our garbage?

how many more years must we dump garbage in the ocean before dolphins start doing something about it?..

The Expert answers:

They’ll have to cross breed dolphins with goats first.

Sandra asks…

Garbage to landfills to recycling……?

Can somebody explain to me the steps it take for garbage from your home to reach the landfills and finally recycled?

The Expert answers:

From the curb to either a solid waste transfer station or directly to a solid waste landfill. To date, nothing is recycled at our landfills.

Recycling begins at your curb, typically seperated by commodity, picked up, and hauled to a recycling center. If a city does not have these services, homeowners have to take their recycled materials to a recycling center/bins. Bins are picked up by centers and processed back at their facility. They package/compact the recyclable material and sell it to markets who then transform the goods to useable product.

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