Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How can i completely delete unwanted files from my mails on my computer, even in Recycle Bin and Hard disc?

1-How can i permanently delete unwanted files stored in “Inbox OR Drafts OR Sent OR Trash” out of the Hard disc???
2-When u “Empty Trash”, where do they go???
3-How can u see deleted files in “Recycle Bin”???
4-Show me how to search the Recycle bin, and how u can retrieve deleted files.

The Expert answers:

When you delete the files from your inbox folder, they are deleted and not sent to the recycle bin. The computer marks them as deleted but they are still present on the computer. Same with the recycle bin. They are marked for deletion, meaning that new files will go where they are but they are still on your computer until new files overwrite them.

MatthewL, not entirely true. A regular format will put enough 0s and 1s to scramble the drive so that you will need special equipment to recover the data through guesswork. But for the layman, the data is lost when the disk is high-level formatted.

Steven asks…

How do you get the recycle bin back?

I accidentally deleted the recycle bin and I don’t know how to get it back. I have windows vista. I know you can get it back I just don’t know where it is.

The Expert answers:

Follow the instructions on this site:

Sandy asks…

where can download a vista recycle bin icon for free?

I have a windows XP I just want to change the recycle bin and thats it.
And I dont want to download it ilegaly.

The Expert answers:

Windows Vista has some awesome looking icons. Microsoft went way out of its way to try to give Windows Vista a truly polished look. They did this by giving most icons a 256×256 icon. Think about how large that really is. Each Windows Vista icon has an image of that resolution.

But as good as they are, what if you want to change them? How do you do it? Windows Vista maintains the ability to change the icons of individual short-cuts and folders though in very inconsistent ways.

The best, easiest, and to my knowledge only way to change Windows Vista icons all at once is with Stardock IconPackager. With it, users can change individual icons or change all their icons at once by applying a “package” of icons to their Windows Vista system. IconPackager even supports the new “live” folder previews.

For complete tutorial link below..

Carol asks…

How do I restore the Recycle Bin icon?

My retarded sister deleted the recycle bin icon off of our desktop. Where do I go to restore it? I have a Windows Vista.

The Expert answers:


Quick Instructions to Find the Lost Recycle Bin
1) Right click the Vista Desktop
2) Click on Personalize
3) Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4) At the Desktop Icon Settings, place a tick next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.



Betty asks…

How to re enable the recycle bin which was disabled by undelete trialware?

the dialog box at start up says”Undelete Trialware has expired and is no longer catching deleted files. The Recycle Bin will not be re-enabled until this trialware is uninstalled. It is strongly recommended that you buy Undelete now and make automatic data protection permanent on this machine.”……so how to go about it please answer…

The Expert answers:

Well if it’s a trial program and it’s expired, you should uninstall it. If you have XP, go to control panel, add or remove programs then choose the “undelete” program from the list of programs and remove it.

If you have vista go to control panel, then go to programs and features, and choose the “undelte” program from the list and click uninstall.

Paul asks…

How do you empty the recycle bin on sims 3?

Trying to get my sim to empty the recycle bin in sims 3.
please help.

The Expert answers:

You mean the recycle bin inside? Just click on it (if it’s FULL!) and use the “empty recycle bin” option.
If you mean the recybin outside.. No, it can’t

William asks…

How can I remove the recycle bin from my desktop?

I know it sounds like an obvious question but I have literally tried everything that springs to mind. I’m on windows 7 64-bit Ultimate if you’re curious as to my Operating system, but I am unable to remove the Recycle Bin and it is seriously beginning to bug me when I want to have a clean background. Any help’s appreciated.
The only option I get when attempting to move it is ‘Create link/shortcut here’, so I can’t even place it in my HDD or alter the .ico file to a blank space.

The Expert answers:

Right click on ur desktop and click “Personalize” then at the top left click “change desktop icons” and then untick the REcyclebin… Done 🙂

Ruth asks…

How can you get your recycle bin back on your desktop?

Somehow the Recycle Bin (trash can) has disappeared of my desktop. I still have it and can get to it, but the icon on my desktop is gone. I run Vista…how can I put it back on my desktop where it belongs?

The Expert answers:

Go to the desktop and right click in a blank space and then click on “Personalization”. When the window opens go to the left hand side (under the “Tasks” section) and click on “Change Desktop Icons”. In the new window, select the Recycle Bin.
Good luck !

James asks…

Is the recycle bin supposed to save browsing history?I thought it was supposed to save everything?

I’ve set my Internet Options to “delete browsing history on exit”,but nI thought the recycle bin still saved everything?
I thought so,shortie,cos its saved me documents but not me history.

The Expert answers:

Nope, it just a temporary storage for files that have been deleted from your computer.

“delete browsing history on exit” will permanently deleting/clearing past searches & browsing data within your browser when on exit.

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