Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
James asks…
Green Crafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
What recycled items have you used to make crafts or household items that are usually bought new?
It can be anything you’ve made or heard of or even planned to make!!
Holiday recycled crafts are always fun to see or hear about!!
We can all help the world one tiny little bit at a time.
Here’s a song that may inspire you! I love it!
The Expert answers:
I use egg cartons to hold little things (IE buttons, Earrings). I cover pine cones with peanut butter and bird seed with my little sister (fun holiday craft, and the birds love it). Also a great idea: Take a bunch of old bottle caps, turn them over and nail them to a board. Wipe your feet on it! Also, you can cover a plain wooden napkin holder in produce stickers, it’s adorable and easy.
Mandy asks…
How do I label my interest in crafts for college?
I like sewing, knitting, decoupaging, using recycled materials to create something new… reconstructing old clothing from Goodwill into something more desirable (i.e. in style) reconstructing (repainting, reupholstering) furniture that would normally go into a landfill into something usable. What do I CALL this interest? It ties into home economics, or “family and consumer economics” but would it fit better under a different, more specific title?
The Expert answers:
Designer of multi-medium items.
Robert asks…
What Are Some Fun Games/Crafts/Activities To Teach Children About Protecting The Environment And Recycling?
For Children between the ages of 6 and 12 preferably… anything from games, to making stuff from recyclable materials and other such activities…
Any ideas/links would be much appreciated!
The Expert answers:
Hey Migh, here are a few sites I know of.
William asks…
How can I craft and construct a “wheel of fortune” out of recycled material?
Please help! I want to construct it for a fundraiser to help little children in Africa!!
The Expert answers:
If you made a wheel of fortune form out of plywood, I’m not sure how to make it spin, you can then use things that are flat in different colors to make the sections. Like, metal soda cans that you cut and make flat and tack on. Or, a mesh bag that held grapefruit that you glue on (the orange or yellow ones from the grocery). The white sections could be newspaper… Even candy bar wrappers or foil. I would definitely use resin glue to keep the pieces on.
Linda asks…
Does anyone have recycled craft ideas?
I have a project due in a few days that I like completely forgot about. What we have to do is make something out of recycled stuff, like, stuff that we wouldn’t use again (ex. old bottles, boxes, maybe old clothes if the project’s not too hard…etc.) I’ve been thinking about it now that I remembered the project, but I have no idea what to make. Some of my friends already told me what they’re doing, like a magazine holder and some recycled jewelry, and I think those are good ideas. When I looked around for an idea for what to do, though, the only good things I could find were the things that were already taken by my friends. I’m not asking for instructions on how to make the craft, because that’s part of the project, so I’ll figure out how to make the thing myself. I just need some ideas on WHAT to make. And please don’t say anything that’s just for decoration. You could make a decoration out of like, anything, so I want something fun or useful. Also please no little kid things like ‘doll clothes’ or a barbie home or something. I’m in middle school.
The Expert answers:
You could make a tarp out of plastic grocery bags. All you need is an iron, parchment paper (similar to waxed paper but without the wax), and plastic grocery bags. I would recommend using the ones from Target, Gap, or Dillards (or any plastic bags that are of similar thickness) because they are thicker and don’t shrivel like the ones from walmart do. If you know how to crochet, you could cut the grocery bags into strips and make a purse or something. If you want to do a purse/bag, I would advise you to make it small because it takes a while. Hopefully this will be helpful. 😉
Sandra asks…
What are some crafts/DIY projects websites I can go to?
Anything from recycled material, furniture or decorations that you can make your self at a low price..
Oh and it has to be a good website. Not just the first thing that pops up. I just want to see if anyone knows any popular sites.
The Expert answers:
Check out all the different crafts at The site covers a *huge* range of crafts.
(“Joining” the site is free if you want to be able to ask questions or make comments as well as just reading).
You can see a few examples from each board (in alphabetical order) here to get a general idea:
…But *all* their main craft forums will be listed down on the right on this page: (be sure and click on each board there to see all the sub-boards under it as well)
David asks…
I’ve been collecting cardboard cup cozies from a coffee shop that doesn’t recycle them. What crafts could I?
do with them? Thank you.
The Expert answers:
You can actually be do a lot of thing like hot glue them together and make a tower maybe paint them and make a flower holder or just use your imagination
Chris asks…
What can I use recycled baby food jars for?
I saw a spice rack.. and my father had made a hanging board with them screwed on above his work bench so he can see and unscrew which ever pieces he needed.. any other inventive ideas.. or even crafts for the kids….
…maybe a small lil herb garden in the window (box) ….will that work with out replanting there anything I won’t have to replant but can line up in a window or on my porch ledge…
The Expert answers:
How about an upside down Garden ! Whoa ya
here is a Tin man from tin cans.(bird feeder)
how about a tin can lantern
Have fun!
Jenny asks…
Recycling as a hobby. Any ideas for arts and crafts from recyclable things?
Please share some interesting and fun ideas what we can do with all the left over containers, boxes, plastics, glass etc.
The Expert answers:
Another good site is
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