Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Carol asks…
What are the advantages of using waste recycling refuse chutes?
If possible, include your opinions. Thanks
The Expert answers:
You are able to recycle things and organise the rubbish. Like this, you will be able to play a part in the society.
James asks…
What is the standard rate for e-waste recycling and how does it benefit our community?
The Expert answers:
A lot thing like paper will rot wood will . Iron tin alum can they will resell plastic i don’t know about
Joseph asks…
does waste incineration undermine the work of recycling plants ?
I am currently in the middle of doing a geography project on waste to energy facilities and was wondering if anybody knew the answer to the question “does waste incineration undermine the work of recycling plants ?”
The Expert answers:
That depends on whether incineration is used as well as recycling, or instead of it.
If only non-recyclables are incinerated, it’s better than that stuff going to landfills.
Paul asks…
Where can I find data on recycling of universal waste?
Specifically market trends and market growth for universal waste? Any raw data would also help.
The Expert answers:
You should be able to find info in the above link. If not send them an email, I’m sure they would know where to get this info.
Ruth asks…
Why do Liberals (wrongfully) accuse Conservatives of not Recycling their waste?
I mean, how often does Fox News re-run the same footage for different stories, for starters?
How often do we see Anti-Obama propaganda that isn’t recycled John Birch Society rantings against whomever?
So with all that in mind for starters, who can really say that Cons don’t readily recycle?
The Expert answers:
Because they don’t have the mental capacity necessary to talk about real issues.
Daniel asks…
Are there any examples for commercial recycling of waste wood?
How do they do it? processes?
The Expert answers:
The whole particle board industry is built upon materials that were originally waste and byproducts. Nowadays most of the “wooden” furniture you buy is composed mostly of particle board with veneers and laminates on it.
Nancy asks…
How can E-waste be reduced with the help of mobile phone recycling?
Is mobile phone recycling be helpful in reducing E-waste.
The Expert answers:
Yes sure.
But recycling normally means a developing country to do you dirty work.
I think making your phone last as lonfg a spossible is the best thing you can do.
My dad has a phone that is 10 years old and works fine.
Betty asks…
How chromatography paper is made and how do we get back paper pulp from its waste for recycling?
i want to know what are the additives added to paper pulp to obtain chromatography paper and how these additives are removed.
The Expert answers:
Chromatography paper doesn’t contain sizing or other addatives, it is pure wood fiber.
Mandy asks…
Is recycling your home waste worth the effort and energy it consumes?
I think it is and like to do what I can but sometimes I wonder if we’re just scratching the surface of the problem.
The Expert answers:
I used to think so, until I started a job connected to the Council–now I realize that everything I recycle in a year (A LOT) is wasted in a day by the triplicate hard copies I send to the finance people, who passes copies to their bosses, who analyze it and send hard copies to their bosses, who probably never read it at all but make more copies to keep in case they have to prove they are filling government targets.
But in general, don’t waste in the first place where possible, recycle what you must, and remember all the other ways we can help slow down our mass destruction.
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