Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

I would like to know the price to get for recycled papers, cans, plastics and metals? Thank you.?

From Singapore only. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

I dont know, but you wont get a lot of money from recycling, so just do it for the good.

Robert asks…

Would you please help me with this homework? Algebra Equation?

Maria received $5.58 for aluminum cans that she brought to the recycling center. Ho many pounds of cans dis she recycle?
Price per pound (rounded to the nearest cent) $0.31

The Expert answers:

= $5.58/$0.31
= 18

Answer: 18 pounds of aluminum cans

Carol asks…

What is the current price being paid per pound of recycled aluminium cans.?

The Expert answers:

At the place I go to is .35 cents a pound.

Richard asks…

Where online can I monitor the price per pound of recycled aluminum?

I recycle soda cans for extra money. I have a hard time finding the rate per pound. I live in Miami, FL.

The Expert answers:

Call your local scrapyard and ask them for their aluminum prices. It’s impossible to find online.

Mark asks…

how much can I get for recycling my used car vs. trying to sell it? ?

I’ve got a great running but not so pretty ’93 buick custom. I’ve put it on craigslist for $480 bucks and people are swarming to get it. It’s got alot of extras like new batt, headlights, tires, hitch kit, all new. should I part it out myself or recycle it – I can’t seem to find the prices for recycling scrap online – can you help me?

The Expert answers:

Myself, I would sell the car, because the used auto industry is huge. Plus if it’s custom, you may get a little extra. If people are swarming to get it, then I would jack the price up to like $550. Get a few extra bucks, and know that you could have helped a poor old lady be able to drive again, or something.

Ken asks…

what is the average buying price for soda cans or aluminum by pound?

i have a like 250 by 2 feet of aluminum and its like 2 cm thick and well i was planning on recycling it but i dont know about how much they would buy it from me. I bought it for 100 bucks at a garage sale but i was doing a project and i decided not to use it after all so yeah i just need info on where i can sell it and how much is the average price for selling it by pound cause this crap weighs like 600 pounds

The Expert answers:

You might be able to locate some good potential buyers on 600 pounds of aluminum? Aye….

John asks…

Where can I find a comparison of recycling values to see whose giving the best prices in SoCal?

Where can I find a comparison of recycling values to see whose giving the best prices in SoCal within a reasonable driving distance? I have tried to look this up online — I can find companies websites but no price list per pound… I am talking about aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and glass jars — nothing major like a car battery or anything lol

The Expert answers:

In your stock market as comodities
they determine if the price goes up or down consider your buyer is going to make some profit too

Sandy asks…

Is this a fair price for aluminum cans?

I have a TON of aluminum cans I need to recycle (so I can clear out my garage for a garage sale). I heard that can prices are low right now, but was wondering what the difference would actually be if I waited.

Right now it is .33/lb. I have heard there’s about 33 cans in a pound, so that’d be .01/can. If this is “low”, then what is the “normal” rate?

The Expert answers:

That is about right. $.34/lb is what the current index is.

James asks…

Can recycling reduce cell phone prices?

I have to give a persuasive speech in my communications class.
My topic is going to be on “Why you should recycle.” The reason why I need an answer is because i’m giving the speech to a bunch of high school students and one of the things that high school students want are cell phones. So i think this would be a good eye opener for my audience.

The Expert answers:

Recycling will not reduce cell phone prices. We are in a world where bigger and better always = higher prices. Millions of people recycle aluminum cans… Do we see cheaper prices on cans/aluminum? Unfortunately no. It is definitely a “noble” cause, but until people start seeing a difference on the consumer’s end; it’s just not going to be a popular idea. Basically you would turn your phone in to cut cost on the manufacturer who in turn says thank you; if you’re lucky.

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