Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

should i write a letter to my Governor?

I live in North Dakota =(. But anyways my governor lives in my town. I searched up the rank for polluted states from least to most. And North Dakota is number 17. Not that bad but im green friendly. So do you think it would be a good idea to write a letter to the governor about making some changes to make north dakota less polluted? What are some suggestions i could write about? I had a idea like couldn’t we just use the garbage trucks to pick up garbage and they sort it and recycle it instead of burning it. Why doesn’t the government do that anyway? There’s a big power plant in my city but it would probally cost too much to replace with something like a windmill for energy or w.e they use. Soo can i have some answers?

The Expert answers:

Suggest to the Governor to do the following to prevent pollution:

1. Sort gardbage at source;
2. Do not allow burning;
3. Garbage disposal must be regulated;
4. Institute laws against violators of laws implementing proper garbage disposal; and,
5. Leaders especially the Governor must lead by example.

Betty asks…

Hows this idea(abt controlling the pollution)?

today in class,the teacher was telling us abt the plastic waste matter and the dumping grounds.she said that every place had a dumping ground and after dumping all the garbage at that place,that ground becomes completely saturated with the garbage and there is no place for more.

so i have this idea,how abt scientists create a cheap rocket (i dont really mean cheap,i mean way less expensive than rockets that are usually constructed) that will be designed in such a way that it will shoot up into the air and once its out of the earths atmosphere it will explode.
so,why dont they fill the rocket with all the harmful garbage and then send it to space for it to explode.and no body has to drive it of course,it should be designed in such a way that it will shoot upwards and after flying for sometime,it will explode.
that way,slowly,slowly all the garbage will be thrown into space.dont tell me not to litter our universe because its a huge space and its infinite and they will eventually burn or get destroyed.

or,if they really want to be very Eco friendly,they can make a rocket that is controlled by humans(obviously!), which will work like those garbage trucks,they will carry all the garbage every month,in huge amounts (there will be lots of rockets) and they will throw it into space.
it wont go on forever, only for a few years, as by then they will try and control the plastic and non-renewable productions and will recycle all of them if they need to use them.

how is the idea?

The Expert answers:

The cheapest methods to escape earth’s gravity are hundreds of millions of dollars. And it costs MORE with a more massive payload. The idea can never become economical, unless we develop some sort of new way to launch a vehicle into space. Solid rocket boosters will never get the job done, any waste company that did this would be bankrupt before completing the first mission.

Carol asks…

how good is this idea(abt controling the pollution)?

today in class,the teacher was telling us abt the plastic waste matter and the dumping grounds.she said that every place had a dumping ground and after dumping all the garbage at that place,that ground becomes completely saturated with the garbage and there is no place for more.

so i have this idea,how abt scientists create a cheap rocket (i dont really mean cheap,i mean way less expensive than rockets that are usually constructed) that will be designed in such a way that it will shoot up into the air and once its out of the earths atmosphere it will explode.
so,why dont they fill the rocket with all the harmful garbage and then send it to space for it to explode.and no body has to drive it of course,it should be designed in such a way that it will shoot upwards and after flying for sometime,it will explode.
that way,slowly,slowly all the garbage will be thrown into space.dont tell me not to litter our universe because its a huge space and its infinite and they will eventually burn or get destroyed.

or,if they really want to be very Eco friendly,they can make a rocket that is controlled by humans(obviously!), which will work like those garbage trucks,they will carry all the garbage every month,in huge amounts (there will be lots of rockets) and they will throw it into space.
it wont go on forever, only for a few years, as by then they will try and control the plastic and non-renewable productions and will recycle all of them

how is the idea?

The Expert answers:

Manufacturing the rockets and blasting them through the atmosphere will use up even more energy and resources, and that’s before you take into account the pollution due to rocket propellant fumes (which is still much less than the pollution from the industrial processes used to manufacture the rocket propellants in the first place).

Much better to manufacture just a few types of plastic, which can then easily be melted down and made into something else.

If manufacturers’ responsibility didn’t cease the moment the product left the factory, but they were responsible for collecting up and recycling the products they made at end-of-life, then all this would be less of an issue ….. But that requires a government that is prepared to stick to principles and not bow down before the corporations.

Robert asks…

Am i really going green?

were learning about global warming in science class and i think its horrible!

i really do want to help, so i asked our science teacher if we could do a project. right now were in the process of making recycling bins out of recycled cardboard boxes for every 6th grade teacher.

But am i really going green?

1. i turn off the water when i shave
2. i turn off the lights when i leave a room
3. i think this is “going green” ; instead of the garbage truck coming and taking our trash can, we go to the local trash compactor which isnt too far away. probably 2-3 miles or 5 minutes. They crush all of the trash and stuff. is that recycling? were the only people that do that in our neighborhood. and instead of going every day when we have a new bagfull, we go for about a week sometimes 2 and we keep the trash bags in the corner of our garage.
4. i never get a new paper in school if i mess up on something; i erase it

What else can an 11 year old do? I obviously can ride my bike to places, but we do carpool a lot.

So am i really going green?

Questions? Comments? Concerns?


The Expert answers:

You’re off to a very good start. I wish more kids your age took the initiative. Let me suggest a “green” act: Don’t buy things on a whim. You may be craving certain brands because they are being mercilessly marketed to you by corporations. Slowing down on your shopping will make a big difference. The items you (and others) purchase are made of precious natural resources, like plants and trees, or else their manufacture is sending pollutants into the environment. There is a savage civil war being fought in the Congo, because people are fighting over a shrinking supply of resources (diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, coltan, tin, timber). Make a note of this: coltan is found in laptops, digital cameras, cellphones, video games, and other electronics. People in the Congo are being killed over coltan. When you buy a new cellphone, you could be profiting from the death of innocent Congolese people. I’m not trying to scare you, but that’s really how it is.
This Christmas, don’t ask for presents. Millions of tons of extra garbage are produced every year around this time. How’s that for an act of green? Do you think you could do it?

Nancy asks…

How is the BNP’s energy policy better than UKIPs?

“What cannot be recycled should be converted to electricity in new, totally clean and state of the art power stations” which I’m sure will work great in combination with the flying garbage trucks.
I’m just wondering where our energy will come from if we were to separate ourselves from the EU but in conjunction strive toward renewable energy. How do we expect to maintain the UK energy supply, switch to renewable energys like wind and solar, and sever ties to the EU and it’s energy imports, all at the same time?

The difference if you’re wondering, is that UKIP aren’t as eager to convert to such types of renewable energy, and are set on nuclear energy.

I’m all for renewable energy but it seems to me like there’s a very big gap in the BNP’s overall plans.
What is your obsession with trying to annoy british people?
yeee haa that’s true, and we’d get the notrh sea oil fields back with either party, but it would be quite a considerable transformation to divert british industry back to our dormant mines.
A comprehensive description, some of which I knew but some of which I didn’t- most importantly the trade agreement. (which was a peculiar hole in my knowledge- like a car with a spoiler but no engine).
However I should thank the patriot as I only realised Norways part ownership once he said so, and sure enough if you search for the maps more profusely it becomes obvious our claim on the oil fields are too precarious to rely on.
Also page 53 points 8 and 9 are flabbergasting….look at it.

The Expert answers:

UKIP will not sever ties with the EU for a start. UKIP wish to leave the EU but still wish to broker a trade agreement. That means you will still benefit from all the existing energy purchasing from the continent, as well as selling it back to them at peak times as we have done for years.

In relation to energy, UKIP would:
? Ensure secure and affordable energy supplies to safeguard our growing
? Increase nuclear power generation to provide up to 50% of our growing
electricity needs within 10-15 years, and accelerate the planning process to
allow new reactors to replace old reactors on the same sites
? Support efficient extraction of indigenous coal for use in cleaner coal-fired
electricity generation plants
? Reduce the use of imported gas for electricity generation while maintaining it
for direct heating
? Require any further schemes of large-scale wind generation to be funded by
the market, and limit any large-scale wind generation to offshore only
? Support technologies and practice which improve energy conservation and
? Encourage the development and use of renewable energy sources other than large-scale wind generators.

That sounds like quite a balanced policy to me. UKIP still want renewable energy on the agenda, but not at the expense of the taxpayer, the consumer and the great British landscape.

David asks…

Survey-What’s with all this recycling and green stuff?

I mean really. We’re supposed to use a bunch of water to rinse stuff out before we tear the label off and put it in a separate container, so a big truck with these automatic arm-thingies can idle there while it dumps it in the back, just so another truck can show up later and get my garbage. Well gee, seems like a lot of work and wasted energy to save, what, five cents? I don’t get people. I think I’ll keep littering, and you know, you can use used motor oil to fertilize your lawn. I’m just sayin’.

The Expert answers:

I liter on purpose so I can counter act one environmentalist. I also like eating a lot of meat so I can counteract one vegetarian. 😉

Charles asks…

How do I recycle???????

Are there garbage truck that collects recycled items or do I have I have to
drive to a recycling center? I live in a very small town so I doubt that there’s garbage trucks like that.

Do most people buy 3 recycling bin? For paper, plastic, aluminum. Is this correct? What about glass? Are the bins supposed to be in different colors?

Do I put cardboard in the paper bin? What about mcdonald bags that have ketchup smeared on it? Do I put it on that paper bin?

If I have a ketchup bottles do I put those in the plastic bins? Even if they have a bit or ketchup left?

Why is it necessary to recycle when it’s so much easier to just
throw it away in the garbage can?

The Expert answers:

Look for the Recycle Symbol somewhere on the product. If it is recyclable try the recycle machine or recycling plant. Call the stores around you to locate a machine and try the phone book or waste management for the recycling plant nearest you.

Waste management may be able to pick up at your home for a fee. This is like a utility and you will receive a monthly bill.

Much of our packaging is recyclable and the recycling center will pay by the pound! Look for recycle symbols on absolutely everything!

Susan asks…

Windows Vista Animated Icons?

I want to change my dektop icons (Vista). I want to find and download animated icons. It is very hard to locate what I want. Many sites come up when i google “animated icons vista desktop”. Problem is, not one of them seem to have animated icons for my desktop – ugggg. They usually have regualar icons (with no animation). The animated icons that they have are not downloadable – they are HML script (obviously to be used on a website, not my desktop). Any suggestions?

I hope you understand what I am looking for. Expl – recycle bin icon replaced with a moving icon – i dunno – like a garbage truck with moving tires.

The Expert answers:

Get to know them better. This is not a task only to be accomplished through dating. The more you get to know him or her, the more you can tell if you like them as a friend or something else. Just talk and do fun activities with the person.
Stop and consider why you like the person. There are many physically attractive and smart people out there. But if you see something beyond that really catches your attention, you’ve marked this person as unique and probably like them. Why else would they stand out from so many?
Consider how many times you think about the person. If you find yourself thinking about this person several times a day, and they are happy thoughts that possibly make your heart beat faster, then you probably like them.
Think how often you laugh at their jokes etc. When you like someone, you will find yourself laughing at things even if they aren’t that funny. This is a natural attempt to make them feel appreciated.
If the one conversation between you and the person is stuck in you head and you cant stop telling people about it. This means it was important to you, and you probably like the person.
Consider how much you try to be near them. If you’ve planned your walking speed to catch a glimpse of them as many times of the day as possible, there is a good reason for that.
Think about how you feel if you touch him or her, by accident or on purpose. If you’re still thinking about brushing shoulders several hours ago in school, then that is a special thought and you probably like them.
If you feel you’re ready for a relationship, and are confident enough for a positive response, then just go ahead and ask them out. If you’re unsure of their feelings for you, there are several wikihows on how to tell if someone likes you.

Ken asks…

Where did my stuff go?

Maybe I just don’t understand the way a hard drive works but what happens to objects when they are deleted in the recycle bin? Lets say you download a song from itunes or whatever and it takes up 5 megs. The song data is new to your computer and wasn’t there previously so it takes up 5 megs of hard drive space. Then for whatever reason, you decide to delete the file in the recycle bin. Now where does it go? Unlike taking out the trash in real life (where you can physically see the garbage going in the dumpster, picked up by a garbage truck, and on the way to the land fill, a computer puts the data on a hard drive and then deletes it but nothing is physically moving the data to another computer, or out in space or anything beyond the computer. And can’t you bring back stuff from the recycle bin too? I just want to know where it goes. Please let me know 🙂 Thanks.

The Expert answers:

When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software.

A good tip is to try the free demo version of a commercial product that will scan the device for deleted files and show you exactly what files can be recovered. At least that will show you if you can recover the deleted files or if it’s too late already. You can find more useful information on how to recover deleted files at

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