Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Ken asks…
Can you just put an old tv into the recycle bin?
I have an old tube tv that’s broken. I saw on dirty jobs once that you’re supposed to recycle them. Can I just put it into the recycle bin or do I have to do something special with it?
Ok well I dont really want to do that, so can I just put it in the trash?
And yes it would easily fit in my recycle bin. We have really big ones here. I could fit like 5 or 6 actually.
The Expert answers:
No, but if you take it to a electrical place like Radio Shack then they can take it somewhere and recycle it!
Donna asks…
How to unerase erased (Deleted files) files in recycle bin?
I deleted one file from desktop and by oversight I deleted it from recycle bin also. How to recover it?
The Expert answers:
Your honour;
It is possible to recover files using softwares written by other answerers.But you should stop saving anything now on,till you recover your file .(There fore simply sit down listening Jain devotional songs ,sir) Other wise ,that software may not become useful.(You can write e mails to me by clicking my profile)
Joseph asks…
teacher says the recycling bins at our school don’t even recycle?
The trash cans are grey (the regular ones)
the “recycling” cans are blue, with a white recycling sign.
everyone shoves all there trash no matter what it is (food) into the trash can from snack! (we eat lunch at 1:05 >_<)
my teacher told us, (6th gr) that the recycling bins don’t even get to the recycling places, they just go to the landfills and crap,
but you never see the janitor or anyone dump the bins, how can i make sure the stuff in the recycling bins, get recycled if they are recyclable?
i am now in 7th grade, how do i help? thanks! 😀 no websites please
The Expert answers: ur teacher said that recycling bins dont recycle..well..its not that,they may go to d landfills&crap..but still that crap ll sure go to the recycling places…..all the things ,crap,plastic.etc., are recyclied in its own way…they find d material which could be recyclied to use it again….things which r nood good enough to recycle, they ll burn them to avoid toxic gases doesnt matter whethr they ll go in landfills or recycling places,,,all d waste is recyclied & manufacturer sells those recyclied materials in d market..
I hope this ans ll help u out..
Mary asks…
Where do the files when you empty your recycle bin go to?
I recently learned that when you empty the recycle bin that it really doesn’t get deleted. I downloaded simple file shredder to really delete them. I was wondering where all my old files went when I deleted them, and if I can find them to put into simple file sherdder.
The Expert answers:
They don’t actually go anywhere until they are overwritten by another file. All that happens is that the directory entry to them is deleted and the space they take up is marked as free.
Michael asks…
Can i recover files that were in the recycle bin and then emptied?
I deleted a file and i emptied the recycle bin by accident is there anyway to get that file back?
The Expert answers:
I agree with Lindsay it is a hit and miss but here go a program i used to recover documents before it call Recuva and its free. Here goes the link: . Some files that has been overwritten might not be able to recovered.
Helen asks…
How to get back pictures i’ve deleted,and wiped out recycle bin?
Recently me and my boyfriend broke up and I deleted every picture we had together. Now that we got back together,I want to get them back. But I deleted the pictures and emptied the recycle bin.
How do I get them back? I don’t remember the file names…
The Expert answers:
try one of these free programs. If you don’t remember the file name just search for jpeg, png, or whatever format the pics were in
Nancy asks…
How do you restore your recycle bin if you accidently deleted it ?
haha i deleted my recycle bin off my computer by accident and idk how to get it back please help 🙂
The Expert answers:
I actually own a program that has a special search it can perform for deleted or lost recycle bins. You can try it out for yourself at:
Make sure you act quickly though. The files you are attempting to recover can be overwritten at any time.
Sharon asks…
How do i get my recycle bin back on my desktop on vista?
i accidently deleted my recycle bin from my desktop, i don’t know how to get it back, can any one please help? ohh and i am on windows vista,Many thanks
The Expert answers:
Try this
Right click personalize
Change Desktop icons
Make sure that recycle bin is checked and hit ok this should bring this back up
Let me know if this worked
or try restore defaults however you may loose icons in some areas…
Betty asks…
Can a folder that was deleted and is no longer in the Recycle Bin be recovered?
Please say “Yes” and how. It was deleted together with some files and those files are still in the Recycle Bin while the folder is not.
The Expert answers:
It is possible to recover files if they have not been overwritten by other files (you can’t really tell without a software tool). It is always more likely that a freshly deleted file will be recoverable than if the file was deleted weeks or months ago.
The easiest program to recover files is called Recuva. It allows you to choose a directory to scan, then it shows a list of all deleted files which it can recover. Scan the directory above where this deleted directory was located and if any of the files are recoverable, Recuva will let you restore them.
Files marked green are undamaged, orange may have some errors in the restored version, and red is unrecoverable. Simply check the checkbox beside the files that you want and click Recover.
Recuva is a free program from the makers of CCleaner, and the download links on are safe.
You should save the files that you recover to a different drive if possible to ensure that other files are not overwritten if you intend to restore more files.
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