Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Richard asks…

how can recycling pet bottles help the ozone layer?

When people recycle it do they burn the plastic to reuse it? Because it thought the chemicals that burned plastic set free where the ones that break the ozone molecules. or is it the fact that there is too much garbage?

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t.

The Ozone Layer is just fine, Dupont was just looking for something to make it’s R134a replacement an “in demand item- it’s patents for R-12, R-11 and R-22 were expiring. It was all a hoax. To even complete that coup in the marketplace, Khofi Anon’s “Millenium Address” went so far as to say the Ozone Layer was safe.

If you look at the Ozone Depletion theory- that too had major holes in it and some very large assumptions and totally disregarded the amount of Chlorine gas and compounds released by a single active volcano.

Perhaps one of the safest ways to dispose of PolyEthylene Teraphalate is by using it as a fuel.

The real issue with Thalates is their action in the human body and the interactions with the human endocrine system. Namely it’s action in the human body as essentially an Estrogen mimic.

Sandra asks…

san francisco recycling & Disposal inc?

I need infomation/ facts about the san francisco recycling & Disposal inc…. can any one help me? there arent any websites that truely tell me anything.

The Expert answers:


Donald asks…

how can recycling help save the earth?

i need to know how recycling can help save the earth. if yu have facts, that would be great.thnx! 🙂
umm i need to know how recycling can help save the earth.its for a report if u have a source plz give it to me. thnx! 😉

The Expert answers:

Recycling can help the Earth in many ways. In today’s world the importance of recycling is becoming greater of a concern both for the general public and also to the economy. Recycling has become a major issue as scientific research has been suggesting for years that the earth is being depleted too fast to sustain a healthy balance. The earth’s natural resources are being consumed at a rate that reinforces the idea that we are living for today and the future generations will be paying for the consequences. However many people and just as importantly businesses are realizing the problem at hand and the importance of recycling. Recycling along with reducing consumption is our best means to counter the damage we have been doing to the earth for centuries. The importance of recycling is now held in such a high regard even famous people are taking up the plight. Al Gore is now on a mission to educate the world on the effects of global warming. He is also concerned about how we can reduce the causes of global warming. A major part reducing the warmingis how we can recycle much of what we use instead of turning it into unusable waste. Recycling is incredibly important as a means to reduce poisonous emissions into the atmosphere and also to spare our natural resources. Today many companies and individuals are improving their recycling habits by coming up with ways to reduce what they use. They are also reusing much of the original materials sent out for consumer use.

Joseph asks…

English Questions – Please Help?

Determine whether the following sentences are opinions or facts.
Recycling reduces the use of natural resources.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Recycling cuts down on the amount of waste in landfills.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Recycling should be mandatory in all schools and businesses.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Our town needs a recycling program.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Recycling materials can save on energy costs.
A) Opinion
B) Fact

The Expert answers:

Recycling reduces the use of natural resources
1. Fact (B)
Recycling cuts down on the amount of waste in landfills
2.Fact (B)
Recycling should be mandatory in all schools and businesses
3.opinion (A)
Our town needs a recycling program
4opinion (A)
Recycling materials can save on energy costs.
5.Fact (B)

The key words in questions 3-4 was an opinion because
Q3. Key word: “Should”
Q4. Key word:” Needs”
thies are things that we would want to happen but it’s not true or can be proven. They can be depated on but Q 1, 2, and 5 are all facts because they are proven

hoped this helped

Mandy asks…

Can you guys help me with my persuasive speech about global warming?

i’m doing a persuasive speech about how we can help stop global warming. i want to mention all the problems and also some of the solutions like the new world trade center in new york and recycling. can you guys list some facts, ideas to help stop global warming (like starting annual events), type up a really quick draft so i can work off it?

The Expert answers:

You are going to have to do a lot of lying. There is nothing man can do about global warming.

Donna asks…

Persuasive Essay on Recycling?

I have to write a persuasive speech and i wanted to do it on Recycling, Because many people out there don’t care about our environment and i do!
So i need so interesting facts and things i can use in my speech. I really want to persuade these people to recycle. How do i begin it? and what should i include?

The Expert answers:

Any more people are best persuaded by relating to the Economics of an action. For that reason I would suggest that as you discuss your topic you relate your argument to the value of an Item in relation to the cost of the same Item if it is made from recycled products. Be sure to ad the financial out put associated with the collection of raw materials, energy needed to produce the product and the shipping costs for getting the raw material and finished products from point to end point. Do the same for a recycled material. Also point out that a growing trend in Recycling is called up-cycling where a product like a soda bottle is made into a product like carpet or cloth so that it serves a greater process and it is made so that at the end of it’s use full life it can be reclaimed once again for use as raw material in another product. Being environmentally friendly doesn’t just make natural sense it makes financial sense as well. Show that.

Paul asks…

Question about open container law?

I live in MT. We used to not have an open container law, but now we do. There is a natural hot spring which I frequent either by myself or my two boys. I always bring a bucket to add river water to the hot spring to cool it down. There are always several beer bottles or cans around the hot spring, so when I’m done bathing, I fill my bucket with these and other misc. garbage and take it home to throw away or recycle. In fact, I always pick up garbage and take it home whenever I find some on my travels through the woods, etc. Today my husband was with me and told me about this open container law and said that if I were to get pulled over, I would get a really hefty fine for having these empty cans and bottles in my car. Is this true? Would I really get in trouble for picking up garbage? If so, what are some possible ways to transport garbage such as this?
And what about when I take my recyclables to the dump? Is there a special way I need to transport these? There are sometimes beer or liquor bottles from home in them…???

The Expert answers:

I would throw them in garbage bags, tie up and transport in the trunk of my car. Call the local law enforcement in your area and ask.*

Mark asks…

Can Someone Give Me A Respectable Site About Recycling, Saving Water, Helping The Environment,Etc…?

Making a very important video for school, need facts about saving the environment and such! The video topic is basically for the Green Cup Challenge, which is about saving energy, don’t waste water, don’t litter, etc… Anyways, I need a good site that can give me statistics and such to put in my video.


The Expert answers:

Wikipedia has all the answers just search each of the topics and you will be overloaded with information.
You can read this article about benefits of recycling Hope it helps

Daniel asks…

how can i persuade others (peers) to care about our environment?

the people at my school are very against recycling/ being “green.” don’t ask me why, because I honestly don’t know. and it’s not like they have to go far to recycle a piece of paper, because they don’t. the recycling bin is right next to the trash can. back in september, i asked the student council (who do NOTHING, by the way) to get some recycling bins for cans and stuff at lunch, but what happened? nothing. i don’t even know why the student council exists. anyways, how do i persuade people to be green, or at the very least, recycle?

and no, i know for a fact that they do not recycle in their own homes. in fact, the recycling truck doesn’t even come to their houses anymore! thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Well I think I should start off by saying the I don’t believe in Global Warming (I have done TONS of research, trust me, its a load of BS), but trying to get people to recycle and save power in very admirable, there is nothing wrong with that at all! What you should probably do, is first talk to the faculty of the school and tell them you have an idea that you want to persue. Try setting out boxes or recycle bins yourself around all the trash cans (if you can’t get StuCo to do it, do it yourself, you’ll get the credit and the service too!), and 9 times out of 10 if it is RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF THEM, they will throw their recyclables into the bin instead of the trash. Hope that helps!

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