Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Why don’t ALL state recycle? and if You don’t why. I?

I ask this because I live in Michigan where recycling is fairly big. But my daughter just came back from Vegas, who’s in early 20’s and said they don’t even recycle pop bottles. Can’t they send the to nearby recycle state. Why doesn’t Vegas has recycling for 1 example. Also, she was funny as she saw her friends the 1st time throwing out bottles? Dude! That’s a lot of dimes!

The Expert answers:

Just because the state doenst pay you to recylce doenst mean you shouldnt do it or that there arent recyclung programs. Louisiana doesn’t but we have recylcing containers all over..

Sharon asks…

Where in Michigan cab you recycle glass bottles for money? I can’t find any?

The Expert answers:

Look in the yellow pages, it’s there..

Chris asks…

can you recycle fiberglass boats in Michigan?

The Expert answers:

NO – repair the hole and put it back in the water…..


Fiberglass is garbage once it is hardened you cant re-use it.

Jenny asks…

Aluminum Cans – MI Recycling?

All the cans I have looked at say 10 cent refund in Michigan? Where in MI do you recycle cans for this refund? Tried looking on the internet but it’s information overload and nothing specifically says “go here”, nor does it list specific business that honor the refund?

I am the mother of twin boys so “extra” cash is non-existent as our only income is my husband’s job. I try to contribute to the household by doing odd jobs and babysitting for neighbors but it’s just barely enough to get what we need for the boys. Christmas and their birthday (Nov. 1) is coming up and I need an additional source of “extra” cash for that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and consideration.
I don’t know how to reply to an answer on here so I had to use this. I am looking specifically for a recycle center that honors the refund as I am out of state (Arkansas) and would have to ship the cans. Don’t have the $$ to drive to MI.

The Expert answers:

You can return them to just about any grocery store, Walmart, Meijer, etc. The only time the store won’t honor the refund is if its a brand that they do not carry. This generally only happens when say you bought Meijer brand soda and then tried to return the cans to a local grocery store.

Edit: You have to be in Michigan in order to be able to get the refund. When we buy pop and such here, we pay an extra 10 cents for the bottle. Its an incentive to get people to recycle. So we go back and get our 10 cent refund when we return them.

Thomas asks…

Are there places in Massachusetts where an individual can get a refund for aluminum cans?

I know there are places in Michigan where you can go and recycle cans into a machine and receive a cash refund (like at some Walmarts). Are there places like that in Massachusetts where an individual can go and receive a refund for aluminum cans and/or glass bottles?
I know there are places in Michigan where you can go and recycle cans into a machine and receive a cash refund (like at some Walmarts). Are there places like that in Massachusetts where an individual can go and receive a refund for aluminum cans and/or glass bottles?


The Expert answers:

Uhhh yeah……………….
They is everywheres

Sandy asks…

Where in michigan can you take cans to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

The recycling center.

Linda asks…

where in Michigan can I get a nickle for a plastic bottle ?

I live in Indiana and would consider driving plastic bottles to Michigan for the extra money and recycle.I live just south of Indiana/Michigan border.

The Expert answers:

Well it depends on what kind of bottle you mean. If you mean a plastic Coke or Pepsi bottle, then you can return them at pretty much any grocery store ( I know that Wal Mart, Kroger,Miejer have these bottle return spots). You can’t return bottles like Gatorade or Powerade there though. Stores will accept most soft drink bottles but I don’t know where you can return sports drinks/ juice bottles. Also, I’m pretty sure that you can return water bottles at grocery stores too. And it’s 10 cents per bottle, not 5.

Lizzie asks…

how do you collect bottle/can deposit on bottles in Michigan?

I have about $130(10c each) worth of crushed cans I have been collecting for recycling. Are there places that will pay me for so may cans? Does it matter that the cans are crushed and are there any requirements like receipts or anything? thanks!

The Expert answers:

Most grocery stores in mich have return areas they prefer the cans be uncrushed because they have to scan the barcode meyers and walmart both have return areas marked as you walk in some stores only take the cans they sell meyers wont redeem samschoice cans

Nancy asks…

why don’t other states adopt a deposit fee on cans and bottles like michigan does?

in michigan, when you buy beer or soda pop, you pay ten cents deposit on that container. you get the ten cents back when you return it to any store. it promotes recycling. Some states have similar programs where you get 5 cents a can/bottle.

I think if people got more money (like ten cents) for each can or bottle, the less likely they are to toss them out the window of their cars, and they’ll get them recycled. plus its more of an incentive for any bums out there to pick up the cans and bottles to return them to the store and make some money while they are out wandering the roads and back fields.

i think it’s a good idea.

The Expert answers:

It works. We here in Michigan know it does. It’s a pain in the butt but it works. You would, however, be surprised what some sick-o’s (probably related to Fizzdude) put in their empties.

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