Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

Normal Garbage And Recycling Trucks?

How are those trucks differ from each other?

The Expert answers:

The regular garbage trucks compact everything together & dump it all in landfills. Recycling Trucks separate things like cardboard, aluminum, etc. And take them to recycling centers. This keeps things that can be used again from filling landfills & taking years to decompose.

Helen asks…

Boston Garbage and Recycling?

Is Capital waste boston’s contractor for Garbage and Recycling? Why are there Boston DPW Garbage trucks?

The Expert answers:

Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for Garbage and Recycling, you can call them at 635-7555

Mandy asks…

do recycling centers mash all the garbage into a sort of recyclable material slurry to make new products?

its just that the trucks i see in my neighborhood look like regular garbage trucks, just wondering the general process i guess. i rip up and crush everything together as it is, seeing if i’m botching up their process

The Expert answers:

Most curb side recycle programs take the materials to a transfer or sorting center. They are separated and bailed into big blocks of specific materials, paper, cardboard, #1 plastic, #2 plastic etc. From there they are transported to a distribution center or a company who use them as raw materials.

Paul asks…

Had there ever been a time that you had missed the garbage truck and/or recycling truck?

The Expert answers:

Yep, and then I have to run after it. Those with a bit more style tend to go for the motorcycle chase. Over where I live, they do things differently. You wait until you hear the truck coming (they play Schubert/Schumann, can’t remember which, on loudspeakers so you know), and then walk directly over to the truck to throw the garbage in the back. If you’re lucky, the security guard of your apartment building does it for you.

Ken asks…

Does recycling get picked up curbside in the USA?

This is to settle a debate between my boyfriend and I.

In Canada we have a recycling truck that comes around the same day at the garbage truck to collect our recycling at the curb side.

Does everywhere in the USA have this service or do you have to take your recycling yourself to a recycling facility?


The Expert answers:

I don’t even have curbside garbage pick up where I live. I have to haul my trash off to the “Recycling Center”. Which is basically a mini dump. There are 3-4 dumpsters to throw trash in. Also there is a trailer for all recyclables.

Mark asks…

Do people that deal with landfills and/or drive the trucks to pick up the garbage recycle some of the things?

Like lets say if a person throws out something that can be recycled…. id how to word it…. my mom says they do….

The Expert answers:

Indeed they do. Some who work on the landfills (the one who do manual jobs like picking and driving) are poor. They get what they can reuse and recycle objects they find useful and even return items to the manufacturer or put in the junk shop as an extra source of income.

Betty asks…

Isn’t it funny/odd that massive carbon spewing garbage trucks make an extra trip to pick up “recycle” bins at?

… houses around the country each week?

Isn’t this just another Democrat scheme that destroys the planet — having the garbage collectors make a 2nd trip each week to your house to pick up a small bin of tin cans, newspapers, magazines, etc.?

Those garbage trucks are so heavy that they just guzzle diesel fuel.
Garbage trucks get UNDER 3 mpg.

The Expert answers:

What’s even more ridiculous is when recycled items are thrown in with the regular garbage.


Thomas asks…

How do I know that my recycling is really being recycled?

When the truck comes to pick up my recycling it looks just like a garbage truck. My husband says that it all goes to the same place & that he knew guys who worked for Waste Management who said it all gets dumped in the dump. So how do I know that all the recyclables that I so painstakingly separate, actually make a difference for the planet?

The Expert answers:

My brother in law also worked for waste management. The recyclables are taken to a seperate facility where they are sorted. Unfortunately some of the stuff isn’t recycled even if it has a 1 or 2 on the bottom. This typically happens to plastics. For example the lids to plastic containers are usually not in the recycling finale and envelopes witht he plastic windows don’t make the cut either. Everything is hand sorted. It depends upon the facilities capabilities but it is not all dumped. Not all waste management facilities work the same either.

Steven asks…

Recycling. Is it really worth it?

When you think about it, it’s not. Remember how ur recycled items are being transported. In a massive garbage truck! so it’s doing more harm then good really.

What do you think we could do to solve this problem? Like an alternative for the recycling trucks.

The Expert answers:

Or not buy it in the first place. Its known as precycling. Http://

Recycling is a very environmentally friendly process. Although it may produce some emissions getting the recyclable waste to the sorting and recycling stations its significantly less than it would if its just dumped into landfill. Remember its all taken away in a big truck.

Aluminium cans are a good example of why its important to recycle. Aluminum is very energy intensive to produce. It can be recycled over and over again with out any problems (like all metals) and the energy used in recycling it is significantly lower than that used in producing it from scratch. In Australia research by plant ark i think it was suggested that recycling 6 aluminium cans would offset a 25km car trip or something like that. A good example of hour energy intensive there production is.

Anyway in conclusion yes it is worth it. With out it we will put an even bigger strain on our planets limited resources that are already near collapse.

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