Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

I have a riddle for all those that recycle. When is a recycler not a recycler?

This was posted in riddles and jokes and didn’t work well!!
As always the best answer will be posted later. Have a
green day all you recyclers.
So far nobody has come up with the
correct answer. But I like Cubelas
answer so far but it’s not the right

The Expert answers:

When he recycles the none recyclable !!!!!!!!(HAHAHA!!!)

Susan asks…

Does anyone know where I can get a recycler?

Does anyone have a toilet paper recycling kit or know when they can be purchased? I wanna go green.

The Expert answers:

My sister got one of those years ago. She sometimes uses it to make nice paper for cards and stuff. She got it from a national geographic store.

Charles asks…

how do you access the recycler files?

I can’t access the recycler files to relieve the PC’s overloaded processing. This is really slowing my PC down and I dont know how to delete these files. Can you help?

The Expert answers:

I don’t get it, but I assume, you want to get rid all your files in recycle bin.
Here hows to do it :
– Right click your recycle bin in your desktop
– press ‘Empty Recycle Bin’

hope this help

Richard asks…

Is there a recycler that accepts used cotton or other clothing including denim?

The Expert answers:

I do not know where you are, but various charities accept these items and send them to other countries where they are needed. I.e. They bale them up and send them to Africa. Including old shoes.

Mandy asks…

how do i now if my laptop & flash drive has a recycler virus?

when i scan my laptop & flash drive w/ norton does not show anything wrong.but my classmate told me that she her flash drive got virus bec. of my laptop.

The Expert answers:

Hmm, you could try going here to get an answer:

you could format your flash drive?

Or you may have the “downadup” virus. It spreads by flash drives.
Http:// you may need the microsoft windows patch for that.

Download avg antivirus, and superantispyware. Sometimes different programs overlook viruses, so it’s always good to have two to complement each other.

Sandy asks…

Can I make money selling copper pennies to a recycler?

They aren’t good for much else.

The Expert answers:

I’m pretty there’s a federal law about destroying coins of the realm. And I don’t really think there’s much copper in a penny anymore. Copper is too valuable to use in pennies. As you say they are pretty much worthless.

John asks…

when i plug in my pen drive i get automatically recycler.exe file in my pen drive?

the drive looks like a folder icon and i after i format my pen drive it will be the same and i get a recycler.exe file in my pen drive thats 1.33mb is that a virus and how can i get rid of this..
is this because i have a virus in my system
Please help on this

The Expert answers:

That’s a virus alright !Scan your pendrive with an anti-virus like Avast ,threatfire. Your can get them free from the web You can also use it on your hard drive to see if it is also infected. Hope this helps !

Donna asks…

which mobile phone recycler is the best?

the most popular one doesnt seem to give me the best price for my non-working n958gb seems to give me the best price. anyone used them before?

The Expert answers:

Your n958gb is worth a £115.00 Tesco gift card, it has to switch on though, not necessarily work.
Or £116.00 in Tesco Mobile airtime.

James asks…

who buys recycled material from recycler plants?

I am trying to open a recycling plant can somebody please direct me toward a company that buys the recycled material off of small business recyclers, or any information you know! please and thank you

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately, with the popularity of curbside recycling where the business model is that the homeowner pays for the pickup of the recyclables, the market for most recyclables are glutted. Hence much of the sorted recyclables have to be stored to see if the market improves and if it doesn’t, it’s sent to the landfill to make room for more recyclables to store. Remember with the business model of curbside recycling, they make money from the service subscription, whatever they get from the sale of recyclables are incidental and only help offset their costs.

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