Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Are there any female celebrities out there wearing the folllowing fashions recently?


I am wondering if there are any female celebrities out there who are wearing unused/unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags spotted recently wear it.


The Expert answers:

If they wear something that the sponser has given them for FREE , The public sees them wearing it then they/ customer want to wear it and the designer/sponser gets paid and the celeb gets a FREE outfit . Dont buy into it ladies

Thomas asks…

What do you place your shredded paper in?

A brown paper bag like you do newspaper when recycling or just in a plastic garbage bag in with the regular trash? Also, have you ever used shredded paper in your compost?

The Expert answers:

In my city if we want to recycle shredded paper we have to place it in a clear plastic bag, secure the bag, and then deposit the whole thing in the blue box. ( Our blue box is huge and has a cover)

John asks…

What recycled material to make dress out of?

hey guys

every year my high school has a fashion show and it features garments made out of recycled items. We have all seen the garbage bags, tissue paper, newspaper, and pop cans, so what material do you think i can make a garment out of for next year? just trying to get a head start for next year.

The Expert answers:

I’ve done several of these while I was in fashion school. I’ve also seen poker chips (lots of holes need to be drilled for that), plastic spoons, microwave popcorn bags (some popped, some not, some half popped, etc), LED lights, paper cranes, bubble wrap, CDs, cassette tape (taken out of the plastic casing), bubblegum or other candy wrappers, masking tape, chip bags, ties, balloons, paper fans, junk mail, and (unused) toilet paper. I’ve made dresses out of paper flowers and party favors, and one out of plastic leis. I’ve also seen packing peanuts, rubber gloves, balloons, licorice, and safety pins.

I can’t think of anything else. Point is, pretty much anything can be used. Think about mixing textures by using several items. Consider what other skills you have you can incorporate or use to create material – if you know anything about metal work, you could refashion soda cans. Start collecting now, you can always throw it back in the recycling bin later!

James asks…

Environmental friendly trash bags?

I was reading this article, and what people posted after the article, and I was just wondering what is the best thing to use to collect garbage? I am somwhat ruthless about recycling (our city makes it very easy – you just throw all of the acceptable things into a cart). I usually take my own bags to the store when shopping, because I hate plastic bags, that is not somthing new, I have always hated them. Anyhow, to get to the point. I do all of this stuff, and make my family do it, but we still put our garbage in plastic garbage bags. I am thinking that they take a long time to break up. So I would appreciate hearing what everyone else does.
Does anyone have an alternative? Paper is one alternative, but it seems like it would get really messy.

Please let me know!
This is the article

The Expert answers:


There are several brands of biodegradable “plastic” bags available for trash etc

The bags have a limited life but otherwise function absolutely fine (ie they don’t fall to pieces when you use them)

If your local store doesn’t store them check on the intranet – many sites sell these. Check for EPA validation just to make sure.

Good on you for taking the initiative

Jenny asks…

Planning a party…. Anything we’re missing or could add?

Alright, so 4 of us share a house, and we’ve been planning a halloween get together this weekend (too much competition for halloween night), and we want to make sure we’re not missing anything. Most of who we’ve invited are people we know, though many of them are bringing friends, and we’ve also invited some people we don’t know overly well, so we want to make sure our things are protected. We’re looking at about 40 people, (anywhere for 25-60)…
Here are some thing we’ve done to prepare
(oh, and for background info, we’re going to try and keep everyone contained on the main floor…. we do have a basement and upstairs… our main floor has a living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom, all connected.. half is carpet, half is that fake hardwood stuff)

-Only given our address away to individuals and not to the public
-Put away any furnature like stands or small side tables that can be easily tipped over
-Put covers over the couches.
-Put away DVDs, dvd player, tv remote, video games, all that kind of stuff.
– Got large plastic table cloths to put over the tv and entertainment stand (it’s wood) to ensure its protected from spills and watermarks. These will be taped down with masking tape.
-Also used plastic tablecloths on the dining room table and buffet to protect the wood.
-Put away house plants
-Put away knives in the kitchen
-Put baby gates at the top of the stairs to the basement and the bottom of the stairs to the second floor (we were wondering about also hanging a sheet or something here? But scared about people falling down the stairs.
-we’ll be watching who is driving and taking their keys if they drink
-Provide non-alcoholic drinks
-provide cups and ice and straws
-provide places for people to stay
-Ensure everyone is of proper drinking age.
-We DO live in a complex but the houses on either side of us happen to be vacant at the moment, so we’ll keep the windows closed and try to keep the volume to a reasonable level.
-Set up garbage bags, recycling bins, and empty beer cases for people to put thier garbage and empties (i’m sure this won’t happen but it’s worth a try.. and might make cleaning easier)..
-Put away anything valuable or really breakable
-Have a mop and broom ready
-Keep bedroom doors locked
-Put out paper towel for easy cleaning up
-Make sure main floor bathroom stays clean.

Is there anything else we need to do or NOT do? We do realise there is going to be mess and noise to deal with, but as we know most of the people and have asked them to be responsible for their friends, we don’t feel there will be much of a problem. Plus there are 4 of us, as well as many people who will help keep the situation in order (even if people ARE drunk)….

Any tips or comments?
haha, i thought of that too 😛 and I have two keys to my door so i’ll hide one and wear the other one of a necklace

The Expert answers:

Make sure you have a place to keep people’s stuff… Like a locked room for the girl’s bags and people’s coats. You don’t want any drunken drama over who stole what from whom!

Paul asks…

What happens to styrofoam packing material in the landfill?

So often as I’m preparing to recycle, I fill a garbage bag with packing from purchases like lamps, electronics, etc. and I wonder if it couldn’t be recycled. It seems to me I’ve read that it degrades in landfills very slowly. Is this true, and does it release toxic chemicals as it degrades?

The Expert answers:

EPS is most commonly (and inaccurately) known as ‘Styrofoam,’ which is actually a brand of home insulation trademarked by Dow Chemical. Throwing EPS into the garbage means adding it to a landfill. Cole Hardware recommends the following solutions for you to properly dispose of EPS: (see for details)
Reusing EPS saves considerably more energy and resources than recycling does.

It can be grinded-up and made into structural insulated panels. See:
, , or .

George asks…

Ideas for getting recycling program started?

So I’m a student at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign and my problem is that the entire city of Champaign does not have a recycling program. We throw away garbage and recyclables into the same bag. I don’t know how local government and municipalities work, but anyone have any idea how I could get some law makers to atleast think about getting a recycling program instituted? I hear they tell bums to look through trash for recyclable stuff and then take it to a recycling center a few miles away in another town.

The Expert answers:

That is terrible!! Do your research and write letters to your people in local government! Get others to write and sign petitions. They need to know that a lot of people care. Organize your fellow students. Maybe begin by trying to get a recycling program started on campus.

Chris asks…

Putting recyles in a plastic-garbage like bag: Environmentally sustainable?

The recycling program in the town that I live in requires residents to put their plastic recyclables into a blue garbage bag and set them next to their trash.

I always thought that garbage bags and plastic bags weren’t environmentally sustainable, and using a bucket with recyclable plastic was always the positive alternative. I’ve never seen anything like this plastic bag.

Does anybody know if this program is more harmful to the environment than it is helpful?
This information will be insanely helpful, because if it is a harmful policy, I’d like to take the actions to have it removed and replaced with a safer, more earth-friendly one.

The Expert answers:

I think it’s all about speed, how fast the guys can dump the stuff in the truck. It’s faster and easier, usually, maybe to do it this way. Same with the garbage in bags now instead of trash cans…..

Richard asks…

What does the garbage guy think when he sees tons of beer, wine and liquor empty bottles in the trash room?

I collect my alcohol bottles and put them in a large recycling bag and never throw them away till its full and there’s tons of different alcohol bottles in it and then put it outside for the garbage guy to recycle and what does he think when he sees that there are so many empty bottles from alcoholic drinks in the bag and that there is nothing else (no empty juice bottles, soda bottles or milk bottles) and when he sees this every two weeks?
Weather man, some of them are mine the rest are my grandfathers my grandfather drinks beer and liqour, P.S. I don’t just collect my empty alcohol bottles to do this but I also collect my grandfathers bottles and every body else’s and I also go to floors of my building and take out somebody else’s empty alcohol bottles and collect those in my trash collection too.

The Expert answers:

He probably doesn’t care, he sees a bag like that every other stop. However if everyone’s being nice enough to give you their recyclables, I’d be taking that bag to the redemption center and getting some cash for it all! One large bag of cans gets me about $20 a week. It’s nice to have pocket change!

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