Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

How to treat the waste water mixed with carbohydrate beverages residue before it is drained to the drainage?

This is part of the unnoticed environmental issue which I observed done by the beverage bottle recycling factory next door and I feel that I am obliged to suggest a solution.

The Expert answers:

Go and have a look, they willeither go to the sewer or be recycled on site!

Richard asks…

how can you possible waste water?

Because doesn’t it go into the water bed and then go back into where we get water? I don’t get it because I though that all water was recycled.

The Expert answers:

In a sense you are right; the water goes back into the cycle and is not ULTIMATELY and ETERNALLY lost. It may get back into the polar ice caps or into the ocean, and in a VERY LONG RUN, come back to you as a raindrop.

You waste AVAILABLE water when you use it unwisely. If, as a fair lady has remarked, you take a 20 minute bath, then the water that could have been used for another one’s bath is “lost” down the drain – and that is the “waste” of a precious opportunity. So, if a whole nation of about 200 million people take 20 minute baths each, then that country is wasting resources on the luxury – those resources are required for other people in the world.

George asks…

Recycling 20% fish aquarium water changes for use with seedlings or houseplants?

I swear that I have read this information somewhere before, but for the life of me, I haven’t been able to conduct a productive web search so as to locate that information again. Does anyone either remember a link or have some personal information about recycling aquarium water for plants? If I am remembering correctly, the low levels of NH4 in the aquarium water provide plants with a easy routine liquid fertilizer, and besides…if I can use the water for something beneficial, why would I want to waste it, by flushing it down the toilet?

The Expert answers:

I have almost as many aquariums as house plants and have used it for years. Outdoors I go one better. I sell live bait every summer and throw any dead minnows in a five gallon bucket of water. After a few days in the sun, I use this “stew” on my vegetable garden. This is down wind, anything upwind around the house gets less “nosey” fare. If you have kids, try this next time a goldfish needs a funeral instead of a flush. Dig two holes 5″ deep, put the dead fish in the bottom of one hole and cover with 4″ of soil, a corn seed (or large flower seed) and cover with 1″ more soil. Do the same without the fish in the other hole and presto, a science project and life lesson in one! RScott

Charles asks…

Can food waste be recycled into drinkable water?

The Expert answers:

It gets even better than that! Didn’t you see the movie “Soylent Green?”

Jenny asks…

recycled water?

Recycled water?
if people eat pork and it goes into sewage after there bodies have finished with it,
the sewage gets recycled into drinking water
is it then ok for persons of a religion that does not consume pork to drink recycled waste water
as the water is not pure
and is it not halal

The Expert answers:

What!? What’s next, Halal water? This better not be true

Lizzie asks…

How disgusted are you to know that your city recycles water and your drinking “purified” waste from toilets?

The Expert answers:

The whole world reuses water…We drink the same water that the dinosaurs drank through a process called The Water Cycle. If you would’ve have paid attention to Ms. Jones in 2nd grade you would’ve know that.(:

Chris asks…

can waste water sludge be recycled and how can it be used to make a profit?

best answer will get 10 pts

The Expert answers:

Really depends on the source of the waste water. Sewage treatment plants for example use microorganisms to essentially eat much of the solid waste. The remaining solids are separated from the water, dried, and often sold as fertilizer – often this is what is used in municipal flower gardens. The remaining water is chemically treated to remove nutrients, and disinfected, before being returned to the environment (usually discharged into a lake or stream).

Paul asks…

when you recycle are you wasting water by rinsing out the bottles and cans?

or do you put them in the bin dirty? Does that defeat the purpose of recycling?

The Expert answers:

You actually don’t need to rinse out plastic or glass containers. Just dump out any excess food. Recycling centers wash the containers anyway.

Ruth asks…

Waste water treatment facility procedures?

Please answer these questions cohesively and elaborate on them(don’t give simple, single sentence answers) :

Are human wastes recycled? Are any other organisms(specific bacteria?) involved in the treatment? Would you be willing to drink the water that comes from the treatment plant? Why or why not?

In conclusion, what is the general importance of wastewater treatment?

The Expert answers:

Yes, weast water is recycled in most parts of the world and they are used again and again

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