Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

what are five fun facts about recycling composting?

plleeaaseeee help

The Expert answers:

It’s easy
it’s free
dont put it in your green bin the council will compost it and then you have to buy it back
you dont have to go to garden centres for compost
you dont sit in lousy traffic going out for compost

Laura asks…

what is a good fact for recycling best answer 20 points?

my sister is doing a project on recycling and she needs a few facts about recycling.
give me some please

The Expert answers:

Can’t she and/or you find them on your own?

P.s. It’s 10 points for best answer,not 20

Donald asks…

3 Facts/statistics/examples of support to prove that recycling saves energy & helps reduce global warming?

The Expert answers:

Sorry to hurt your feelings but recycling reduces landfill space but does not save energy. It takes more energy to recycle something than to make it from scratch, that’s why recycling is subsidized by tax payers. Without the tax breaks and direct subsidies it wouldn’t be feasible. I tell people who recycle plastic bottles to just use glass (which is one of the few truly recyclable items) instead. Steel recycles well but if you look at the totality (including tires, batts etc) it’s a failed idea and recycling plants are even given some breaks from the EPA because of the pollution required to carry it off!

Susan asks…

What are some facts about recycling bottle caps?

I need true facts this is for my earth day project. Something like, ” By recycling bottle caps you can save 5 ducks or animals.” Something along that line.

The Expert answers:

If it weren’t for recycling bottle caps, Paula Deen would not have been able to invent her groundbreaking “English Peas” recipe. Here it is…..

“Melt the butter in small pot and add the peas. Cook over medium heat until peas are warm.”

This recipe is so complicated, Chef Gordon Ramsay, Chef Jacques Pépin, Chef Rick Bayless, Chef Jose Andres, Chef Hubert Keller, Chef Daisy “Coochie Coochie” Martinez, Chef Paul Prudhomme, Chef Martin Yan Can Cook Ah So Can You, and Chef Leslie “Boom Boom T-Rex” Sbrocco, could not recreate it.

Sharon asks…

I need lots of facts on Recycling!? help! ?

I am doing an essay which is due tomorrow!

The Expert answers:

Thought I’d trow in a couple extras for goot measure.
Did you know Mount Rumpke is the highest point in Ohio at over 1000 feet, it’s no Mount Everest; however, Mount Everest is not made up entirely of garbage. Mount Rumpke is literally a mountain of trash and is located in the Rumpke landfill. All that stuff that could have been recycled. [1]

Did you know, the Hershey Company in the US produces about 20,000,000 kisses each day using 133 square miles of aluminum to wrap them in; this material is recyclable and most of it ends up in the trash rather than the recycle bin. ..imagine that 133 square miles a day,[2]

Energy used to recycle paper is close to 70% less than when paper is prepared using virgin wood and other raw material. Recycling 14 trees worth of paper reduces air pollutants by 165,142 tons.[3]

Netherlands households recycle65% of their materials followed by Austria with 59% in second [4]

Did you know there is a Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) it’s the only global recycling industry association representing more than 850 companies and 40 affiliated federations from 70 different countries.[5]

The amount of recycling in 2007 saved the energy equivalent of 10.7 billion gallons of gasoline and prevented the release of carbon dioxide of approximately 35 million cars
Recycling 1 ton of aluminum cans conserves the equivalent of 1,665 gallons of gasoline[6]

Thomas asks…

Simple facts about recycling?

The Expert answers:

In most, read almost all, cases recycling is worst for the environment than just tossing it out.

Aluminum (most metals) are worth it recycling, but why beat a dead horse when other have said it better.

Go here and watch, you might be surprised.


Betty asks…

Facts about recycling?

what is a good site of where to find the percent of people who recycle in the United states..?

The Expert answers:

You can try these:

Chris asks…

Old recycled facts are not the same as news?

We knew that meth turned people into zombies thirty years ago.

But I guess it’s a popular jock/cop/military drug, and we’re supposed to pretend we didn’t know it leads to burn out.

The Expert answers:

The word it self should talk about it “news” not “olds” . This is olds!

George asks…

10 facts about recycling.?

The Expert answers:

* On average every person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks.
* Every UK household produces over one tonne of rubbish every year.
* Every eight months the UK produces enough waste to fill Lake Windermere.
* It is estimated that there are 90 million redundant mobile phones in the UK. You could get up to £180 for your old mobile – Click Here for more information.
* Over Christmas as much as 83km² of wrapping paper will end up in UK rubbish bins, enough to cover an area larger than Guernsey.
* Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to power a colour TV for 15 minutes.
* It is not known how long glass takes to break down, but it’s so long that glass made in the Middle East over 3000 years ago can still be found today.
* Each tonne of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 KW of energy and 7000 gallons of water.
* Incinerating 10,000 tonnes of waste creates one job, land-filling the same amount of waste creates six jobs but recycling this much waste creates 36 jobs.
* The energy saved by recycling one plastic bottle will power a 60W light bulb for six hours.
* Once an aluminium can is recycled it can be part of new can within six weeks.
* If all the aluminium cans sold in the UK were recycled, there would be 14 million fewer full dustbins each year.
* Rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 100 acres per minute.
* It takes just 25 two litre drink bottles to make one adult size fleece.
* 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials.

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