Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

What is the answer to this math problem?

This is a very easy question. The first person who gets it correct gets 10 easy points!

A teacher wants to buy a recycle bin for $32. There is a sale and the discount is 10% off. There is also a sales tax that is 4.25%. What is the total price of the recycle bin in the end??
That was the question

The Expert answers:

32 x .9 = 28.80

28.80 x 1.0425 = $30.024

Robert asks…

How can I delete an unwanted program on a mac without dragging it to the recycling bin?

I got a computer for a good price at a garage sale. How do I delete a program without dragging it to the recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

In windows, If I really wanted to delete my files
with out being catch into the recycle bin I simply
hold on “Shift” key then click the delete … Just try it if it works in Mac

Sandy asks…

How do you dream? PLEASE ANSWER?

I VERY rarely dream, and it’s normally me as my role playing character (I KNOW, RIGHT?!) I just woke up one day with this story in my head for her, I think I had dreamed the story too. She was like, a little girl, running like crazy. She was crying, and just running. I didn’t take it seriously at first. But then…yeah. I don’t really know HOW TO DREAM, but I like my dreams. Can’t control it either, it’s like someone else’s story! I dream in black and white, but mostly colored. ALSO, I see things no one else does. For example, this morning at the bus stop, this little kid was saying he was recycling trophies from a garage sale. He didn’t care about them, and just threw em’ in. Then, I watch the recycling truck go by. A few minutes later, I ask him why he decided to recycle the trophies. Everyone else is like, what are you talking about? I say, the recycling truck JUST came by! They’re like, noooo that was the trash man. I’m like, didn’t you JUST watch them pick up the recycling bins and dump them? They’re like, you’re stupid. They just drove straight on by. I drop it. But, the kid looks at me like he understands what I’m talking about. I think he saw it too. WTF?! NO ONE else saw. I know it’s not like my brain stimulating it, because he saw it too. Soooo… this may help too. My neighbor’s house is on a slope. If you leave a ball, it will just roll down, til it hits a wall. Then one day, she said, she had onions left out. Her sister LOVED onions, but died in the house. She heard the onion rolling, but thought it was just the slope or the cat. Then, she glanced. IT WAS ROLLING UP THE SLOPE! Don’t know if that’s helpful or not, but YEAH.

The Expert answers:

Well i cant help on why your not dreaming but if i explain what dreams are then maybe you’ll have a better understanding about it.

Through out the whole day whenever you see something your eyes work like cameras and take pictures using the power of your brain. After it takes a picture it stores it into ” short term memory” and when you go to sleep your brain gets to work by organizing all these short term memories into long term memory. Your dreams are just your eyes seeing what and how your brain is putting all these memories in order. But since when your sleeping your front lobe in your brain is off. This lobe controls the difference between right and wrong. So since it shuts off it can seem like your dreams go into a different reality.

P.S. All humans dream its just some of us it happens so quickly that we assume nothing happened.

Susan asks…

I found this info about The True Cost of Recycling?

what do you guys think? I want to know how other people feel about what I just read thanks?
The True Cost of Recycling
By Larry H. – 2007-04-13
Recycling waste uses double the energy consumption and causes twice the pollution from factories, trucks, byproducts etc.

Preparing the recyclable material uses more energy and creates as much waste and byproducts as using raw materials.

Lets take a look at a plastic pop bottle for example and start at the beginning of the recycle chain.

The bottle is prepared for the recycle bin:

First the plastic bottle is washed, usually in the kitchen sink with running tap water – Water is wasted – Electricity is consumed to drive the pumps that supply the water to your home. Electricity is often produced by
burning either oil, gas or coal. These resources require mining, drilling machines, haulage etc. These machines are built from… (A bit like the old woman who swallowed a fly isn’t it?)

a) The pop bottle is then placed in a plastic recycle bin:

Factories with special tools and machines to manufacture the bins are needed – Factories and tools require steel and other minerals to be mined to construct them. A huge amount of electricity is needed to run the manufacturing machines in the factories. Dangerous chemicals are used in the process of manufacturing the plastic recycle bins, not to mention pollution and hazardous waste the factories produce.
b) The plastic bottle is taken to a recycle machine that crushes the bottle. Once again factories are built to manufacture the machines….(here we go again). Raw materials used in the process of creating the can and plastic bottle crushing machines include steel, plastics, lead, copper, paper, ink, computer boards and chips (The number of toxic materials needed to make silicon chips include – highly corrosive hydrochloric acid, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and volatile solvents like methyl chloroform, benzene, acetone, trichloroethane, and a number of super toxic gases. Electricity is consumed to power these recycle machines.

A special recycle truck picks up your recycle bin or collects the bottles from the depositing points:

Special trucks are need to collect the recyclable waste. More raw materials including steel, copper, rubber, paints, and plastics are used to build the trucks. The trucks need oils, grease, coolants and fuel to run
(these all have to be mined), not to mention the extra pollutants put out by exhaust fumes from the extra trucks on the road, (It has been said that diesel exhaust fumes are one of the top two most carcinogenic
substances known to man.)

The trucks deliver the recyclable material to a sorting factory:

Factories and machines are built to sort the various recyclable materials from each other, paper, plastics, glass, metals etc. Specially made separating, crushing and chipping machines (these all have to be purposely built for the job) process the recyclable waste to more manageable and usable sizes ready for transport and sale to factories.

The raw recyclable materials are transported to goods manufacturing factories:

The material is transported via trucks (more trucks on the road), trains, ships etc. (all requiring more resources to be built and to operate) to various factories that produce new goods from the materials. The goods are shipped to shops and ware houses to be sold and once their service life is over the chain starts again.

Recycling will not save trees because we are now replanting at least as many trees as we cut down.

But don’t we also recycle because of a shortage of landfill areas?

It has been calculated that a thousand years of garbage would only fill an area 35 miles square by 100 yards deep.

Recycling costs.

Practically all recycling programs run at a loss.

The Expert answers:

That article is absolute crap. It’s made up of purely subjective measurements. How can you claim “The True Price of Recycling” when you don’t calculate any prices.

Every one of the “costs” associated with recycling occurs with raw materials as well (but to a greater degree).

A) Oooo we might have to produce plastic recycling bins. What the hell are garbage bins made out of?

B) Hmmm we had to crush the cans to make something new. What about processing the bauxite required to make new aluminum?

C) Special trucks to pick up the materials? Hmmm I was under the impression that garbage needed trucks to take it away too. I guess I must be on drugs.

Yes, there is costs associated with recycling (that’s why reduce and reuse come first). HOWEVER, when the WHOLE life cycle of a product is looked at, recycling ALWAYS comes out on top. Granted, some materials are better than others. Recycled aluminum only uses 5% of the energy as new aluminum. Recycled glass isn’t much better than new (95% of the energy). If you want a good article on it, National Geographic did one a few months back (sorry, I can’t remember the exact month).

Carol asks…

Battles on garbage collection day: am I wrong? Any suggestions on how I should handle this?

My neighborhood goes through this once a week. The city sends trucks to pick up garbage. All of us in the neighborhood have recycle bins, and a special truck comes by to collect the aluminum cans and plastics that we all set out.
The battle happens between 2 and 4 AM on collection day. People come through the neighborhood and sort through our bins. They take the aluminum cans. Until recently, only one person would come through to scavenge. Today, however, there were three different people, each one about an hour apart, starting at 2 AM and then at 3 AM and then at about 4:15 AM.
The problem is that our yard is small. It’s summer, and our windows are opened. We do not have air conditioning, or I might have had the windows closed. Because of the proximity of my bedroom to the street, these noisy scavengers wake me up every time they start throwing around the garbage. A tossed aluminum can sounds noisy, but imagine an entire bin of them! Then, imagine the sound of someone throwing a bin of aluminum cans in the back of his pick up truck, where there are already scads of empty aluminum cans!

My family has tried to ignore the noise, but it doesn’t always work. Two weeks ago, the noise was bad enough that I ended up calling the police department to ask them to patrol the neighborhood around 3-4AM. The police told me that, yes, technically there is a law on the books that states it is illegal to scavenge recycle bins for recyclables. But he didn’t sound real enthused. I could tell in his voice there might not be much help for me with the issue. Our city has a noice ordinance, and at a recent meeting, our alderman told us that any noise that is disruptive should be checked out by police. A noise that rouses me from sleep is disruptive.

I tried to solve the problem last week by keeping the recycle bin in my garage, planning to put it out on the street on collection day by 7 AM. The truck came by unannounced much earlier, however; they must have been anticipating a hot afternoon and wanted to get things finished early. So I struck out, and ended up having one extra bin of recyclables for this week.

This morning, the first disruption caused me to look out the window to try to identify the culprit. There were no patrol cars around. By the second disruption, I was surprised, annoyed, and really tired. Still no patrol cars. By the third disruption, I was angry. I got dressed and turned on my front porch light, but that did not distract the scavenger. So I opened the door and hollered out to him, “Do you know it’s illegal to take cans from the recycle bin? It’s in the city code. You are stealing from the city. You are breaking the law.” The man kept taking cans and eventually moved on.

I realize some people need the money. However, they could raid the bins the night before and it wouldn’t wake the neighborhood up.

I thought about contacting my alderman, but, when I had to call him about another issue (pornographic magazines for sale at the local 7 11 — the magazines were right next to the candy — little children were going in to the store to get treats and ended up seeing the magazine covers) it took several months for that issue to be dealt with.

Please give me some good ideas about how to handle this problem. Is there a way to resolve the issue that I’m not seeing?
Glenda it’s a great answer — but that won’t keep the scavengers from clanging around the cans from my neighbors’ bins. I hope I am not sounding petty… the noise literally resounds up and down the street. I have two neighbors directly across the street, and neighbors on either side of my house. Driveways are all pretty close. I AM going to use your idea, however, next week. And if I get gutsy enough I might go out to take those pictures, but it is still a bit dark at 3 and 4 AM, so that means I would have to go outside to snap the picture.
P.S. I’ll include a note, but I don’t know Spanish, and I’m not sure the scavengers all know English.

The Expert answers:

Take pictures or video of the person and the plate number and turn it into the cops

Donald asks…

Neighbor’s trash on our property on trash day?

We have a nasty nosy neighbor that’s lived next to us for 20yrs. She has lately been putting her trash cans and piles over 10 large yard bags, including her recycle bins on our property every trash day. We’re taking pics every trash day, we’ve moved all of her trash back over in front of her house and she comes back out and moves it more further back on our property. She is a very vindictive person, not one to deal with. She just put her house up for sale, the house is haunted, if anyone is looking to buy a haunted house. Is there anything else we can do, besides ignoring her, moving her trash back to her property and taking pics?? I’m thinking of firing off a letter to our waste company with the pics.

The Expert answers:

Not only send your waste company a letter with pics, but encourage them to send her a bill.

Does your waste company provide you with a toter with their name on it? If so, instruct them to not take any trash outside of the toter (most companies bill for extra trash).

Also, I recommend a very direct approach. Call her up and plainly tell her, “Keep your trash off of our property or we’ll have you arrested for trespassing”.

Mark asks…

recycling at my school?

ok, so i am kind of in charge of recycling at my school (its not what it sounds like; it’s just in this club, and i help out with it) and there are literally no recycling bins for the classrooms. there are big bins, (like the ones the garbage truck empties) but there are not many, and they are not accessible to the students. i am going to try and get small bins for the classrooms, but neither i nor the school, apparently, can afford them right now. any ideas where you can buy recycling bins for a good price? any ideas for fundraisers? (having a bake sale wont work- the food has to be prepared at the school)


The Expert answers:

Well you could just get small trash bins from say the dollar store and put signs on them that say like recycle here! And as for getting the money check with a local flower or garden store adn see if they would be willing to donate some plants u could sell or even seeds to help raise money to buy recycling bins at ur school.. When u think about it thats kinda sad my school has recycling bins everywhere from the classrooms to even in the gyms and halls btu anyways.. Another recycling club idea is trash free tuesday were u tell everybody not to bring lunch in a brown paper bag and to try not to bring things u throway.. Instead of a brown bag- lunch box instead of a sandwhihc in a baggie- plastic container… Also another idea is plant a tree day well your welcome xoox peaaceeeee

Chris asks…

assignment question really confused here!?

ok, i’m on the last part of my certificate and i get this question as follows :

Task 1 – Case Study on document purpose
Assume you work for a large pharmaceutical company in Sydney. The company has a number of sales representatives who travel throughout New South Wales visiting clients including doctors, medical centres, veterinarians, supermarkets and chemists.
The company uses a wide range of documents to carry out its business. Type the following table and complete it by naming the most appropriate document or documents to suit the situation. Landscape orientation is recommended to leave you more room for your reasons. Give at least one reason for each choice.

now here is what they ask me :

Notify all staff of the location of newly installed paper recycling bins what document to use and why?

A sales representative needs to advise all the buyers in her region of the date and time of the next information session and product update what document to use and why?

Reply to a customer’s request for the latest catalogue what doc to use and why?

Notify the local deli of the sandwich orders for lunchtime what doc to use and why?

Reply to a written request for information related to job vacancies what doc to use and why?

Prepare a document for Management giving the findings of research into the reasons for high employee absences in the past year what doc to sue and why?

The Section Manager needs to announce the details of professional development workshops to be held next month and ask the word processing operators to discuss their attendance with him waht doc to use and why?

now i’ve done everything else it has asked me made the landscape ,drawn the table yet it now asks for documents and why? ii believe it assumes i should already know or i have a list some where or have learnt this prior and i certainly have none of these i would kindly appreciate any input here for my questions/assignment so i can move on and learn something further thanking you.

The Expert answers:

The trick to writing completing an assignment, or paper, or for that matter any type of school work is to start early. Hopefully, you still have a few days to finish this project. I once heard an educational specialist speak about succeeding in school; his method was as follows:
1) as SOON as you receive the assignment (same day) you should take ONE absolutely uninterupted hour to write down everything you know about the subject. You’ll surprise yourself with how much you already know!
2) Then take a day off.
3) Then go back to your writing and write down everything you probably don’t know about the subject. Write down specific questions you want to research or ask an expert.
4) Spend the next day researching and asking these questions.
5) Take a day off.
6) NOW, on your 6th day, take an hour or two to finish up and edit your final paper. NO INTERUPTIONS ALLOWED. No cell phone, no facebook, no visitors, nothing!
7) Repeat 1 through 6 as necessary.

What’s the trick with the days off? Well, his theory was that your subconscious mind will be working on the answers and also, you may see things during your time “off” that remind you of the subject you are researching. The biggest benefit to this method is that you never get stuck in the intense fear of starting or procrastination loop. I find this to be a wonderful, stress free method. Most students wait until the last day and then panic and stay up all night working. It sucks!!

Good luck!

Sandra asks…

Bought a house that is not the same as when viewed…?

My boyfriend and I viewed a really lovely house and consequently decided to buy it. We are now living in this house but since moving in we have noticed that some things aren’t there that were shown to us when we viewed it. It may sound really petty and picky but it’s the principal of it.

During the viewing the couple who lived in the house proudly showed us the lighting in the garden and how to turn it on…this lighting is now not there as they took it with them when they moved out.

In the bedroom the bedside cabinets and end of bed tv box (one that pops the tv up) are gone…even though the couple showed us how we would fit our television into this box and how it works. The bedside cabinets match the bedroom suite that still remains in the bedroom however they took the cabinets with them. This feature is listed in the sale document as bedroom suite with matching bedside cabinets.

They also removed the soft close toilet seats off the two toilets and fitted cheap new ones which were poorly fitted and still had the price tags on the bottom. Again they showed us this feature proudly when we viewed the property.

They also showed us a fitted recycle bin inside one of the kitchen cupboards and talked us through what they used it for etc….this is now gone as well…

We are very confused as to why they would have shown us these things if they intended to take them.

We have since contacted the seller to ask where these things that they proudly showed us are….and they have replied with the fact that because these items were not listed in the final contract they were free to take them. Ie. because we didnt specifically specify that we wanted them to leave those things they took them….

We are very confused because there must be a level of assumption somewhere along the line in property sales…for instance you don’t specify you want the door handles left behind but you assume that when you move in they won’t have taken them…. The same with us and these toilet seats….why on earth would we have specified that they leave the toilet seat behind? We assumed that we looked at a bathroom and when we moved in it would be the same bathroom. Would anyone else honestly list toilet seats in their agreement?

In our agreement it states that they will leave the fitted bedroom suite. Now the bedside cabinets were not fitted but we weren’t to know this so we assumed that the fitted bedroom suite included the whole suite we saw…why would we think otherwise seeing as it was listed in the sale document that we read at the estate agents.

As for the bin and the garden lights…the assumption is that if they show you it and show you the operation of it that they intend to leave it behind and therefore why would we specifically list these things? As aren’t we under the mutual agreement between seller and buyer that these things will be left. I know that’s not legally binding but surely it cant be right to show off these features at a viewing and then have them not be there when the buyer moves in…otherwise you could renovate a house to an extremely high spec….sell it and then take everything out before the person moves in.

This is not right. Does anyone know about property law and if there is a loop hole in this. A contract is a contract and we understand that these things are not listed but not everything in the house is listed. On the bathroom list, the toilet is not listed at all…does that mean they could have taken the toilet away? It’s ridiculous.

Advice please if you have it! It will be gratefully received!

The Expert answers:

A; it is important to state where you are; in the US, Canada or the UK. IF the US, we
can help you.

B; I am assuming you did not have a “buyer’s agent” who is responsible for making
sure that things stay as you expected them to.

C; IN law, there is a thing called “meeting of the minds.” IF anyone was listening to
your dialogue when you had the walk-though and they did not tell you “oh, yeah, isn’t this
great; we’re taking it with us…………” Then you possibly would have not bought the house.
I am guessing that INVOLUNTARY fraud was committed against you.

If the seller was already paid, as i assume he/she was, it is time to prepare to
sue for …………many things. I will guide you free.

Sorry about being stiffed.

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