Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asksā€¦

How will you make the following fashion more acceptiable to wear on a regular basis?


Wearing unused plastic or unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags as outfits/dresses is kind of frouned upon. How do you personally go on changing this?


The Expert answers:

You’d have to build up a porfolio of this type of fashion, become a well-known designer and launch them in fashion shows. Only then will the world ever wear unused plastic from the trash šŸ˜‰

Charles asksā€¦

is the garbage bag recyclable?

are garbage bags eco-friendly??canwe recycle them

The Expert answers:

Garbage bags (typically made from LDPE) are technically recyclable but difficult to do so given what they are typcially used for.

The energy spend trying to seperate the bags from the trash and then clean them probably isn’t worth it.

Brand new bags are probably easily recycled but that would defeat the purpose.

Sandy asksā€¦

I live in a basement suite, how to make sure my garbage doesn’t attract insects?

I’m talking about kitchen garbage, the kind with food in it, I recycle most of what I can. Planning on moving soon so isn’t practical to compost. I always bag my garbage tightly when it’s full, but before then, it probably smells and I’m worried will attract insects at this time of year. Should i put baking soda in to it, or lemon? I’ve heard lemon discourages insects.

The Expert answers:

If you shop anywhere and get a plastic bag, plastic container (like an ice cream bucket), or even a tightly sealing cardboard container…save it. Something like a Blue Bell ice cream tub or a plastic bucket with a lid…anything that seals will work. Just put your food scraps into this each time and throw it away at the end of the week. My grandma used to do that, because since she lived alone, there wasn’t much food waste or trash…so it took awhile for her trash can to get full and need to be taken out. As long as you throw this away once a week and your house isn’t extremely warm, it shouldn’t mold or stink. At least hers never did. Or you could just go the more expensive route and get a trash can for your kitchen that seals really really well, like the stainless steel ones that open with a foot pedal. I haven’t ever really seen any plastic ones that seal well enough to keep bugs out. Last time I was checking, a kitchen size stainless can was going to cost me over a hundred bucks. Explains why I don’t have one…that seems like an awful lot to spend on trash. Lol That’s like spending your last dollar on a new wallet.

Carol asksā€¦

I have a 13 gallon trash can that doesn’t fit 13 gallon bags?

It wasn’t like i went to the dollar store to by the can but no garbage bags fit on this thing. I’ve the expensive ones and the cheap ones. it doesn’t matter the label is still on the can it says 13 gallons but no 13 gallon bags fit it. and this is 2 completely different cans actually i have one for garbage and one for recycling. they’re different brands bought a year apart and both have the same problem. is this something that normally happens. it’s annoying.
I’ve bought the expensive ones and the cheap ones.
oh there too big for the bags. they break.
Contractor bags are way to big. plus they are really expensive and you’ll be lucky if you can get 10 of them.

The Expert answers:

I have an oddly shaped old trashcan with a fliptop lid that I like, but I have to use the 30 gallon size bag with, just to have it fit. It wont hold 30 gall of stuff, of course, in that can, but at least it fits in the can with room to spare.

Sharon asksā€¦

What country (or metro area) has put this law into effect?

My professor talked of a country that wanted to promote recycling, so they made green (physically colored green) garbage bags expensive and made it so the garbage men would only pick up the residents trash if it was in that green bag. It may have been Toronto? My classmate says Tokyo? Any ideas? I can’t find anything online.

The Expert answers:

It’s not Toronto but we do have blue recycling bins that garbage men pick up, if it’s not in that they wont pick it up. The garbage goes into a grey garbage bin and then of course we have all our compost that goes into a green bin. We are very neat and tidy people…lol

Chris asksā€¦

How Can I get rid of ants in my bedroom?

How can I get rid of them without ruining any of my items?
Im going to admit, my room is a bit clutter-y- but, the only items I have that are related to garbage, is a recycle bag, which I take out regularly.I have a lot of Electronics in my room, and all my stuffed animals are under the bed. I have wood flooring, and electronics everywhere, so I don’t want to spray the wires, or anything. Any tips? D:

The Expert answers:

First clean your bedroom then watch for where these ants are coming in and put some ant traps down remember to change the ant traps and keep your trash off the floor and in your garbage bag.. Hope i helped šŸ˜‰

Sandra asksā€¦

Where can an individual recycle soda cans by the bag for cash nearest Thornville, OH?

Don’t know where to take garbage bag full of cans for money but will also take in for recycling if no one pays for them, as long as I don’t have to drive to far. Not much in the phone book…

The Expert answers:

I have found a great way to be green and make some extra money on the side. I collect and sell cell phones to this company:

Maria asksā€¦

What is the proper way to dispose of my dogs’ waste from the yard???

I know this is a weird question but it’s my first time owning dogs and I just am not sure if I should be putting my dogs’ waste into garbage bags in the garbage cans or should I put it into the green recycling cans with the yard wastes.

The Expert answers:

Don’t put it in with yard waste, it can spread disease. If you are just scooping it up with a trowel, you can take it in and flush it – that’s most sanitary. Otherwise, you can put it in plastic bags in the garbage can, but the stink will be noticeable.
I toss it in a certain spot under the hedge, not close to my house or the neighbor’s house. Sometimes I dig a 6″ hole and bury it, not in the vegetable garden.

Donna asksā€¦

Will you ever wear a dress made out of the following material?


I’m wondering personaly will you ever wear a dress made out of unused or unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags. If yes how and when, if not why not and will you at least try it once?


The Expert answers:

Nah, I’ll probably feel awkward as hell in one and it won’t be too comfortable. I’ll give it a try though..

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