Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

What is the best way to recycle/dispose of shredded paper from your shredder?

I’ve been dumping them into a trash bag and putting it all in the recycle bin – but there must be a better way!
What’s a bag hen?

The Expert answers:

Don’t put it in a plastic bag. The recycler will simply throw the whole bag in the trash. The best solution is to take it to a recycler who will put it in with other office paper. The second best solution is to just put it in with your newspaper recycling.

Robert asks…

Can a command recycle items to be thrown out and use the money for a command function?

We have a great deal of old copper wire scrap and aluminum deck plates that are slated to be thrown out of an old warehouse. We would prefer to recycle the items at a local recycling center and use that money for a command picnic. Is this possible? We are a US command.

The Expert answers:

No. If it has any value it has to be turned into DRMO.
You can however:
Hold a raffle.
Do a carwash or bakesale.
Have Bingo Games.

Susan asks…

How could you recycle plastic bags without throwing them out after using them?

For example, I just finished shopping at Target carrying my plastic bags. I use the plastic bags for small trash cans in my house. I throw them out in the next day. The plastic bags can be recycled by bringing it back to Target and I want to do that. But there are gonna be no plastic bags for my trash cans. Is there another way that I could recycle?

The Expert answers:

Actually, you are recycling, you are reusing the bag at least once prior to throwing it away. Also, unless you are creating a ton of trash, I highly doubt that you are throwing them out that quickly. Finally, one of the reasons that they are making plastic bags so thin is to make them more environmentally friendly.

Sandy asks…

How can I recycle plastic bottle caps in the United States?

The recycling centers in my area cannot accept plastic bottle caps. I’d like to recycle them, but don’t know where I can deliver/send them. Are there any charities or companies that collect them?

The Expert answers:

I’m only aware of bottle cap recycling in Canada- however there are some “crafty” ways to recycle bottle caps. If you have any head start, preshools or elementary schools in the area you could ask them if they would like a donation of bottle caps to use for craft supplies. Programs funded by govt. Grants are usually looking for In kind donations! Here is a site that uses common items for crafts.


Carol asks…

What is the proper way to recycle computer memory?

I just upgraded my RAM and have a stick that I have no use for. Where can I recycle it?

The Expert answers:

Selling or recycling. Don’t throw it away. Some resources for finding a means of recycling can be found in the link below.

Helen asks…

How do you recycle Skintimate shaving gel cans?

I have like 4 that I haven’t thrown out cause I want to recycle them. The can says to recycle, but I don’t really know how.

The Expert answers:

All cans can be recycled at a local can bank, or if you are lucky enough to have a comprehensive kerbside recycling service. It does not matter if they are aerosol cans but it helps to remove the plastic top!

Ruth asks…

What is the best company to recycle empty printer cartridges and raise money for my school?

I have collected a lot of empty inkjet cartridges and am looking to recycle them and make as much money as possible for my school. Do you know any companies that purchase these empties and pay for them as well?

The Expert answers:

Cartridge World

James asks…

What are the most important things to recycle?

I want to recycle but I don’t have much room in my apartment.

The Expert answers:

Paper and glass are bleached heavily when they are recycled and the chemicals used pollute the water and air.
Aluminum is a limited resource and the process to recycle is less harmful than the ones used for paper and glass.
Plastic is petroleum based and is also a limited resource.
If you don’t have room to recycle everything you should recycle plastic and aluminum.

Donald asks…

How do I safely recycle a steel aerosol can?

The can has a recycle symbol with the word “steel” in the middle. It had shaving cream in it, but there’s no more cream coming out now. I don’t want to take an aerosol can to a recycle bin because I worry that there’s more pressure left inside.

The Expert answers:

If you live in a city you probably have a household hazardous waste centre you can google your city name and household hazardous waste, if you have one you should be able to find it that way. I have one in my area and they recycle lots of things that the regular recycling centre could not because they are dangerous things.

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