Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

is it good to have a recycling plant in a small town?

im doing a project and need to figure out the best waste management plan for my little town of about 5000 residents… whats best for recycling, and garbage?

The Expert answers:

Its always good to have a recyling plant in terms of the environment, however it may not be appealing to most residents.

You need to weigh up the pro’s & cons

Many residents may suffer from noise/smell pollution, but overall the broader environment will benefit as less resources may be used if we recycle more as well as less harmfull gases !

Michael asks…

will there be garbage /recycling monday pickups?

The Expert answers:

Not on a federal holiday.

Joseph asks…

Should we flag as abuse the recycled garbage questions from the 2008 election?

Are there any real people out there who think this is a good idea?

The Expert answers:

If redundancy were abuse, we could sue our political leaders!

Daniel asks…

Videotapes with PBS documentaries recorded onto them – Garbage, Recycle or donate?

I have about 50-75 VHS tapes that I recorded TV shows onto several years ago. Mostly PBS documentaries like Ken Burns – Jazz, Bios of american presidents etc. I don’t have use for them anymore. Not sure what to do with them. Are they just garbage? Would anyone want these? Or is there anyway to recycle them?

The Expert answers:

Personally, I enjoy documentaries alot. There’s no other way to gain so much knowledge with so little effort. I ‘m sure a teacher could make good use of them. Why not offer them up on Freecycle? PLEASE don’t throw them away. Bios of AM presidents doesn’t hold any great appeal for me but I would pay for shipping of the Ken Burns Jazz.

William asks…

This recycling of rubbish, its garbage isn`t it?

No pun intended, but Councils are trying to force Recycling down our throats like it is the only show in town. Don`t worry about the health hazards involved, it is making the planet a better place. How? By reintroducing epidemics of diseases we thought we had seen the back of in Victorian times. Maybe it is to reduce the population. As for the good for the envoironment, how? The lorry that takes the recycled stuff takes twice as long to fill as the men have to sort the stuff prior to putting it on the lorry, doesn`t the extra fuel burnt increase tyhe carbon footprint of the bin collection. Surely it would be more efficient to collect weekly and pay people to seperate the rubbiah once it arrives at the Council Depot.
Finally, if Coucils want us to recycle more, shouldn`t they put pressure on the shops to reduce wrapping. Why do Bannanas, Potatoes, Oranges, etc need to come shrink wrapped. They have a skin of their own. Reduce waste by taxing the businesses not the householder.
Yes but Sandman, the Mantra that pro Recylers are using doesn`t stand up to scrutiny.
But Sandman a lot of Councils are sending so called sorted recylables stright to the landfill because it has been so poorly sorted that it is impossible to recycle. The worst of it is, that the Coucils still claim this poorly sorted waste that has been binned is actually recycled and added to their percentage of recycled waste. That is nothing short of a con and is inherently dishonest. Is that what our Councils have reduced themselves too, dishonesty!

The Expert answers:

I totally agree! Why worry about 300 years time if you are going to die of e-coli or diptheria anytime soon!!!!!

Paul asks…

How do I hide recycles in the garbage?

The garbage man is always leaving notes. How can I hide the recycles where he can’t see them?

The Expert answers:

Look in your yard for another garbage can, a brightly colored one, maybe it’s blue or yellow for instance. That garbage can will have a white triangle stamped on the side. Hide those recycle-ables in those cans. The garbage man can only see green or black garbage cans so when the garbage man comes he won’t see them!
Now- here’s the secret, when the garbage man’s gone sneek those brightly colored cans out to the curb, especially whenever you hear a big truck that makes sounds of glass bottles being collected, and that’s it! They magically empty themselves! Just remember to bring those empty colored cans back from the street so you can fool your garbage man again in the future! Good luck.

Jenny asks…

Why dont we make a garbage/recycling station on the moon and man it with prisoners ?

or scientists ? the work on earth to prepare the material would be good, help clean the environment, add purpose to the space program – no its not hauling trash, its saving the earth. We need to overcome our predjudice to garbage (a weed is a flower…). We could staff it with prisoners or scientists or both and give them meaningful work and a thrilling expierence that would change their opinions and desires about probably everything – providing excellent councelling and education/rehabilitation services also. Plus laws on the moon regarding prisoners who are bad or serial could be a little more ‘out of sight out of mind’. Plus imagine the movie spinoffs CONSTATION 😀

I think this idea rocks, or some variation. Then our environmental monies can goto moon research too, plus garbage makes methane and other ‘garbage juice’ fuels, this would allow for a refueling station to developo slowly also. Am I awsome or what ? Write your Senate !
10,000/kg, I know all this. But we already spend billions, why not get SOMETHING happening up there ?
what if we use the WhiteKnight 2 to launch parcels of garbage which can crash on the moon ?? Huh, then its like way cheaper and less pollouting ?
Open that mind up people, NASA is not the only operational (perhaps the most inefficent) space group, bigelow, that guy from google is it, virgin, there are options, 3.2 billion is an buttload of money for a plane and a can of trash to get thrown out, you dont have to man it and do alot just throw it off the earth and bam… come on, you guys : P
yes it would still be more expensive than just dumping it in the woods is now, but thats sorta the point, it would create jobs, and hlep people to think about the mooon, it would reduce planetary garbage and seepage, all of which costs much money and potentially undoable damage… And yes, it would be awfully cool, I know we dont spend much on coolness in north america (see movie gross for 2000-2009) but hey, what the heck I like to throw things at the moon.
garbage can go well ahead of poeple then there is stuff up there to build the colony out of. I know u guys dont understand the comming dramatic reduction in per pound delivery from these posts, but ya, we’re soooo worried about how well prisoners are kept safe now, I guess I can understand the concern there. And if its safe to have natural gas running up and down every street, I dont understand how less safe a spacelab would be, alas… I am going to build this industry from the ground up with or without the support of Yahoo Answers then ! hmph, lol 😉

The Expert answers:

The ultimate problem with recycling and disposal of trash comes down to energy and pollution. Disposing on Earth can cause pollution and recycling can save energy and reduce pollution if done correctly. To send it to the moon would cost orders of magnitude more energy than just disposing of it, and the pollution of sending all those rockets into space would also be unfathomable.

Even if energy was cheap and you could send the material without polluting, you’d be able to spend the energy much more efficiently on pollution abatement of the trash on earth (incinerators with smokestack scrubbers, and other things that right now are too expensive because energy is too expensive)

The only material worth sending into space would be extremely hazardous material such as nuclear waste, but then the danger of a crash or explosion would not be acceptable. Good thinking but that particular scenario will not physically or energetically ever make sense.

Edit: It doesn’t matter what you use to launch the stuff to the moon. It will always take at least the amount of energy that is the gravitational potential difference between the earth and the moon, plus all of the fixed material costs needed to effect the transport. It’s simply conservation of energy. If you solve any of those problems, then you will have solved all of the Earth’s energy problems, and if you have done that, then you will surely find a much simpler solution to deal with pollution which uses less energy. Unless you just like wasting energy for the coolness of it all. In that case, go ahead and do it. I mean, in that case, why not send all of our trash and prisoners into a new orbit and create a new planet with really delicious food where you don’t have to work hard.

Sandra asks…

Does it really do any good to separate out garbage to be recycled from other garbage?

What happens to the garbage you put out to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

I think that it is done when it is economically viable. If there is no market or an over abundance of a particular recyclable, then I suspect it is disposed in the trash stream.

David asks…

Where can i find a half garbage half recycling can small enough for a bedroom?

I need a garbage bin that is split in half so i can use it for both recycling and garbage in my bedroom, I need one i can find in Canada or have delivered to a Canadian address.
I have looked everywhere and can no longer find it. just trying to do some good for the environment.

The Expert answers:


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