Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

question about the Gulf Oil Spill?

what is happening to the oil that its been spill? is it been recycle and send to the consumer? or it is getting wasted?
cnn just announce that the “leak” is no longer a leak, its gushing 70000 barrels a day, bp has no solution for the disaster. how long until we ran out and economies collapse?

The Expert answers:

It is floating, polluting, contaminating garbage. It cannot be picked up, cleaned/isolated and refined into a useful product. It’s just a horrible man-made disaster, and there is absolutely nothing that can, will, or can be made to come out of it.

Michael asks…

How Many Needless Road Journeys Do You Make In A Week?

Multiply that by the 26 million cars on Britain’s roads and you have a lot of wasted resources, ie oil reserves.

Road pricing would mean people would think of every car journey as a cost. So before nipping out in the car to recycle those used wine bottles, have a think, could you not do it on the way to work instead.

More fuel saved and cleaner environment.

The Expert answers:

About 10 most weeks, if I organised my cycling a bit better, I could travel less and achieve the same things.
But cycling enables me to help others, whereas walking would mean I could spend much less time doing things for them.
The oil I use on the chain and bearings is only a tiny amount, and the extra cycling I do does not increase the amount of oil I apply to the cycle.
Yesterday I left my cycle at an hospital and walked around the place to get something to eat, and a better understanding of the area, while waiting for visiting time to come round. I also had time to cycle to a library to spend some time while waiting for visiting times.

Do you NEED to use a car to go to work?

Nancy asks…

How dangerous is it to use recycled bacon grease for frying fish, meat, etc. on a strict low cholesterol diet?

My aunt who came out here from the Philippines to live with us, does most of the cooking and is TOTALLY oblivious to how unhealthy using recycled grease is and what it does to your arteries, her coming from the countryside on a farm and all. I use olive oil whenever frying; mostly fish, but can’t always supervise the kitchen. I shouldn’t have to. My mom’s boyfriend has a stubborn habit of saving the grease instead of tossing it. If I see it, I’ll get rid of it. This stupidity is a combination of not wanting to waste anything and the desire for the flavor that the grease puts into whatever your’re frying. That’s gonna give someone a heart attack as he’s already found out. I’d sure hate to lose anyone to heart disease on the count of someone’s cluelessness/retentiveness. Suggestions please!?

The Expert answers:

You’re right! Iit is best to eliminate as much animal fat from our diet as possible, not just bacon grease. But, as you look around you, much of the population ignores this recommendation. Some people get lucky with a favorable set of genes; consequently their cholesterol and triglycerides remain low in spite of diet. The rest of us aren’t so fortunate.

As I see it, talk with your mom, try to educate her boyfriend and your aunt. If no luck, you may have to do all of your own cooking or move out. Good luck on a satisfactory resolution of a thorny problem.

Carol asks…

Sustainability? Where?

Recycle oil, paper, aluminum, produce less waste, saving water is good and helpful, but every year we want more and more economic growth,

The bank does not know how many of grew 10%, the economy in underdeveloped countries grew by 5%, China has grown to the equivalent a11%

Record in selling cars, phones, clothes, electronics, export and import records, records of livestock production, agricultural record in paper production, meat.

increasing investments in production and consumption….

something is not wrong in that calculation?

will be sustainable as a race this way?

Remove and return very little in my opinion is not synonymous with sustainability, and to you?

The Expert answers:

No, the system is not sustainable now. Yes, we should reuse, recycle and reduce waste. We should aim with all our might to make things… Say, less unsustainable than they are now. Without regard or connection to economic growth or lack thereof.

Jenny asks…

How is the earth spirit Gaia feeling, nowadays?

I’m at the supermarket the other day, an elderly lady is going out of her way to stuff a bundle of recycled plastic grocery bags into the receptacle.

I think about how corporations across the country illegally dump toxic waste into aquifers, bays, rivers, and the ocean. Similarly, overseas in China and elsewhere, governments and businesses (really, the same thing) illegally dump radioactive waste, sewage, plastics and other non-biodegradable substances into areas of human and animal habitation.

Of course there’s the occasional oil spill, where a supertanker might break apart and let loose millions of gallons of crude oil, which suffocates fish and birds and other wildlife.

Given these largely human-made circumstances, how is the earth spirit Gaia doing?

The Expert answers:

She. Is. PISSED!

Mark asks…

What to do with stale french fries?

My husband brought two L bags of french fries from McDonald’s, but obviously he had carried them with him for a long time, and the potatoes were anything but crispy. They tasted like wet straw. I don’t like french fries myself, but hate to waste food, especially that much. Any idea how can I cook them/recycle them , if possible without using vegetable oil or butter, or anything alike.

The Expert answers:

Cut them up into little squares and boil them for about 2 mins and use them in a broth… Its good…

Sandra asks…

TIres that last for a lifetime why are we not using them?

I was watchingon tv way back probably 10years ago where tires have been made to last a lifetime they dont rot or hardly wear out .Alot of oil can be saved we dispose of alot of tires in America and recycle but we create more waste .

The Expert answers:

The more wear resistant you make a tire the less traction it has. Making tires is a study in compromises.

Lizzie asks…

How do you justify using plastics and anything else that is made form oil?

Quite interesting reading about peoples thoughts in this section when they proclaim to be so called animal lovers and justify preaching and hating people for being omnivore despite what they do to help the planet if you are not vegetarian you are not even trying at all. Yet these same people and many others who have moral obligations choose to use oil products and as this is aimed at vegetarians in which most depend on it heavily than using any animal product. How do you justify our even avoid using as little plastic or other oil products at home. A product that we heavily depend on and one that devastates the ecosystem it is near enough impossible to recycle or decompose and a product that when drilled for companies are legally aloud to dump small amounts of nuclear waste which builds into a big problem when they use it too much?


The Expert answers:

I agree that plastic is used/wasted too much. Especially in the UK when it comes to the amount of unecesarry packaging on supermarket items, and the total wastage of carrier bags.
But, are we to rely on paper bags for everything? That means trees are chopped down, which interferes with the eco-system of lots of animals and insects. So, no matter what options we take we will always leave a destructive footprint. It would be nice to live in a perfect world – but I think we’re all adults here and realize that fairies don’t exist. Except in MY garden. ‘)

Personally I try to use as little plastic as possible – but, because of the amount of it used in the modern world it can be difficult. I also don’t drive a car or use public transport – I generally walk everywhere or on occasion ride my bike. So, only a little oil there…yay me.

One thing is though, why is it that people always presume just because your’e a veg*n that you’re also a so-called eco-warrior?

I also haven’t seen too much preaching and hating of omni’s in here either – in my personal experience I have found it’s usually the omni’s who do the preaching and hating.
Which is pretty sad really.

David asks…

Can any of you answer these questions?

1. Using inexpensive, home-built, non-approved equipment is a good alternative for recycling refrigerants.
True or False

2. The NFiPA 704 system uses a numerical value between _____ and _____ to indicate the level of hazard for that particular chemical.
A. 1; 10
B. 1; 20
C. 0; 9
D. 0; 4

3. Which of the following fluids can be mixed with used oil for recycling?
A. Cutting oils, gear and petroleum-based cooling oils
B. Wastewater
C. Paints, paint thinners and paint wastes
D. Antifreeze

4. The Top 10 list of environmental challenges in a mechanical repair shop includes all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Batteries, tires & air conditioning
B. Scrap glass and plastic
C. Floor drains, absorbents and spills
D. Antifreeze, oil & other similar fluids

5. Chemicals that contain CFCs do NOT generally include:
A. Disinfectants not in an aerosol propellant
B. Aerosol propellants
C. Paint solvents
D. Fire retardants

6. Used or non-functioning catalytic converters must be kept by the repairer for ______ after removal from the car and tagged with the car make, date of removal and repair order number.
A. 24 hours
B. 15 days
C. 6 months
D. 2 years

7. Damaged or used batteries should be:
A. Stored on sturdy, acid-resistant shelves, no more than one high
B. Immediately placed in an acid-resistant container
C. Covered in large quantities of baking soda
D. Soaked in a neutralizing agent

8. Only shop owners and supervisors are considered legally responsible and may be criminally liable if they knowingly allow or participate in environmental violations.
True or False

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the three ways to recycle antifreeze?
A. On-site recycling
B. Subterranean recycling
C. Mobile recycling
D. Off-site recycling

10. Contaminated rags are recommended for disposal in landfills.
True or False

11. A blue NFiPA label indicates:
A. Special information
B. Health hazard
C. Flammability
D. Reactivity

12. Which of the following is NOT a good way to handle used oil filters?
A. Pay to have an employee to dispose of filters
B. Locate a scrap recycler who will take used filters
C. Throw used oil filters in the trash
D. Locate a used oil filter recycler in your area and professionally recycle the filter

13. Pollution or waste that is generated from a business is called a:
A. Pollution path
B. Toxin trial
C. Hazard load
D. Waste stream

The Expert answers:

1 false
2 D. 0; 4
3 A. Cutting oils, gear and petroleum-based cooling oils
4 B. Scrap glass and plastic
7 B. Immediately placed in an acid-resistant container
11 B. Health hazard
12 C. Throw used oil filters in the trash

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