Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

Where can I get money for recycling pop cans in Indiana?

Is there anywhere around Muncie Indiana or in Muncie?

The Expert answers:

Hi there, you are to be commended for recycling.

Go to and just put in your zip code. It will give you a list of the centers nearest to you.

Lizzie asks…

Do you get money for recycling soda cans in TX?

when i lived in NY you could take your soda cans to walmart or a supermarket and put them in a machine and it would give you a voucher to turn into the customer service for cash. I am moving to TX an was wondering if they do that here as they do not do it here in fl were i currently live.

The Expert answers:

UGH! I lived in NY too and we always recycled! I now live in Texas and nope they don’t do it! I’m a little disappointed about it…I actually liked recycling…

Daniel asks…

Can I make money recycling Hangers?

I have tons of dry cleaners hangers. I’ve heard you can either send them back to the dry cleaner or to a scrap metal dealer. Do you know if the dealer will pay you for these hangers?

The Expert answers:

Hi u can make money on these the actuall price of scrap is £30 a ton but are they alumminum ones because if they are and u have lots if u wait till after christmas scrap & metal prices are meant to rise so ull be quids in as for giving them away thats maddnes just to make someone else a proffit

William asks…

where take alum. cans for recycling for money in dupage co.?????

The Expert answers:

To a scrap metal place like where they buy cars.

Mary asks…

Where can I get money for recycling in Chicago?

I live in Chicago and I want to know if there is any places here where they have recycle for money drop offs. ( I checked on google already)

The Expert answers:

Look it up in the phone book under recycling.

Mark asks…

where in Broward county, Florida can i get money for recycling soda cans i collect and how much is it per lb?

per lb for aluminum?

The Expert answers:

Go to to locate a local recycle center, there should be contact info so you can get the rate.

Linda asks…

where can i get money for recycling aluminum cans in chicago, illinois? ?

im just wondering because i’m short on cash and im sure i can get hella aluminum cans. i know you dont get paid MUCH but i can easily get like 5 garbage bags full in like 20 minutes.

The Expert answers:

Well it all depends where you live in Chicago…I know of a few places in the southeast side if you are interested. That is good that you are recycling these cans and even better if you could get so many bags full of them you might even be better off selling these…well many people do earn a living by just doing so taking all kinds of aluminum to these recycling areas. Well i wish you the best of luck selling these cans and hopefully you get what they are worth. – (773) 821-1351 – (312) 226-0473 – (312) 666-0011 – (773) 252-1989 – (773) 493-1470 – (773) 247-2070

Laura asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Northern VA and surrounding area’s?

a location , or number or something would or website for my area would be very helpful thanks in advance 🙂

The Expert answers:

Try going to the link below and selecting your city.

Thomas asks…

Can I earn money for recycling household batteries just like the cans.?

Where to recycle those household batteries

The Expert answers:

I don’t know about making money off recycling batteries but here are a couple of sources for information on locations. Call2Recycle for locations at 1-877-2-recycle and also you can contact the Battery Council International. Also I have seen drop off boxes at Home
Depot and Lowe’s.

In the recycling process, spent—or dead—batteries are broken apart, and the lead, plastic and acid are separated. The lead is melted, poured into ingots and delivered to battery plants to be used in new batteries. The plastic is chipped, washed and delivered to a plastics plant, where it is melted and made into new battery cases and other parts.

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