Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

When you delete something on your computer from the recycle bin is it gone for good on the computer?

And also when something is deleted from the recycle bin does that help free up space on the computer?

The Expert answers:

Put it this way, There is a tool. You can get it free over the internet. It’s called Glary Utility’s. I have used it several times to recover data thought to be deleted. If you want to make sure something is gone use Ccleaner. On the advanced tab check wipe free space. You can also check Options, Settings, Secure file delete. In the box check Gutmann. 35 passes. I’ve tried it. It works.

Charles asks…

Help my ring fell in the clothes recycle bins?

I was recycling some clothes when one of my rings fell in the clothes recycle bin? what should I do?

The Expert answers:

Hehehe…. Start diggin

Sandy asks…

Someone stole my city issued trash/recycle bins?

Does anyone know a number I can call to get new ones, and will I have to pay for them? The website isn’t loading on my pc for some reason. I live in San Antonio, TX.

The Expert answers:

Majed A. Al-Ghafry
Director of Public Works

Contact Us
Director’s Office
Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Main Line: (210) 207-8022
Fax: (210) 207-4406

Sharon asks…

Where is the recycle bin located in Windows Vista?

I just bought (November 2008) a Sony Vaio laptop with windows vista installed and I can delete stuff but I can’t find the recycle bin to empty it.

The Expert answers:

Sometimes it gets deleted by accident, but it should be on the desktop. To get it back, simply right click on the desktop, select “Personalize” from the menu, now on the very left select “Change Desktop Icons” click on that and make sure the Recycle Bin is checked.

Chris asks…

How can a deleted file from Recycle Bin be recovered?

I have deleted an important file from My Documents and later emptied the Recycle Bin. How can I recover the deleted file now?

The Expert answers:

You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, it all depends on what has happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

If and when that happens, then it is too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.

One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software.

A good tip is to try the free demo version of a commercial product that will scan the device for deleted files and show you exactly what files can be recovered. At least that will show you if you can recover the deleted files or if it’s too late already. You can find more useful information on how to recover deleted files at

Betty asks…

When you delete something from the recycle bin is it permanently deleted?

Is it permanently deleted when you delete a file from the recycle bin? (win xp) If it isn’t how easy is it to find these files? where can i find them?

The Expert answers:

Essentially they are gone. You would have to run file recovery software or do a system restore to get something back.

Ken asks…

How do you delete one item from the recycle bin on an Apple Computer?

I have an Apple Laptop and unlike windows it doesn’t give me the option to delete individual files (Or maybe I just don’t know how) from the Recycle Bin instead it gives me two options :Empty Recycle Bin or Restore File
I am under the assumption that Emptying the Recycle Bin would delete all of the items which I don’t want to do and I don’t feel like restoring any files

The Expert answers:

Open the Trash window, then open Terminal and type

rm [space]

then drag the file into the Terminal window and press return.

Make sure the Terminal window is forefront before you press return or it will not delete the file

If the file is being particularly obstinate, there’s probably a problem with its permissions. In this case, just type:

sudo rm [space] and drag the file and [return].

Paul asks…

Why can I no longer see the items I sent to the recycle bin?

The Icon indicates the folder is full. When ‘Empty Recycle Bin’ is clicked; it ask if I want to delete the 26 items in the recycle bin. The ‘Property’ setting is not set to auto delete items. I ‘de-fragmented’ a couple of days ago, but have since deleted item and they are not showing up. Does anyone know why this is happening? What can I do to make the deleted items visible in the ‘Recycle Bin’?

The Expert answers:

This could be the device problem…

Just report that problem to the device/mechanical service about this situation…

Good luck!

Sandra asks…

Can I transfer files from my recycle bin in my laptop that won’t start by taking out its hard drive?

My Sony Vaio laptop won’t start and its not repairable. I was advised to take out the files via a external hard drive. I have files that were in my recycle bin can I still retrieve them?

The Expert answers:

If the laptop won’t start then you have to take out the hard drive. However, there is a cheap fix. There is this gizzmo called hard drive reader, Its a USB device that plugs into your computer, via USB and your old hard drive plugs into it. It runs about 30 or 40 bucks. 🙂

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